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Tendou was thirsty for you. Like boy needed water. The first time he had seen you his jaw dropped and he literally drooled. Every time he'd see you, you'd had him drooling like a teething baby.

You were the team manger and also ushijima's little sister. You were hot and dripping with Melanin. Slim thick with pretty curls. You were most defiantly ushijimas little sister. You always wore a stoic face but your smirk could make any man fall to his knees.

You were cunning,smart,and witty. You knew of Tendou's little crush on you. You did find Tendou attractive but you wouldnt give him the time of day. Unless not just yet. You were gonna play hard to get to see how hard and how far he'd chase you.

You knew your worth and you knew what you deserved. You wanted to know if Tendou could handle a girl like you. And Tendou was going to make sure he dotted his I's and T's to have you.

"Hey! Stop playing around what kind of set was that?!" You ask the setter

"Y/n...dont start" Semi says through gritted teeth

"Nigga you dont scare me! You better set better that or go home for the day" You say going to take notes

"I cant stand your sister"Semi says to ushijima

"I know" Ushijima says with a sigh

You talked to the whole team like that and they let you slide because you were hot

"Semi what the hell did I say? Your sets are ass" You say

Semi throws a ball in your direction thinking it would scare you but you didn't flinch an inch

"Y/n shut the hell up! You cant set better than me so who are you to tell me my sets are trash? You think you can talk to people any kind of way?" Semi ask. The ball didnt scare you one bit. You set your clip bored down and slowly walk over to semi.

You jack him up by the shirt and bring him close to your face so he could read your lips in case he wants to act like he cant hear.

"I.said.your.sets.are.ass and I meant it. Next time you throw a ball my way I'll have yo chalk looking ass off this team!" You says pushing him away letting go of his shirt

"These guys let you talk to them any kind of way because your hot with a nice rack and your ushijimas sister but I dont care You better watch it" Semi says

you walk out the gym giving him the finger

"Tendou please go check on y/n" Coach says. Tendou happily does so basically skipping to you

"You okay y/n?" Tendou asks

"Peachy" You say giving him a fake smile

"Sooo...when are we going on a date" He asks with a smile.You look at him with that smirk

"Boy please you aint ready for this. I'll have you somewhere sucking on yo thumb crying for yo momma" You say getting up to walk inside the gym

"That doesnt sound bad" Tendou giggles to himself running back into the gym


You guys now had a game and you were filling up water bottles. Some guy walked up to trying to get your number. Of course you ignored him but he was persistent

"Babe is this guy bothering you?" You felt arms around your waist. You look behind you seeing tendou. You roll your eyes playing along.

"yes he is" You say turning around in his arms wrapping yours around his neck. You take your left hand cupping his face kissing his cheek taking him by surprise

"She's mine...and I mean it" Tendou says to the gym gripping you tighter. He knew this might be the last time he'd get to hold you in a while so he was gonna savor the moment.

"Sorry bro my bad" The guy says walking away. Once he was gone you pull away with a smirk

"Pick me up at 8" You say walking away with a sway in your hips

Tendou openly and loudly cheers as he got weird stares

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