Chapter Forty-Seven

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A/N: early post again!

I haven't heard anything from Draco since we came home for the summer. That was a month ago. I've been sending letters but never get an answer back. I've talked to Stella and Melina but no one else. I was walking down the stairs to head to the kitchen to get something to drink when I heard talking coming from the dining room just off to the left of the stairs. I stopped at the bottom step and listened to the voice talking. I  got too curious and peaked around the corner. Just as I did, a hand went over my mouth and another went around my waist pulling me against their chest. I struggled against them until they whispered in my ear. "Calm down, it's just me," I settled down and turned around face to face with Draco. He put his finger up to his lips and grabbed my hand leading me up the stairs.

Once we got in my room he locked it. I had so many questions. "Why haven't you answered my letters? Why the bloody hell is he here?," I asked, panicked and confused. Before Draco pulled me against him I saw none-other than Voldemort sitting at the head of the table. "I need you to promise me you won't go down there when he is here," Draco said. "What? Why is he here? What's going on?" I asked. "You know both our parents followed him before. Your father has the mark and so does mine. Lucas is getting the mark tonight," he said. My eyes widened and I shook my head. "What? No. No. Lucas wouldn't do that!" I started to yell. Draco covered my mouth and shushed me. "Shut up. He is, y/n, I'm sorry," he said. "Why have you been avoiding me?" I asked. "I'm not avoiding you. The meetings have been at the Manor. I haven't been able to get away or even reply to your letters. I'm sorry," he said.

He pulled me into him and I wrapped my arms around his waist. This year and probably next year is going to be hell. He was back and there was going to be another war but this time the main target was Harry. The thing I didn't know was Draco had the mark on his left arm.

Time Skip

Draco and I were walking down the aisle towards a table where Blaise and Pansy were standing. I still wasn't keen on being near her but I dealt with it. Blaise let her slide in towards the window before sitting beside her. Draco moved behind me and put my purse up on the rack beside his bag so I could move to slide into the seat to sit across from Pansy. Before either of them could sit down black smoke filled the car. I waved my hand in front of my face letting out a small cough. "What was that? Blaise?" Draco asked. "Don't know," Blaise responded. "Relax, boy. It's probably just a first-year messing around," Pansy said. "Come on, Draco, let's sit down. We'll be at Hogwarts soon," I said, pulling on his hand that was still interlaced with mine. I slid into the seat and he sat down beside me and moved his hand to rest on my knee.

"Hogwarts. What a pathetic excuse for a school. I'd pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower if I thought I had to continue for another two years," Draco said. Pansy looked at me and I shook my head. I looked at Draco and before I could ask Pansy spoke up. "What's that supposed to me?" She asked. "Let's just say you won't see me wasting my time in Charms class next year," he said looking up at the rack above us. Blaise snickered and Draco looked at him. "Amused, Blaise?" He asked. He squeezed my leg and then ran his hand up and down my thigh. "We'll see who's laughing in the end," he said. He had a scowl on his face as he looked up at the rack again. I followed his eyes and looked up but saw nothing.

"Draco," I said. He looked for a few more seconds before looking at me. His features softened and he took his hand off my knee and wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him and kissing the side of my head. The rest of the ride was quiet. I laid my head on Draco's shoulder and he looked back up at the rack. The time we got to Hogwarts it was dark as it usually always was. We would have to walk to the gates and then go to our dorms to change into our robes. When the train stopped Draco stood up and grabbed my bag handing it to me. Blaise and Pansy waited. "You two go on. I wanna check something. You go with them I'll see you inside," he said. "I'll wait for you outside," I said and leaned up, giving him a quick peck on the lips before following Blaise and Pansy off the train.

I was waiting on the platform for Draco when the blinds when down. Then a couple minutes later he walked off the train. "Is everything all right?" I asked. "Yes. Let's go," he said. He grabbed my hand and we walked to the front gates of the school. I was stand with Draco as Aurors checked the luggage. They were looking at Draco's stuff. "What's this cane here, then?" Filch asked.  "It's not cane, you cretin. It's a walking stick," Draco told him. "And what exactly would you be wanting with a walking stick? Could be constructed as an offensive weapon," Filch asked. I looked over to see Harry looking at me. He had blood on his face. I squinted my eyes but then looked away when Snape came over. "It's all right, Mr. Filch. I can vouch for Mr. Malfoy," he said.

Draco took it from him and then I noticed it was his father's. Not many people knew but Lucius' wand was concealed in the walking stick. The only reason I knew that was because I saw him pull it out when I was there over holiday last year. Draco looked over to Harry. "Nice face, Potter," he said. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked towards the castle with Snape behind us. I knew something was up with Draco I just didn't know what it was. The way he was talking on the train and how he was distant almost all summer made me suspicious.

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