Over the fence// kuroo

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You and Kuroo were High school sweethearts and got married fresh out of collage. Soon You gave birth to a baby boy. Then later a baby girl

You and kuroo were very close with both of your children. You both showed affection in front of the kids.

Your son claims that your love for each other was a can't-eat, can't-sleep, reach-for-the-stars, over- the-fence, World Series kind of thing. He says it all the time and it made you giggle.

Kuroo was at work He was now the coach for nekoma and worked at his own law firm(?)You worked at an orphanage but you didnt work on weekends sadly. You loved your job because you cared for the kids who didnt have homes.

It was a saturday which means No school, No work, and kuroo's early day. you were watching a disney princess movies. which meant your daughter picked it because it was her turn to pick the movies.

Your son was asleep because he fount Disney movies "Girly". You were watching cinderella. It got to the scene where prince charming puts the slipper onto her foot,

"Mommy?" Your daughter asks

"Yes honey?" You ask

"Did You feel like cinderella when you met daddy?" She ask

"Well not exactly but your father had his ways of making me feel like a princess" You say with a smile

"So not cinderella but the can't-eat, can't-sleep, reach-for-the-stars, over- the-fence, World Series kind of thing." She says smiling

"Yes that kind of thing" You say smiling. Your son wakes up as the credits start rolling.

"Is dad home yet?" He ask rubbing the sleep from his eyes

"Not yet Hun, But wanna help me make his favorite" You ask both blue eyed children

"YEAHH!!!" They yell running to the kitchen. You laugh turning off the Tv going into the kitchen

-Meanwhile with Kuroo -

Kuroo had A lot of paperwork to do and with all of it he'd be in his office longer than expected. He wanted to get home to his family. So he figured he'd split it between both his assistants Mika and moschino.

"Mika!! Moschino!!" Heyells as he comes out his office

"Y-Yes Mr.Kuroo ?"Mikasa ask

"Can you and moschino please split this paperwork for me?" He as with a pleading look that would make mika fall to her knees

"Uh Sorry Mr.Kuroo I have a doctors appointment"moschino says

"Please I have to get home to my family" He says

Mika frowns. she forgot he had a wife and kids.

"I'll Pay you both extra" He says with a plead

"at least Im getting paid for this"Mika thinks in her head

"Go ahead Mr.Kuroo go home to your family"Mika says smiling

"Thank you so much" He hands them both an even stack of paperwork. he heads back into his office getting his belongings and leaving beffore thanking the two women.

As Kuroo walks through the door he hangs his Jacket on the hook by the door.

"Babe Im Home" He says walking through the house

"In the kitchen!!" Kuroo smiles as he hears his wifes voice

"Daddy!!"Kuni your daughter yells running into His arms

"Hi kuni" He says with a smile

"Hey dad"Kaeden says

"Hey son" Kuroo says giving Kaden a fist bump

"And hello to you my beautiful wife" Kuroo says making his way over to you giving you a nasty kiss as if your kids weren't there

"Hello Husband Have a good day at work?" You ask

"Yeah it was I took on an intresting case" He say smiling

"Thats good I know your hungry You left out without your lunch" You say with a smirk

"Yeah I know I was in such a rush" He says with a sheepish laugh

"Its okay Im making your favorite" You say smiling

"Your macaroni and cheese is the best...next to your mothers of course " He says with a smirk

"Yeah okay" You say as you share a laugh. After a nice family dinner you end the night with a family movie. You all agreed on Inside out. Halfway through the movies kaden was asleep in Your arms. He couldnt stay up if he wanted to.

By the end kuni fell asleep in kuroo's arms. You both go your seprated ways to the kids room putting them down for bed. You tuck Kaden in kissing his forehead then making your way to the bedroom changing into a tank top and a pair of shorts.

"Daddy?"Kuni ask before kuroo leaves


"You really love mommy Huh?"She asks with a sleepy smile

"Yeah I do" He says kissing her forehead

"like the can't-eat, can't-sleep, reach-for-the-stars, over- the-fence, World Series kind of stuff huh" She asks with another smile

"Yeah and Now I share that love with you and your brother night kuni" He says kissing her forehead leaving out the room

He walks in the room to see you watching tv. He changes his clothes getting in next to you laying his head in your lap.

You make small talk before you both get tired. You lean down kissing his lips.

"Goodnight I Love you" You say

"I love you to...Ya know the can't-eat, can't-sleep, reach-for-the-stars, over- the-fence, World Series kind of thing" He says making you both laugh

"Goodnight Kuroo "

"Goodnight y/n"

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