Crazy 4 you//Ushijima

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Yanadere Ushijima

-Ushijima's pov-

I watch from a distance as y/n laughs with her friends. She was so beautiful and I've had my eyes on her for a while now. And seems like other people have to.

That damn Oikawa and Bokuto are always in her face. Trying to take her away from me. They must go. They can't be in her life anymore.

"Whats on your mind?" Semi asks

"Y/n" I say honestly

"Ohhh melanin beauty? You like her?" He asks making me nod

"I want her" I say shrugging

"Well I heard oikawa's gonna ask her out" he says

"I heard Bokuto is planning the same thing maybe they'll have a poly thing going on" tendou says giggling

"Not Over my dead body" I mumble

I watch as oikawa walks out of the lunchroom and I get up to follow him.

"Yo oikawa" I say gaining his attention

"Ushijima. What is it?" He asks

"Follow me" I say walking in a different direction

"Where are we going?" He asks. I push him into the supply closet locking it

"We need to talk" I say calmly

"About?" He asks smartly

"Y/n" I say cracking my neck

"What about her?" He asks

"She's mine. You or that Bokuto cant have her" I say

"Oh please and why would y/n want you?" He asks

I look behind him seeing a glass bottle. I punch him in the face grabbing the bottle and break it over his head. I don't know why the bottle was there but it was convenient.

"Because she doesn't have a choice" I say. I grab the Body quickly and store it somewhere. Now time to take care of Bokuto

-Y/n's pov-

I was walking home from track practice and it was kind of dark. The streetlights were coming on.

"Man I hope mom doesn't yell at me" I say sighing

"Hey y/n"

I look over seeing a familiar car. I walk over smiling

"Hi Ushijima" I say

Ushijima was our schools athlete. He played every sport in the book and We are on the track team together

"Hey y/n need a ride?" He asks

"Yes please" I say jumping in the car

"I was gonna offer you a ride at school but you left so fast" he says pulling off

"I was trying to get home so mom doesn't yell at me"  I say

"It's okay just give me the address" he says. I give him the address and we make small talk.

Soon we pull up to my house. I thank him and rush into the house.

"Momma I'm home" I shout walking into the house

"Girl stop shouting in my house and go wash your hands for dinner" she says

I nod and go do as told. After dinner I go do my homework and shower. After my shower I get dress and turn the lights off getting in the bed

As I was dozing off I hear my door opening. Assuming it was one of my siblings I get annoyed

"Bryce get the hell out" I shout

"Girl shut up I'm in my room!" My brother Bryce shouts

"Amina stop coming in my room!" I shout

"I'm in my room to girl be quiet" she says. I quickly turn around seeing my bedroom door open. I look around the dark room seeing nothing. I shrug it off thinking my momma left the hallway window open.

I ignore it and try and go back to sleeping

"NIGHT YALL!" My mom shouts

"Night ma!" Me and my siblings shout. And after that it was silent

After a while I feel somebody straddling me. I sigh thinking it was my brother trying to annoy me. I open an eye and try to scream but a hand covers my mouth.

I look up seeing Ushijima. He puts a cloth in my mouth stopping me from screaming

"You look beautiful" he says

I was scared. Shaking.

"Your mine right?" He asks. I shake my head no. He grabs me by my throat yanking me up

"Your mine right?!" He says through gritted teeth. I make a gag noise seeing as I was choking in two different ways. He noticed . His face softened and let me go

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to hurt you" he says caressing my cheek

"Let's go home" he says tying my hands and feet together throwing me over his shoulder and taking me from my home in the middle of night

-oikawa's pov-

I groan as I wake up. I don't even remember falling asleep

"Oikawa! Oikawa! Wake the hell up"

I open my eyes seeing Bokuto tied up.

"Where the hell are we? And why are you tied up?" I say trying to get up but I couldn't. I look down seeing my feet and hands tied up

"Ushijima fucking kidnapped us! Her kidnapped y/n to!" He says nodding his head over in the direction of a body

"Fuck" I say

I hear a groan from the side making me and Bokuto look over at y/n who was now waking up.

"Y/n!" Bokuto shouts

"Bokuto?" She says sitting up

"Yeah oikawa's here to!" He says. She stands up walking over to me

"Where are we?" She asks

"I'm going to assume Ushijima's basement. He was the last person I seen before I passed out" I say as yn gets my feet untied

"Yeah me to" y/n and Bokuto says

"I see your up"

We all turn around seeing Ushijima

"Hello love" he says smiling at y/n. He starts walking towards y/n. Y/n gets up and tries to run but he caught her

"Come on love let's see your new home" he says throwing her over his shoulder

" leave her alone!" Bokuto shouts

"I'll deal with you two later" he says going up the stairs

"Ushijima! Come back! Ushijima! USHIJIMA!!" I shout as the door slams

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