Crazy 4 you prt2// Ushijima

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-Y/n's pov-

I scream and scratch at walls as Ushijima took me up the stairs.

"Y/n love you have to calm down" Ushijima says rubbing my back

"Stop touching me!" I shout kicking my feet. He grabs my ankles stopping me from kicking any longer

"Are you hungry?" He asks sitting me down on the counter. I give him the "really nigga?" Face.

"No" I say

"Well you have to eat" he says

"I don't want to eat anything from you" I say

"Y/n let's not do this" he says

"Let me go. Let Bokuto and oikawa go" I say

"No" he says grabbing a pot and a box of craft Mac and cheese. I hope he knows I'm not eating that shit

"Why did you take us? What are you going to do with us?" I ask

"Well...I'm going to kill oikawa and Bokuto and marry you" he says looking at me with a smile

"Your fucking crazy" I say in disgust

"Crazy about you love" he says rubbing my thigh. I slap it away making him sigh

"You'll come around. You love me to I know it" he says turning his back to me. I quickly and quietly speed walk to the door

I slowly and quietly unlock the door opening it only for sirens and red flashing red lights to go off. Just then Ushijima whips his head around locking eyes with me

I waste no time trying to get the screen door open and running outside as Ushijima shouts my name

-Bokuto's pov-

"Can you do some john wick shit with your feet?" I ask making oikawa glare at me

"Shit never mind then" I say

Just then a loud siren goes off

"What the hell is that?" Oikawa asks

"I don't know maybe it's the police" I say hopefully. Just then me and oikawa start shouting for help. Soon the sirens stop and so do we. About 5 minutes later we hear the basement door open

"We're down here!" I shout

"Bokuto Thats not an officer" oikawa says. I turn my head seeing Ushijima carrying a passed out y/n. Something came over me as I got angry seeing her limp body being carried

"What did you do to her!" I shout

"She tried to leave me so I hit her with a frying pan...she's not dead I promise" he says laying y/n down on the couch in the corner

"I'll kill you! Fucking crazy baster" I scream at him

"Ushijima let us go we won't say anything" oikawa says calmly

"I know you won't cause you won't live to tell the story" he says chuckling as he walks up the stairs


I look over at y/n's body. It looks like she put up a pretty good fight

"Damn it" I say. My hand started to itch. I start moving my tied hands around to scratch but ended up cutting my palm on something. I think it's a nail

I start moving the rope on it and soon my hands were free. I untie my feet and move onto oikawa

"How'd you get free?" He asks

"Old rusty nail" I say untying his hands. I walk over to y/n examining her wounds. She had small cuts on her arms and legs. But I had to do something with that head wound

"If he loves her so much why would he hurt her...with a frying pan?" Oikawa asks

"I don't but go over to the bathroom and see if you can find something to clean her wounds" I say. He nods and leave

I move her braids out and sigh

"I'm sorry y/n imma get you out of here I promise" I say

"I fount peroxide and bandage" oikawa says handing the stuff to me. I pour the peroxide cleaning it with a towel and wrapping her head up with the bandage

"We gotta find a way out" oikawa says

"Yeah we do. Was it a window in that bathroom?" I ask

"No" oikawa says. I look around seeing no windows around. The only way out is through the basement door

I walk up the stairs looking out the key hole seeing Ushijima walk pass and out the door. I rush back down the stairs

"He just left! We can kick the door down and make a run for it" I say picking up y/n's body

"We're taking her with her?" Oikawa says

"Yeah why wouldn't we?" I ask

"She'll slow us down" he says. I look up at him in disgust

"I'll carry her end of discussion" I say holding her

"I guess" he says walking up the stairs. After about four kicks the door flys open. Oikawa walks out first only to be hit with a bat.

I cover my mouth almost dropping y/n. I slowly walk back down the stairs so I can't be seen. I put y/n back on the couch and go back to my post putting my hands behind my back.

I'm sorry oikawa.

Ushijima walks back down the stairs dragging oikawa by his collar

"How'd he get lose?" Ushijima says throwing him down the stairs

"I don't know I was sleep. He woke me up saying he got lose" I say

"Mm" he says leaving up the stairs. Once I hear the door close I go and tend to oikawa. When I was done I could hear y/n groan. I get up and go to her

"Y/n? Are you okay?" I ask

"M-my head h-hurts" she says grabbing her head with tears

"I know and I'm sorry I'm gonna get you out of here I promise I swear" I say grabbing her hand

- y/n's pov-

It had been a few days since Ushijima smacked me with the pan. Once I got outside he chased me. I didn't know he had the pan in hand. I ran fast but he was taller and took long strides. He got me and smacked me.

Bokuto came up with this plan. Every so often Ushijima would come down to see if I was woke and to bring me something to eat. But everytime he came down I was still "unconscious".

Bokuto's plan was to tell Ushijima that I basically took my last breath. Ushijima would take me upstairs and I would sneak up and knock him out.

"You ready?" Bokuto asks

"Yeah" I say laying down on the floor closing my eyes. Just then I felt Bokuto pull me close

"USHIJIMA!! USHIJIMA!!" Bokuto screams

I hear the door open and I hold my breath. Here we go

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