Teach me// Tsukki

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-Tsukishima's pov-

I try so hard not to pop my three year old on the forehead with a comb. Every night Yn would brush her hair then wake up and brush it in the morning because kristian slept wild

"Daddy stop!" She says grabbing my leg

"Kristian stop moving please" I say

"Daddy your hurting me" she says. I cover her mouth in a hurry checking my surroundings

"KEI!! I know you ain't hurting my baby!" Yn says coming in the living room. I sigh as Kristian jumps up running to Yn

"Mommy daddy snatch my hair out" kristian says

"I know you fucking lying!" Yn says running her hand through the black and blind curls of our daughters hair

"All I did was comb her hair" I say sighing

"Mommy I want bows and braids" kristian says

"Well mommy doesn't have time to do your hair but daddy will do it" Yn say

"No!" Me and kristian both say at the same time

"Yes! I need to get to the airport! I'll show you how to do it" Yn says picking up kristian sitting next to me

"Oil it. Comb it. Part it. Pony tail this side. Grab this part. Gel it. Rubber band it. Comb it. Twist like this. Rubber band the end. Slap the bobo on it. Done" Yn says looking at me with a smile

"I can't do this" I say sighing

"Nigga sit here and do my baby hair" Yn says through gritted teeth. I grab the comb in a hurry coming kristian's hair

"Owwww! Daddy that hurts!" Kristian says pouting

"Not so hard! Don't hurt my baby!" Yn says taking the twist down

"Aren't you going to be late?" I ask in an annoyed tone

"I will now take me to the airport" Yn says brushing kristians hair into a big ponytail

Yn worked at the air port as a customer service agent  part time. She didn't work every day because I still played volleyball but Yn insisted that she got a job

"Her hair is done! Why do I have to do it?" I ask

"Cause I'm going to Nana's house!" Kristian says grabbing her glitter force plush doll from the couch

"When is she going to my moms house? And her hair is fine" I say

"Later tonight when I get off work and yo momma always got something to say about my baby hair and she not finna say nothing bout her hair" Yn says picking kristian up

It wasn't that my mom didn't like Yn. She loved her and she loved kristian but she always fount kristian's multicoloured curls "wild"

She always gave Yn some type of hair supply to put in kristians hair that she always threw away because my mother would even know the first thing about kristian's hair

I always felt the second hand embarrassment because my mother genuinely felt like she was helping her grand daughter.

-time skip-

"You better come get me" Yn says smiling at me

"And what if I don't?" I ask smirking

"I'll just catch a ride with Bokuto. Ya know he likes the way I-" I cut her off wrapping my hand around her throat

"You love playing with me. Yn I swear I'll fuck you up" I say

"Maybe I want you to fuck me up?" She says giggling

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