Chapter One

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I board the Hogwarts Express for my third year at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry with my brother right behind me. Our parents only saw us off on our first year of Hogwarts. Lucas was in his 6th year now.

Lucas went off to sit with his friends while I walked down the other way to fund a private compartment. I was able to find one that was empty and sat down after closing the door. I sat my stuff down beside me and looked out the window as the train pulled out of platform 9 3/4.

I was minding my own business when the door opened. Turning my head I leg out a huff and rolled my eyes. None other than Draco Malfoy and his band of idiots stood in the door. "Go away Malfoy," I said looking at him.

"As much as I'd like that Thronheart, everywhere else is full," he said, coming and sitting beside me while Crabbe and Goyle sat across from us. I sighed and turned towards the window.

"So Malfoy, what did you do over the summer? Meet any girls?" Crabbe asked while shoving his face with sweets.

"I did meet someone. She's really cute and totally into me. I met her when I went to the Ministry with my father," Draco said smugly.

I acted as though I wasn't listening. Of course, seeing as I was the girl he met at the Ministry. I had gone with my father over the summer. That was my parent's way of spending time with me. We had run in the Malfoy's while there. My father was friends with Draco's dad. You would think me and Draco would get along but that's not the case.

See I'm friends with Hermione Granger and since she's a muggle-born Draco calls me a blood traitor. I just rolled my eyes as he continued to talk to his idiot friends. "What's she look like?" Goyle asked.

"H/C, H/L hair, these sparkling E/C," he describes and since his friends were truly idiots they didn't catch on to the fact he was describing me. It did catch me off guard with what he said next and to be honest, confused me. "She's really pretty and a pure-blood. She goes to Hogwarts and is in Slytherin," he told them.

"Who is it?" They asked. What Morones. But did Draco Malfoy call me pretty?! If I'm being honest he is very attractive but I would never say that out loud or let him know that. "Don't worry about it. Just know she will be mine, after all, she can't resist me. You should have seen the way she looked at me and clung to me," he said. My head wiped to look at him and I glared as he continued to look ahead at the idiots in front of us and smirked.

I wanted to call him out but that's how rumors start and I also didn't want to feed his ego. He was just trying to get a reaction out of me. I turned back towards the window. It was dark and raining. The train started to slow down as it screeched against the train tracks. We couldn't be at Hogwarts yet we still had a ways to go.

The train lurched as the lights went out. I looked out the window and could see something moving as the lights flickered on and off. "There's something moving out there," I said.

The lights flickered completely off as I continued to look out the window as rain pelted against it. "What is it?" Draco asked. "I don't know," I told him. "I think it's coming aboard,"

The train lurched again and the compartment grew very cold. I could see my breath and a shiver ran down my spine. The window started to ice up and I moved away from it. The train shook again. "Bloody hell!" Crabbe said, frightened.

I stood up and walked over to the door. The window was all icy and I looked out. I gulped ad a large black figure started to glide towards the door. I backed up only to trip and land on Draco's lap. The figure stopped and the handle to the door opened. The figure slid the door open and Draco tightened his grip on me and he moved back towards the window bringing me with him.

A sudden telling of fear and sadness took over as it looked around the compartment and then left. I recognized the figure as a dementor. They guarded the Prison of Azkaban. Sirius Black was on the loose so I could only suspect that is who they were looking for. As it left the sadness and fear lifted. The lights came back on and the train started to move again.

I could feel the strong arms tightly wrapped around my waist and a face buried into the crook of my neck. I looked over to see the pale faces of Crabbe and Goyle as I took a deep breath to help calm me down. "You can let go now, they're gone," I said calmly to Draco. I felt his head lift up and his arms let go of me, then I hit the floor hard. "Bloody hell, Draco!" I said sitting up and glaring at him.

"You're the one that fell on me, Thronheart!" He grumbled.

"And you're the one that was holding on to me for dear life!" I said, smirking when he glared at me.

"Blood traitor! Why don't you go find your mudblood friend?" He spits.

"Oh piss off Malfoy!" I hissed and sat back on the seat. I ignored him the rest of the way to Hogwarts.

Once there I got off the train only to engulf my Lucas. "Are you all right?" He said pulling away. "I'm fine Lucas," I said smiling. My brother was always protective of me and was the only one to show me love.

"Don't worry I saved her. Isn't that right Thronheart," Draco said putting his arm around my shoulder. I pushed him away "piss off!" I hissed.

"Malfoy," my brother said in a slightly defensive tone.

Draco just laughed and walked away towards the carriages. "Come on," Lucas said as we followed him.

Hagrid called all the first years over to him to take them across the black lake in the boats. 2nd - 7th years went to the carriages to go to the castle another way.

We got to a carriage and to our luck Draco and one other person were in it, Pansy Parkinson. She was obsessed with Draco. It was disgusting. " Oh, come on," I groaned. "Sorry, there aren't any others. If you go," Lucas said and I got in sitting across from Draco. He had his legs stretched out so I kicked him and he glared at me.

"Don't kick my Dracy poo!" Pansy hissed and Lucas snorted. She turned to him and glared.

"Really? Draco poo?" I said laughing. I looked at Draco seeing an annoyed look on his face as she clung to him. I kinda felt bad for him. You could clearly see he didn't like her like that. "Must you cling to him all the bloody time?" I asked.

"He is my boyfriend," she spits. My eyebrows shot up and I looked at Draco who looked away from me. I let out a loud laugh bending over with tears running down my face from laughing so hard. "Oh, Malfoy, you poor thing!" I laughed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pansy screeched. "Oh, nothing. Just he must be desperate if he's with you," I said and Lucas chuckled.

Before she could reply the carriage came to a stop and we got out. I went to my dorm witch I thankfully had to myself. Draco and Lucas were the only other two people to have rooms to themselves seeing who our parents were. I changed into my robes and pet my white screech owl, Métis. She always flew from the owlery to my dorm. She hated being away from me.

After I was finished I quickly ran to the Great Hall. I waved to Hermione and then looked at the Slytherin table to see my normal spot was taken by some girl named Aurora, another 6th year. The only open spot was beside Draco. I huffed and walked over to him only to see a book on the seat. He looked up and smirked "saved you a seat Thronheart," he said and moved the book. "Great," I said. Pansy then hurried in and walked over to us. She looked down at me "move. You're in my spot," she hissed. "Find somewhere else Parkinson," Malfoy told her and she looked at him in shock. "But Dracy," she whined. "Just go," he hissed and she left to squeeze in beside a couple of 2nd years.

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