After care//Ukai

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-Ukai's pov-

I smirk as Yn lays on the bed legs still shaking.

"Wrong position" I say tapping her leg

"What?" She says

"Your laying in the wrong position. Lay on your back with your legs up so the semen can get in"I say smirking

"You will not get me pregnant" she says giggling

"I will one day" I say walking into the bathroom to run some bath water

"Boy you not ready to be a single father" she says

"Oh your gonna leave me?!" I ask dropping a bath bomb into the water

"No baby I'm joking! Now come get me cause I can't walk" she says making me laugh. I walk back into the room picking her up walking to the bathroom

"Ouuu you put a bath bomb in it?! must really want that baby" she says making me laugh

"Maybe I do" I say putting her into the water and getting in shortly after her

"When I was out I got you something" I say handing her the container of honey body scrub

"Ahhh you got the honey sugar body scrub! I love you so much" she says smiling

"If you love me like you say so give me a kiss" I say smirking

"Don't mind if I do" she says leaning forward to kiss my lips. I grab the back of her neck bringing her closer to me. She pulls away with a smirk

"Keep playing...imma hop back on dat dick" she says making me laugh

"You want me to put that scrub on you?" I ask

"You just wanna feel on me but go ahead" she says handing the scrub to me. I open it putting some on my hands then rubbing it on her legs

"I didn't ask how was your day?" Yn asks

"It was great. I honestly feel like the boys can get to nationals" I say smiling

"I know they will to. They have an amazing coach" Yn says making me smile

"I didn't wanna brag but" I say making her laugh

"When are they coming back over? To eat my food your won't eat" Yn says

"Babe I do eat your food" I say

"The day after" Yn says

"Baby don't be like that" I say sighing

"Whatever wash my back" she says rolling her eyes as she turns around

"Baby I love your cooking! It's just when I get home I be to tried to eat!" I say running the soapy sponge over her back

"Okay" she says

"I'm serious! I'll eat dinner with you tomorrow! The store is closed and the boys practice is ending early" I say. She turns around grabbing me by the ear

"You better be here at 7:25 and I am not playing! If you are not here you can FORGET about hitting this again" she says letting my ear go

"Ow! Okay I promise! Your so abusive" I say rubbing my ear

"That's not funny I'm serious keishin" she says

"I will be here baby I promise" I say kissing her lips. I let the water out the tub and get out wrapping Yn in her towel

I pick her up taking her to the bedroom sitting her down on the bed

"Why do you have all these bottles of lotion only to use Shea butter?" I ask grab the jar

" bought those" she says rolling her eyes

"I did?...Oh I did!" I say laugh. I quickly get dressed going over to the bed grabbing Yn legs putting the Shea butter on them

"This smells really good" I say smelling the container

"I literally wear it all the time. All day everyday" Yn says

"I mean yeah I smell it on you but like it's faint it's not that strong on you" I say

"Oh really?" She asks

"Really" I say grabbing her arm putting rubbing the shea butter down her arm

"I'm not a baby I could have done this myself" she says sighing

"I know but your my baby" I say kissing her lips making her smile

"But you can't even walk! I don't wanna hear nothing from you" I say lightly slapping her thigh

"Boy bye I can stand up! It wasn't even all that" Yn say rolling her eyes

"Oh it wasn't? Says the woman grabbing the headboard and gripping the sheets trying to run saying "Ahh it's to much! Slow down! Keishin ah shit I'm finna cum!" I say mocking her

I look over and she was giving me the stank face

"I do not sound like that" she says

"I think you do. Baby just say my dick to good" I say smirking

"Boy shut the hell up and get me some clothes" she says making me laugh. I walk over to the dresser grabbing her a tank top a shorts. I noticed the pack of plan B pills and I grab them

I hand her the clothes and the box. She puts her clothes on and throws the box on the nightstand

"Why'd you do that?" I ask

"You didn't pull out right?" She asks

"No" I say

"Welp looks like your gonna have that baby" she says smirking

"Yn stop playing! You said you hate kids"I say

"I never said that!" She says

"Yeah you did! You said and I quote... Aw naw baby this ain't gon work! I don't even like kids" I say

"Shut up!" She says slapping my arm making me laugh

"Im joking but if your ready I'm ready" I say kissing her forehead

"I am. Can we go to sleep now?" She asks making me Chuckle

"Yeah we can" I say turning the lights off getting in the bed pulling Yn into me

"Love you babe" I say leaning down for a kiss

"Love you to" she says before falling asleep

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