Chapter Fiftty-Seven

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I had to split this chapter in to two different chapters it was pretty long. Read all warnings before reading!

Okay, so, I came up with a spell to get ride of the sperm after sex. We all know Fetus Deletus (a*ortion) but Deletus Spermiosa is to delete or get rid of the sperm if Draco cums inside y/n. 


● Sexual Content
● Choking
● Spanking
● Gagging (panties in mouth & during oral)
● Daddy Kink
Praise Kink
● Hair Pulling
● Squirting
● Degrading (being called a slut)
● Rough Sex
● Oral (both m & f reviving)
● Unprotected Sex (wrap it before you tap it)
● Edging
● Dom! Draco
● Brat Reader

If any of the above bother you please skip this chapter because it will be full of smut. There is no plot just nasty, rough, smut with Draco being dominant because you're  not listening. You've been warned. 😊

 "I warned you," Draco whispered in my ear. His hand wrapped around my throat. His other hand pushed the ring back onto my finger. "I told you not to take that ring off," he growled. "You have Astoria," I said, rolling my eyes. His once gray eyes turned black and a low, deep growl left his throat. "Don't roll your eyes at me," he hissed. I wanted to know what would happen if I didn't listen and cooperate but I was also still very upset, my heart ached. "Let go of me," I said, pushing him away. His hand released my throat and I rolled out from under him. 

I stood up and walked over to the bathroom. I wasn't going to go down without some kind of fight. I know I might be acting like a brat right now but I deserve to act like one. He can't just expect me to accept me to forget about it. I stopped at the door and looked back at him. His features were soft and concern was evident. His eyes were back to his normal gray-ish blue. "Maybe -- Astoria will call you daddy," I said and slipped the ring off my finger. All concern and softness disappeared. His eyes darkened again and he gave me a look that said I fucked up. As soon as the deep, low growl left his throat I rushed into the bathroom and locked the door. 

Just as I locked the door Draco was slamming his hands on it. I know it wouldn't take long for him to get his wand and unlock it. That's the thing that sucked, you can't lock doors, a simple spell and it was open. "Open the door, darling," Draco said in a low threatening voice. It was childish of me but the way he got so dominant made me shiver in a good way. My panties were soaked feom how wet I was. I looked in the mirror and saw I had black tear stains running down my face. Insecurities started popping up and I found myself forgetting about pissing off Draco. I started comparing myself to her. I was so in my head that I didn't notice Draco had unlocked the door until it slammed against the wall. I jumped and looked at him. 

"Bad girl," he said. He had a mischievous grin on his face. My heart rate picked up and I shivered. "Get out," I said. He was in front of me in just two steps. His hand wrapped around my throat. "You're just making things worse for yourself. Disobeying me isn't going to get you rewarded," he said. "You don't own me, Malfoy," I said. I didn't think it was possible but his eyes got darker. It all happened so fast. One moment I was facing him, the neck I was bent over the counter with my skirt pushed up. I yelped as a sharp slap landed on my arse. "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly. What did you call me?" He growled. I smirked but quickly hardened my features. "Malfoy. That is your name isn't it?" I sassed. Another slap landed on the sensitive flesh of my arse, echoing through the empty bathroom. 

"Wrong! Try again," Draco demanded. "Malfoy. Draco Malfoy," I mocked. I was so wet and my pussy clenched around nothing. ***SLAP** I let out an involuntary moan and I heard a low, dark laugh. "You're enjoying this, aren't you? You like when daddy spanks you. Such a little slut," Draco said. I jerked forward when his fingers came in contact with my soaked, covered pussy. "Fuck. Look how wet you are. You dirty whore," he laughed. He pulled me up by my hair, his other hand wrapping around my throat. My back was against his chest. He looked at me through the mirror, a smile so dark and menacing on his beautiful face it made fear jolt through me for a second. It wasn't fear of him hurting me because I knew Draco would never hurt me physically. But it was a fear of 'I fucked up bad and now I can't turn back.' 

The look washed away for a few seconds and was replaced with the gentle, loving, caring look he normal had when he looked at me.  "Daddy, going to teach you a lesson. If anything I do makes you uncomfortable I want you to use the safe word. That word will be "SEEKER" we're going to be doing something new and if anything bothers you, you say that word and it all stops. Do you understand?" Draco asked. I nodded my head, looking him in the eye. "I need verbal consent, darling," he said. "Yes," I whispered. "Yes what?" He asked. "Yes, daddy," I replied. 

That mischievous look was back and he smiled. "Good girl," he said. He turned me around and ripped open my shirt, buttons flew everywhere. "Draco!" I yelled. A hard slap was delivered on my arse and I squealed. Draco's hand wrapped around my throat right under my jaw. He pulled me to him and crashed his lips onto mine. It was heated and almost desperate. He was completely in dominant mode. His other hand came up and unclasped my bra. He let go of my jaw and pushed my shirt and bra off my shoulders letting them fall to the floor. His lips instantly wrapped around my left nipple and swirled his tongue around the hardened bud. 

I threw my head back, moaning at the sensation. "Jump," he demanded. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. He held me up, his hands under my thighs as he walked back into my room. I grabbed his face and crashed my lips onto his. He hardened the kiss then pulled away before dropping me onto the bed. "Scoot up," he said. I moved up to lay my head on the pillows and he climbed on top of me. Draco leaned down and captured my lips again. He takes my left hand and puts it above my head. I was too focused to notice what he was doing. It wasn't until he did the same thing to my right hand. I pulled away from him and looked above me. He had tied me up. He had two ties tied to the post of my bed and my wrists were tied to the other end. 

"Draco! What are you doing?" I asked, pulling on the tie. It was no use, he had toed them tight. "I told you we were trying something new. I also told you I was going to punish you. That means no touching me and dealing with what I give you," he said. The smirk on his face was a clear sign just how much he was already enjoying this. "Remember the safe word?" He asked. I just nodded, not being able to comprehend what was going on or what he was planning on doing. "Words," he said. "Yes," I whispered. "What is is?" He asked. "SEEKER," I said. "Good Girl."

Draco kisses under my jaw down to my neck where he stayed just long enough to leave a mark. He continued kissing down my neck and to my chest here he stopped and circled his tonuge around my right nipple while his fingers flicked and pinch the other one before switching after a minute. I was watching him, breathing heavy, letting little whimpers leave my lips. He kissed down the valley of my breath, down my stomach and to my hip bones. He sucked a mark on my left side as he pat my it indicating to lift my hips. I lifted jist enough for him to pull my skirt off and throw it behind him. He kissed across my stomach to my right hip and left another mark before kissing to the hem of my lace panties.

He slide two fingers into the hem of them and then yanked. "Draco! Stop destroying my damn clothes! Why do you have to rip them? Those were my favorite pair!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes and a growl left him. "You talk to much," he said. "Well, exc.." I didn't even get what I wanted to say out before he stuffed my ruined panties into my mouth to shut me up. "That's better," Draco said. He went back to work kissing down my body until he got to my dripping cunt. He sat back to look at me. "Look how wet you are," he said and ran a finger through my folds. I let out a muffled moan. He started rubbing small, right circles on my clit making me buck my hips a little.

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