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Ennoshita's pov

I sigh as Y/n lays herself across my lap. She was doing HORRIBLE in math(sorry if that's your strong subject cause I SUCK😭) and I decided to help her but she wasn't focused

"Y/n babe pay attention" I say grabbing her making her sit up

"Noshiiiii I dont want to" She whines

"You should or your not going to be able to go to tokyo with me and I really want you to go" I say

"I want to go to but you know I hate math" she says

"why?" I ask

"Cause its stupid! When will I ever need to use yxm=b?" She asks making me laugh

"I don't think that's it but I dont know its just good to know this" I tell her

"Why though?" she asks whining again

"Okay how about every question you get right you get a kiss" I say knowing she couldnt resist my kisses. I smile as I watch her eyes grow wide. she grabs her text book and started to work all the problems

I had notice something. She was FLYING through the problems

"Did I do it right Noshi?" She ask in a cute voice. I check the problem and nod

"Can I get my kiss now?" She asks I nod leaning in

"Thank youuu" she says giggling

I get up going to the kitchen to get water when I spot her report card on the table. I pick it up and look at it

Math- A

It had a little note at the bottom

"She's exceptional! Knows all the answers asked in class"

I sigh putting it down. She tricked me. She didnt need my help at all! If anything I probably needed her help!

"Noshiii Come check my answer and give me a kiss!" Y/n shouts from the living room. I walk to the living room with the paper in my hand

"Look! I know I did this one right" She says smiling

"babe we need to talk" I say sitting down

"Oh...kay?" She says sitting in my lap

"Do you need help in math?" I ask

"Yes I told you that! I have a F" She says wrapping her arms around my neck

"But your report card says different" I say pulling it out

"Uhhh" She says trying to slip out my grip

"why'd you lie to me?" I ask

"I-I just missed hanging out. I know nationals is important to you but your so busy and I just knew if you knew I was doing bad in school you'd help me" She says with a pout.

I sigh. Maybe I have been neglecting her.

"i'm so sorry. I shouldnt have been neglecting you. Can you forgive me?" I ask

"Mhmmm Can I get 10 kisses" She asks smiling making my chuckle

"You can have what ever you want" I say kissing her forehead

How I feel about this: Eh

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