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Tanaka sighs as we watch y/n kiyoko laugh with each other. He had a crush on both of the girls. You'd think he'd go for the easy choice(y/n) because kiyoko wouldn't give him the time of day.

A school dance was coming up soon and he didn't know who to ask.

"I don't see why you don't ask y/n" Noya says

"But what about kiyoko?" He asks

"What about her? She doesn't like you like that" Noya says

"Ouch" Tanaka says

"It's true! We all know kiyoko isn't going to give you the time of day. She sees you as little brother. Y/n actually likes you" Noya says

It was true. Kiyoko has made it clear to Tanaka that they'd will never be anything but friends but y/n has made it clear to Tanaka that she likes him.

"I say you just go with y/n" Noya says shrugging

"So y/n who are you going to the dance with?" Yachi asks

"Oh I'm not going" y/n says chuckling sadly

"What why?" Kiyoko asks

"I'd rather not be reminded that I'm single" y/n says shrugging

"Nobody asked you?" Yachi asks

"No I asked Tanaka to go with me but he said he wasnt going" Y/n says shrugging

Yachi couldn't Believe it! Y/n was beautiful and she heard a lot of first years in her class talking about taking her to the dance so why doesn't she have a date yet

"Well you can go with me" Yachi says smiling

"Thanks Yachi" Y/n says smiling

"Hey uh y/n could you help with English since its your native language?" Tanaka asks. If he didnt pass his upcoming english test hed surely be off the team

"Uh sure your house?" She asks smiling

"Y-yeah he says

That day y/n followed Tanaka to his house so they could study. Once they got stetted with their books they got started.

"Whats this word?" Y/n asks

"Bathroom" Tanaka says

"Good now english" Y/n says

"English...I Mean bathroom" he says nervously

"Thats good" Y/n giggles patting his back making tanaka blush. Y/n puts her hair curls into a puff on the top of her head fanning herself

"I-if your hot you can take your blazer off" Tanaka says

"Great" Y/n says unbuttoning her blazer. Tanaka the first three buttons undone exposing a little bit of cleavage making tanaka gulp

"Little brooo!!" Saeko screams coming into the room

"Saeko! Get out" Tanaka says sighing

"Oh hey y/n I didnt know you were here" She says hugging y/n

"Yeah just helping Tanaka on his english" She says

"Mom wanted to know what colors you and Kiyoko were wearing to the dance?" Saeko says confusing Y/n and making tanaka sweat

"Dance? You told me you werent going?" Y/n says but Tanaka sighs not saying anything

"I think I should go" Y/n says grabing her things rushing to the door

"Yn wait" Tanaka says

"No Tanaka fuck you! You didnt have to lie to me. And now I know what it is. I knew you liked Kiyko more than me but something in me just felt like just maybe JUST MAYBE I had a chance. You didnt have to lead me on like that...find a new tutor" Yn says walking away making Tanaka sigh

It was the night of the dance and yn was getting dress. She didn't want to go but Yachi convinced her to come so here she was dressed

 She didn't want to go but Yachi convinced her to come so here she was dressed

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and getting ready to walk into the hall building that held the dance.

"Where's yn?" Noya asks yachi

"On her way...I hope" Yachi says sighing sadly. Just then yn walking in running a hand through her freshly done beach curls

"There she is!" Noya says pointing making Tanaka's jaw drop

"Woah" he says

"You wish she was your date now don't you" Noya says snickering. As Tanaka was about to approach you he stops when he sees Hinata taking your hand running somewhere with you

"Well kiyoko is here you better go with your date" Noya says patting Tanaka's back walking away to find you

Tanaka didn't want to be with kiyoko anymore. He wanted to be with yn.

It had been an hour and Tanaka wasn't having a good time. Kiyoko had left long ago to be with her friends which left him at a table by himself.

The whole time yn felt eyes on her and she knew who they belonged to but she paid them no mind. Tanaka watches as yn leaves the building go outside and He made the decision to follow her outside

"Yn?" He asks as he gets outside seeing her sitting down on a Bench. Yn looks up sighing rolling her eyes seeing who it is

"Hi...Tanaka" she says

"Why are you out here by yourself?" He asks

"It's hot as hell in there! I'm black!" She says making Tanaka chuckle as he sits next to her

"And why are you out here instead of being inside with kiyoko?" Yn asks. The girls name left a bitter taste in her mouth

It wasn't that she didn't like kiyoko they were good friends. She just felt like she was competing with a chick over a spot that she didn't even want.

"She's some where with her friends" Tanaka says sighing. After that it was silent for a minute or two.

"You didn't have to lie to me Tanaka. I would have been okay with the truth" yn says

"I'm sorry" he says

"Yeah I bet you are" yn says

"How about we go back in and dance together?" Tanaka asks with a slight smile

"No" yn says

"No!?" Tanaka repeats in a questionable tone

"No...I'm not going to keep allowing you to lead me on. I'm a runner up for a girl who isn't even your girl! For a girl who doesn't even want to be your girlfriend and I only have one thing to say...me or kiyoko" yn says standing up and walking away

"Yn really?" He asks standing up

"I'm so serious" yn says. It was quiet as Tanaka was putting his brain in thought. Yn scoffs walking away

"Wait yn! I thought about it" Tanaka says making yn turn around

Good chapter Right😃👍🏽?

Okay I play entirely to much

"I-I chose kiyoko" Tanaka says sadly

"As I knew you would. Your picking a girl who doesn't care about you the way I! The girl who genuinely can love for you! Your stupid! Don't speak to me anymore" yn says walking away in hurry

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