My brothers bestfriend// oikawa

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Oikawa smiled as you walked into the gym

"What are you smiling so hard for shitty-kawa" iwa says

"Oh Iwa-chan...your in my business?? Don't do that" oikawa says waving his hand

"What was that?!" Iwa says ready to pumble oikawa. Luckily for him you were standing near and blew the whistle signalling it was time to practice

You and oikawa had been sneaking around since middle school. Iwa had one rule for all his friend

One and only rule: Stay away from my sister!

But the rule was Established after you and oikawa started messing around. Everybody knew but your older brother and you rather keep it that way.

-time skip(the weekend)-

Even though iwa acted like he couldn't stand oikawa he was actually the only person he trusted and the hung out...everyday

"Where's Y/N? I haven't seen her" oikawa says looking around for you

"She should be back by now you know she goes on runs around this time" iwa says handing oikawa a controller

About 20 minutes later you came into the house. You were in a pink Nike sports bra and black Nike spanks holding your water bottle in you sweaty hands.

Oikawa allowed his eyes to drop down your sweaty body But hurried to look away before your older broker he could catch him

"Sup sis how was your run?" Iwa ask

"It was cool I'm finna go shower" you say

"Okay wait can you do me a favor?" Iwa ask making you sigh

"What is it iwa I'm sweaty and dirty" you say

"The rest of the team is coming over and you PLEASE make us some snacks?" He asks making your eyes pop out your skull

"No" you say rolling your eyes

"Y/N...Make us some snacks you owe me" he says making you groan

"Fine let me shower first" you say running up the stairs to the bathroom to shower and change into a simple outfit. A pair of Nike spanks and white T-shirt

As you were getting dress you could hear the rest of the team come into the house. You chill for at least five minutes before going to make the snacks

As you hit the bottom of the stairs iwa was already at the stairs waiting on you

"Are you going to be the best little sister ever and make the snacks?" He asks

"I'm your only little sister but yeah" you say rolling your eyes

"Thanks I love you" he says kissing your cheek and rushing out

"Yo oikawa go in there and see what she's making us" Iwa says. Oikawa gladly gives his controller to kunimi and rushing to the kitchen where you were

He walks in as you bend down to grab a bowl to put the chips in.

"I like the view" he says smirking making you stand up and return it

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