Skin care//Kuroo

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-Kuroo's pov-

I watch as yn pulls out all these different bottles of things out a black bag

"Babygirl what's this?" I ask

"Face mask ✨tingz✨" Yn says smiling

"Face mask? For what? We have flawless skin" I say touching her squishy cheeks

"I know but I thought it would be fun" she says smiling

"If this is what you wanna do. I have nothing better to do" I say sitting down on the bed

"Yay!!" She says running to the bathroom. About two minutes later she comes back with a wet rag whipping my face then hers. She straddles my lap grabbing a container with a brush putting some on both my cheeks

"It smells good what is it?" I ask

"A vitamin C, lemon aloe and turmeric clay mask" she says

"Get technical why don't you" I say making her giggle. She then picks up another one putting it on my forehead

"Now what's that one?" I ask

"A charcoal clay mask" she says closing the lid and picking up another one

"Yn what is all this shit your putting on my face?" I ask

"Stop asking questions you know the answer to" she says kissing my lips

"Okay now what's that one?" I ask

"A Dead Sea mud mask" she says spreading it on my chin smiling

"Okay so it's my turn now?" I ask

"Yes Kuroo" she says smiling

I pick up a green tea face mask. I run some in my hands putting some on both her cheeks

"How many did you buy?" I ask

"I don't know I picked up anything that looked and sounded good" she says shrugging

"Sounds about yn" I say making her laugh. I pick up another one that said it had watermelon and marshmallows in it.

"We're you hungry when you bought this one?" I ask

"Maybe" she says slowly making me laugh. I spread it across her nose and forehead closing the lid picking up the last one which was a mint mud mask.

I put it in her chin and whip my hands on the wet towel.

"Now we let it sit" she says smiling

"Is it safe to put all this different stuff on our face?" I ask

"I don't know I think" yn says making me laugh. I pick up my controller turning on my game. Yn laid down at the end of the bed

"Come here" I say but she ignore me

"Baby come here" I say but she still didn't move. I lean over seeing she had her AirPods on. I slap her ass making her jump

"Oww bae!! What?" She asks tapping the right AirPod

"I said come here" I say grabbing both her legs pulling her up in my lap

"What Kuroo?" She says

"Play the game with me" I say handing her the other controller

"Nah I don't wanna bust your ass" she says smirking making my jaw drop

"Ohhh so you confident"I say smirking

"Yeah and it's time to wash off our faces" she says getting up dragging me with her to the bathroom

"Wait I wanna take a picture" I say pulling my phone out my pocket. I grab yn's waits bringing her into me snapping the picture going to Instagram

I sit on the toilet as yn whips my face off

I sit on the toilet as yn whips my face off

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Kuroo.KT my baby wanted to do face masks isn't she pretty?❤️

"Your face looks clean!" Yn says putting some type of oil on my face rubbing it in

"I better not break out yn" I say

"You won't! Now wash my face" she says smiling. I grab her cheeks kissing her lips

"Okay" I say grabbing the rag wetting it softly washing the stuff off her face

"I want snacks" she says

"I knew you did I got you some snacks before I came home" I say

"Really!?" She asks kicking her feet excitedly

"Yes I did" I say smiling putting the wet rag on the rack in the bathroom

"Can I have your shirt? It's cold" she says

"Off my back?!" I ask

"No that one" she says pointing to the bed

"Ohhh here" I say taking my shirt off

"Nooo that one" she says

"It's okay baby I'll give you the clothes off my back if I had to" I say pecking her lips three times making her smile

"Stop your going to make me flustered" she says

"Good arms up" I say. She puts her arms up and I put the shirt on her smiling at how big it was on her

"Awww your so cute baby!!" I say squishing her cheeks

"Tank youu" she says making me laugh. I grab her picking her up taking her to the bed and lay down

"I want my snacks after I wake up" she says glaring at me

"They will be waiting on you" I say laughing at her

"They better" she says snuggling into my side

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