The kids catch you

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That picture does not correlate with this book at all but...isn't it just like so fuckingimmaculate?



You agreed to have a "session" with Noya because he was whining about how horny he was.

"Well wtf got you so horny? Huh Noya?"You asks with an attitude

"Bae you!! Your walking around with no clothes on" he screams

"I do have clothes on!"you scream back

" barely" he shouts back

"Uh mommy" you hear from behind you. You turn around seeing your daughter holding your sons hand

"What is it baby" you asks

"So Uh me and Jr saw somethings" she says as she sighs

"Okay...what did you see?" Noya asks

"Why were you choking mommy? Did she do something bad?"Your son asks. You and Noya share a look before you and just you...bust out laughing

"Y/n" Noya says in a warning tone as your laughs did not cease

"I-I'm so-sorry" you say as you wipe the tears as Noya stands with his head down as he sulks

"No mommy didn't no anything bad she Uh got her necklace tangled up around her neck so I was trying to help her get it untangled"Noya says as gives your kids a smile

"You sure?" Your daughter asks

"Of course I'm sure! Who's the adult me or you?" Noya asks

"You" your son says

"That's right so you have to believe everything I tell you"Noya says

"Well not technically" your daughter says fiddling with her fingers

"Technically? Who taught you that word?" You asks

"Uncle Tuskki" she says with a smile

"Doesn't matter go to your rooms"Noya says as The two run off giggling

"It's your fault you were to loud" Noya says glaring at you

"wat ever! Ah y/n your so tight" you began to mock him as he slaps his hand over your mouth

"Let's not even go there!" He shouts making you laugh


You and Tanaka were upstairs ya know...doing what yall do.Noya had the kids but he didn't say when he'd drop them back off.

Of course you knew they were coming home today because it was Sunday and tomorrow was Monday so that meant back to school and work tomorrow.

"Tanakaaaaa!!! Y/n"Noya yells as he walks into the house with the kids.

"B-baby stop Noya's h-here with th-the kids" you whisper

"Where y'all at!"Noya screams as he sits your daughter down into her play pin that was in the living room

"Knew I shouldnt have gave him that key Shh just lemme finish" he says to you as he continues

"Go upstairs and see if your parents are here"Noya tells your son. He nods and runs upstairs. He opens it a bit peeking inside. He called Noya upstairs

"Uncle Noya come here come here" he whispers but you two kept going .

Noya comes upstairs peeks In then opens the door

"Y'all nasty!" He says with a frown on his face

"Noya get out man!" Tanaka says as he covers you and throws a pillow at Noya

Noya grabs your son and leaves as you two finish your business. Once you two were done you two go downstairs.

You take your daughter out the playpen as your  son looks at Tanaka with a look and Tanaka starts yelling at him

"Don't ask me about what you just seen!" He says making you and Noya laugh


They didn't catch you.Simple. He sent the kids away and you to got down to business.


You two were in the pool when it happened. Tuskki took off your top off and got to work. when you two were two minutes in you hear a scream.

"Leave it alone" Tuskki whispers making you nod and you two continue. Your 16 year old twin daughters come running out the house arguing. Tuskki rolls his eyes pulling you into him with a sigh.

"Mom! Dad! Tell cambria to give me my money" Your oldest twin says talking about Tamren

"Tell Tamren I don't have her money- why is your top right here" cambria asks making you and Tuskki stay quite. As they think about it they scrunches up their faces.

"Ewwwwwww!!!" They say as they run away

You two were in the kitchen when it happened. Your 18year old took the car to go pick up his little brother(your son) from practice and you two decided on a lil quick fix.

Just as you two came down from your high they both come in.

"Hey mom hey dad-" your older son says as he covers your other sons eyes.

"Get dressed mom&dad" he says taking your son away

"Round two? Upstairs?"You ask with a smirk. Asahi sighs with a blush and gets dressed

"Yn our kids just caught us...I'm embarrassed" he says walking away

-Kageyama's -

You and Kageyama had 4 kids. Two boys two girls ta ya know...even it out. Your sons were 17 and 12 and your daughters were 16 and 3.

It wasnt often when you and Kageyama decided to get down to business with the kids around but this time you both had needs.

In your garage was basically a chill spot. You two got a lil tipsy and decided to do it in the car...

While you two were in the backseat making out the car doors open and your oldest son and daughter open the drivers and passenger side doors.

"You sure mom and dad are sleep?" Your daughter asks

"Of course dad be out like a light by this time"your son says laughing

"Oh really?" Kageyama asks with a glare making them both look back. By this time you both had sobered up.

"M-mom!! D-dad!! Hey" your daughter says with a nervous laugh

"Why the hell are y'all in here"Kageyama asks never leaving his position From between your legs

"No dad!! The real question is what are you two doing in here" your son answers

"Boy we grown don't question us! Ya know get out I'm bouta beat y'all ass it's 12 in the morning where y'all thought y'all were going" you say pushing yugyeom off as you get out the car

"Babe maybe the beatings can wait"Kageyama says laughing

"Yeah mom listen to dad" your daughter says

"Like hell I will! Get cho ass upstairs" you say as they groan

-Hinata's pov-

They didn't catch you cause Hinata said no. He will not allow you corrupt his babies with your hormones

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