No time for me// Sugawara

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You sigh as you lay down in suga's bed. He had asked you to spend the weekend with him but he was no where to be found

His family loves you so you just made your self right at home but they could tell something was wrong. You got tired of just laying there so you went downstairs where his family was

"Hey Y/n you okay?" His brother asks

"Uh yeah I'm fine...just waiting for suga" you say smiling small

"He should have been here by now? Did you call?" He asks

"Yup! Text to...he Hasn't picked up" you say with a sigh

"That's not like's almost dinner time" his mom says shaking her head. You knew what was up...that damn volleyball

You didn't mind him playing matter of fact you loved that he was doing what he loved. You had the same love for(your favorite sport) but you never let it take over your life the way Suga let it take over his.

He's canceled dates just to practice. The first few times you didn't mind but when it became an everyday thing that's when it was a problem

He just didn't have time for you anymore. You don't or didn't see yourself with anybody other than Suga...but you were thinking about ending things.

"You seem tired" his dad says

"Oh I am" you mumble

"Go upstairs we'll tell him your here" his brother says. Just as you get up the door opens and in walks Suga

He spots you and smiles but you just ignore him and walk up stairs to his room. He frowns looking at his family

"She's upset with you" his brother says

"W-what why?" He asks

"You've been canceling dates for practice?" His mom asks

"Y-yeah but only because I want to go to nationals" he says to his family who just roll their eyes

"You better fix it and fix now" his brother says making him rush up the stairs

He was met with you sliding your bag over your shoulder

"Wait Y/n where are you going?" He asks

"Home sugawara" you say sighing

"B-but why you always spend the on the weekends" he says sadly

"Well I think that tradition is comin to an end" you say with a sarcastic smile

"What does that mean Y/n" Suga asks

" know exactly what it means we're breaking up" you say making him whince

"Y/n No-" he starts but you cut him off

"No sugawara I'm done you have no time for me. Canceling our dates? Leaving me alone with your family? Don't get me wrong I love them but something's gotta give" you say

"You know the reason why I do these things! I want to go to nationals! You out of everybody should know how that feels" he says

"And that's fine! I want you to go to nationals Too but volleyball is taking over your life" you say

"It is not" Suga says

"Oh really? When's the last time you told me you love me?" You asks

"I-" he starts but you cut him off

"November 21st...two months ago suga" you say making him feel bad

"You just don't have time and that's fine. Volleyball is what you love to do and I won't get in your way any longer" you say

"Y/n I can't do this without you!" He says grabbing my hand

"Suga I'm not even going to make you choose. You love me but you love volleyball more...I love you" you say kissing his cheek and walking out the door making his heart crush into a million pieces

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