Crazy 4 you prt3// Ushijima

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-Ushijima pov-

I roll my eyes hearing Bokuto screaming my name. I go down the stairs seeing Bokuto and oikawa crying crowding around y/n's body

"What's going on?" I ask

"S-she's" Bokuto says

"She's dead" oikawa says

"Shut the fuck up she's fine!" I say angrily

"She-she stoped hit her to hard...she never woke up" Bokuto says bringing her body closer to him

I push him out the way checking her pulse...I couldn't find one.

"Y-y/n?" I whisper reaching out to her with shaking hands

"Y/n? Love?" I say taking her from Bokuto

I take her body pulling her closer to me crying. I didn't care if the two loser in the back saw me crying. I just lost the love of my life.

I pick her up taking her upstairs to what would've been our room. I lay her in the bed cuddling her body.

"I'm sorry y/n! I shouldn't have hit you so hard! I'm sorry love" I say kissing her cheek. I sit up in the bed crying in my hands.

I killed the love of my life

-Y/n's pov-

I open an eye seeing a bat on the floor. Pretty convenient. I slowly reach for it. I slowly sit up pulling it back ready to swing

"Y/n love I'm sorry! Please come back to me" he says making me stop in my tracks. He looks back locking eyes with me

"Y/n?" He says. I panic and swing the bat at his head knocking him down. I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding in. I look at the broken bat Handel in my hand and throw it down

I get up walking out the room stumbling a bit because of my headache. I go to the basement door opening

"I did it. I knocked him out" I say

"Good come on! Let's go before he wakes up" oikawa says


"That's him!" I whisper

"I thought you knocked him out?" Bokuto asks in. Whisper

"I did! I hit him with the bat! It broke!" I whisper back

"Y/N!!! YOUR GONNA WISH YOU DIDNT DO THAT!" Ushijima says. I could hear his heavy footsteps

"Let's go!" Bokuto says grabbing me

"We can't go out the door it's triggered or something" I say

"It's a wire" oikawa says pointing at it

"Let's try the window" I say

I try to open it but it didn't budge. I look up seeing it was nailed shut. I get angry kicking it a few times shattering it

"Y/N!!! WHERE YOU AT!!" Ushijima yells

I take no time to clean out the glassy window not caring about the cuts I'll have. Once I was done I jump out with oikawa and Bokuto right behind me and we run for it.

-A few years later-

After we had escape the clutches of Ushijima we called the police. The police fount him and arrested him. Me, Bokuto, and oikawa testified against him in court getting him sent to jail.

I don't think he'll be getting out anytime soon. After a lot of therapy Bokuto asked me out on a few dates. After a few dates he asked me to be his girlfriend and soon...his wife.

We've been married about five years now and we not to long ago we welcomed baby 2 into the world

"Baby" Bokuto says looking down at our son


"I love you...I don't know what I'd do if any of us didn't make it out alive. If he really did hit you to hard you wouldn't be here right now...I should have came up with that plan sooner" Bokuto says looking down at our cooing baby

"I love you to baby and thanks to your plan we made it out! And that psycho is in jail with no chance of getting out" I say kissing his cheek

"I really do love much" he says leaning into my touch

"Daddy!! Can I see my baby brother?" Our daughter says coming in

"Of course Nahla come here" Bokuto says

-Ushijima's pov-

"I don't see how you let this girl get you in this much trouble" semi says rolling his eyes

"If you knew her you'd be in my position" I say

"I don't think so now what is it that you want me to do?" He asks

"I have only two years left in here. She doesn't know that. Keep a eye on her. Befriend her" I say

"Why?" He asks

"Cause she's mine. I heard her and that damn Bokuto got married and started a family. That should have been me!" I say slamming my hands on the table

"Hey! Ushijima you better calm down" an officer says

"This girl fractured your skull...why the hell do you still want her?" Semi asks

"I don't have explain myself to you" I say annoyed

"Please this for me. When I get out you can have whatever you want" I tell him. He looks at me then out the window. It was silent for bout three minutes before he sighs

"Give me her info" he says sighing

"Thank you so much semi I owe you" I say

When I get out of here I'm gonna give y/n a new family

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