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-Astumu's pov-

I sigh smiling at yn who had a frown on her face.

"So what your saying is they're nasty?" She ask

"No yn they just...not sweet" I say poking the rice balls yn made

"So they nasty" she says

"No baby" I say grabbing her hand

"Yes baby" she says mocking me making me laugh

"How about I teach you how to make them the right way" I say

"I was making them wrong and you weren't telling me?!" Yn screams making me laugh

"Let me finish!" I say

"Okay fine finish" she says

"I'll teach you how to make them the right way along with other Japanese dishes" I say

"Grocery store trip" yn says smirking

"I guess" I say smiling

-time skip-

I smile as I push the basket yn was in. She claims her "legs hurt"

"Bae let's have cheesecake to!" She says smiling

"If that's what you want" I say grabbing the cheesecake giving it to her. I push the cart into a idle grabbing the things we needed for the food

I turn back around seeing yn stuffing her face with the cheesecake

"Baby! I have to pay for that!" I say

"Sorry...I saved you a piece" she says handing me a piece. I sigh smiling at her opening my mouth. She giggles happily feeding it to me

"I love you" I say leaning down to kiss her lips

"I wove you to" she says smiling as she opens a bag of chips. I sigh taking them from her

"Bae stop eating stuff" I say handing them back to her

"I'm sorryyyy!" She says smiling at me

-time skip-

"Yn! Put it on the stick" I say

"I am!" She says

"No your eating the product" I say

"It's so good I'm sorry" she says wrapping her arms around me

"It's okay baby go sit down I'll make it the rest" I say

"Noooo! I wanna see" she says

"Fine" I say picking her up and sitting her on the counter

"And don't eat nothing" I say

"Yes mom" she says rolling her eyes

After about 30 minutes I had finish everything

"Let's eat" I say

"Finally your done" she says as I hand her a sweet rice ball

"Eat" I say smiling. She bits into it moaning at the taste

"Wow it's sweet" she says

"Yeah you made a rice ball" I say laughing making her slap my arm

The whole night was filled with me and yn eating the sweets that I made

"Mhm Atsumu your wayyyy toooo good to me" Yn says laying across my lap on her stomach

"How so?" I ask rubbing her back

"You feed me with good food everydayyy" she says making me chuckle

"If you want to eat you can eat till your hearts content" I say lightly slapping her butt

"Movie?" She asks looking over her shoulder

"Yeah what do you want to watch?" I ask grabbing the remote

"My neighbour Totoro" she says excitedly kicking her fluffy sock covered feet.I smile putting on the movie. I grab the blanket from the other couch grabbing Yn bringing her to my chest putting the blanket over us

About 20 minutes into the movie I could hear Yn softly snoring. I look down seeing her face in my neck and her hand clutching my shirt

I smile turning off the tv going to our room laying her down in the bed. I walk over to the closet changing my clothes


I look over seeing yn sitting up in the bed

"Yes baby" I say putting on a shirt

"Come sleep with me" she says rubbing her eyes, I smile grabbing her scarf and bonnet off the dresser walking over to her tying the scarf around her braids then putting her bonnet on

"I'm right here" I say kissing her forehead getting in the bed next to her. After about five minutes Yn taps me


"Yes baby" I respond

"Can I have some more dango?" She asks making me chuckle

"In the morning just go to sleep" I say kissing her

"Okay goodnight I love you" she says snuggling close into my chest

"I love you to goodnight baby" I say slowly falling asleep

Haikyuu(AMBW) One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now