My little person//Noy

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-Noya's pov-

"Yooo Noyaaaa!"

I sigh as I hear the voice of Tanaka booming through my shared apartment

"Yes Tanaka" I say turning away from my desk

"You know how those pocket size people are like really popular?" He asks sitting on my bed cradling his jacket as if they're was a baby in it

"Yeahhh?" I ask turning back around to my desk

"Soo I got one" he says

"Cool...what's the problem?" I ask

"My mom and sister won't let me keep her. They said they don't want to step on her" he says

"Okay so get your refund" I say

"Uhh no refunds" he says making me roll my eyes

"Of course" I mumble

"Buttt...since Asahi Suga and Daichi are always with their girlfriends and will most likely be moving out soon!"He says

"And" I ask against

"I figured She could stay here!" He says making me sigh

"Why would I want to have your pocket size person?" I ask

"Cause you'll be alone Noya. And we all know you hate being alone" he says patting my shoulder. He wasn't wrong. I over heard Daichi and Suga talking about moving in with their girlfriends

I hated being alone. Call me selfish but I didn't want my friends to move

"Fine! Where is she?" I ask with a mumble. He smirks walking over to his jacket picking it up bringing it closer to me.

I prep into the jacket seeing the cutest little girl I've ever seen! She was so small and adorable. I watched as she light snored as She slept

"What's her name?" I ask

"Yn" he says tapping her little forehead

She wasn't to small to the point were I could step
On her and break her. She was like the size of a small baby puppy

"Ryu?" She asks slowly sitting up

"It's me!" Tanaka says shouting

"Shhh your to loud" she says

"Oops sorry my bad" Tanaka says

She looks over at me before looking back at Tanaka

"Who's he?" She asks in a whisper

"He can hear you! And remember I told you I'd find somebody else to take care of you?" He asks

"Yes" Yn says nodding

"Well this is Noya! They guy I was telling you about!" Tanaka says smiling. IYn turns around smiling. I slowly put mu palm out allowing her to jump into my open hand

"Hi mr.noyaa" she says smiling

"See?! Isn't she the cutest?!" Tanaka asks gushing over the small person

"That she is but no need for formalities you can just call me Yu" I say smiling down at her

"Okay yu" she says smiling

"Anything I should know about her?" I ask

"She has an oddly obsession with grapes and pineapples. I advise you to stack up" Tanaka says patting my back Getting up to leave

"Ryu?" Yn says in a sad tone

"Yes?" Tanaka responds back

"Will you be back?" She asks

"I'll come and visit as much as I can" he says kissing her little head

"Okay" she says sadly

"Don't be sad princess! Noya's a lot of funny I've know him since high school. He'll take good care of you" Tanaka says making her smile

"Okay! Bye Ryu!" She says waving

"Bye Yn!" He says smiling before leaving

As he closes the door I sit her down on my desk. She walks over sitting on the edge swinging her legs

"Got any pineapples?" She asks

"Actually yeah let's go to the kitchen" I say offering her a smile

-Yn's pov-

I watch as Yu cuts the pineapples pieces into smaller pieces so I could eat it.

"So do you like being a pocket sized person?" He asks making me shake my head

"No" I say grabbing the pineapple chuck from him

"Why not?" He asks

"Because I'm so small and cute people just put me in their pockets" I say sighing. Yeah I was all small and cute and fit inside of your pocket but that's all I was to people. A accessory.

"Well around here you could do as you please" he says handing me another chunk of pineapple

"Really?" I ask

"Really" he says smiling

"Yo Noya who you talking to?" Just then three other people walk in. They stare at me then Noya then back at me.  The man bun guy runs over to me picking me up making me drop my pineapple

"She's so cute!! Where'd you get her? What's her name? Is she staying?"

"My names yn" I say smiling at him

"Awwww!!!! Look at her Suga" he says turning around. I was met with another guy with silver hair. He smiles down at me before waving

"Where'd you get her?"

"She was with Tanaka but for some reason his family won't let her stay so she's staying with me" yu says

"Isn't that cute! I'm asahi! This is Suga and Daichi" man bun says. I smile waving at all of them

I point at the bowl of pineapple chucks gesturing that I wanted another one. Yu quickly gives me one making me smile

"So how are you pocket sized people born?" Daichi asks

"Ever seen thumbelina? We're born from very rare flowers on islands. That's why we cost so much" I say

"Really? That's so cool!" Suga says making me smile and nod. Soon I was yawning having asahi gush at how cute and small it was.I had a long day. Before coming over here me and Ryu hung out. I was gonna miss him

"Tired?" Yu asks making me nod

"Well uh I don't have a bed for you seeing I was expecting your arrival" yu says nervously

"Don't worry! Ryu let me sleep on his pillow" I say

"Oh okay cool" Yu says taking me from asahi walking back to his room. He sits me down on the pillow and grabbing a face rag

"I don't have anything else to keep you warm so this will have to do until I can get you something else" he says covering up my body

"Okay" I say

"Uh goodnight" he says

"Yu" I say stopping him


"Thank you" I say smiling at him

"No problem. Get some sleep" he says smiling before leaving out.

I just may like it here with Yu


I idea what this is. I was watching thumbelina and was like "ouuuu that's different!"

I don't even know💀but Noya is best boy🤩

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