My Stalker neighbor//Hinata

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Cause why the fuck the title sound like a damn life time movie💀💀

Hinata was obsessed. She was beautiful. So nice. So friendly.

If your wondering who he's obsessed with it's his next door neighbor Yn. She moved about two months ago and went to the collage he and his friends attended

He first fell for Yn When Kageyama was yelling at him about how dumb he was and how he was gonna beat his ass. Yn thought he was a bully and instantly protected Hinata cause she didn't play that bullying shit.

After clearing up the situation and trying to help Yn out with the embarrassment she was feeling he fell for her very quickly.

Soon he asked her out on date and she agreed. After their first date Hinata made sure to keep a close eye on her and that he did.

His bedroom window was right across from hers. He often just stayed up at night watching her sleep or even get dressed

After the successful first date he took her on more. Yn was slowly falling for Hinata. He was so cute funny and an all around good person to be around.

Or so she thought

After a few dates Hinata mustered up the courage to ask Yn to be his girlfriend and she said. Little did she know she'd regret that choice.

Slowly all of her close friends had start to disappear and so did Hinata's.

"Did you see the news?" She asks Hinata who was laying down on her

"No was it another COVID update or something?" Hinata asks

"No your friend Kenma is missing" she says and Hinata doesn't even flitch

"He's probably locked himself in his room to play his video games" Hinata mumbles kissing yn's stomach

"No I don't think so his parents were crying asking for their son back" Yn says

"I'm sure he's fine" Hinata says

Yn sighs and leaves it at that. She fount it pretty weird how he was taking the fact that his friend was missing very lightly

He was only taking it lightly because he was the one to get rid of everybody.

About a week later Yn noticed how weird Hinata acting. So she went next door open the door using her key

"Shoooo!!! Baby you here?!" Yn shouts through the house. It was silent dark and cold. It didn't usually feel like this.

Yn shivers going to turn the heat up. She walks up the creeping stairs going to his room and it was empty and messy. She sighs and couldn't help but clean the room up

As she was taking his laundry to the basement she saw yellow door that stood out from the black and grey painted walls

As she goes to open somebody grabs her hand. She turns around screaming only to be met with a angry looking Hinata

"H-Hinata I-"

"What the hell are you doing here?! Did you go in that room?! Huh? Answer me!" He shouts scaring Yn

"Ow let me go your hurting me" she says snatching her arm away

"You didn't go in there did you?" He asks taking a ste closer to her

"No I didn't!"she says

"So why are you here?!" Hinata asks

"I came over to spend some time with you and when I saw that you weren't here I thought I'd clean up until you get back" Yn says kicking the basket away from her foot

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