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Sorry I've been slacking. I just have no energy to do anything and I've been trying to decided how I wanted to take this chapter.

After everyone one woke up we were looking around the house. The locket Harry had gotten from the cave wasn't the real horcrux. The Black's house elf, kreacher, was ordered by Harry to find the real one. When he came back he told us it was at the Ministry of Magic. We ended up knocking out four people who worked in the Ministry and drank polyjuice to disguise ourselves as them. The locket had been around none other than Dolores Umbridge. With Voldemort back and in charge the Ministry was getting rid of muggle-born wizards and witches. Umbridge was questioning the man Ron had disguised himself as, Reg, wife. She was a muggle-born and begin accused of lying about being a witch.  

Umbridge sat there in her all pink, ugly outfit, looking down at the woman. The locket around her neck. That didn't surprise me but what did was the fact that she had a Patronus. About her head was dementors being kept at bay by he rag-doll cat Patronus. Of course, her Patronus would be cat. But how does she even have one? I guess he happy memory is torturing children. Harry had casted stupifyat her and we grabbed the locket. The dementors being released once the cat was gone. We ran through the Ministry and up through the network. Hermione had apperated us somewhere else so they wouldn't find out where we were but in the process Ron got seriously injured, he had been splinced. "Hurry get the Essence of Dittany out of my bag, Harry," she told him. 

I had Ron's head on my lap as Hermione was at his side whispering it was going to be okay. "Accio Dittany," Harry said, pointing his wand at the bag. The veil popped out of the never ending bag and he quickly gave it to her. She opened it and started dropping the Dittany on Ron's arm and shoulder. "What happened?" Harry asked. "He was splinced while we apparated here?" I told him. His arm started healing and Ron was now asleep. Me and Hermione stood up and Harry followed. "Set the tent up, Harry. Y/N, can you help me?" Hermione asked. "Sure. What are we doing?" I asked. "Casting protection charms," she told me. Hermione went to one side of the forest and I went to the other. I pulled out my wand and said. "Protego totalum." 

I casted a few others as well, Salvio Hexia, the Muggle-Repelling Charm, the Muffliato Charm, Cave inimicum, and the Disillusionment Charm. This was a good way to make sure nobody could see or hear us. 

Harry had gotten the tent set up and moved Ron inside where it was warmer and he could lay down. Hermione made him a makeshift sling to put his arm in. Harry had also taken the locket and put it around his neck. 

That night Hermione and I were out walking in the forest. We heard the snap of breaking branches and stopped. Walking toward us were a group of men, one of them carrying a woman. We held very still as they walked by. One of them stopped and my heart rate picked up. "What's that?" He asked. The other stopped and he walked back towards us. I grabbed Hermione's hand as he stopped right in front of us. "What's that smell?" He asked. His words were muffled but we could still hear them. "What Are You doing?" He turned and asked. "It's heavy." He walked back towards the other two men and we both let out a breath. Then they walked off. 

"Snatchers," we turned our heads to see Harry coming to stand beside us. "Good to know how your enchantments work," he said. "He could smell out perfume," I said. We stood there in silence for a little before heading back towards the tent. "I told you... Ron isn't strong enough to Apparate," Hermione told Harry. He had suggested moving on and continuing our search. "Well, then, we'll go on foot," he said. "Next time Hermione and Y/N, as much as I like your perfumes, just don't wear any," Harry told us. The next moring we packed up and headed out on foot. 

Once the sun started going down we stopped and set up the tent. Harry had walked off and was throwing stones while Hermione and i stayed beside Ron. "He doesn't know what he's doing does he?" He asked. "None of them," Hermione said. We continued listening to the radio. Listening for names of people we know to come from the static. I sat beside Hermione and fiddled with the ring on my finger. I couldn't sleep at night, the thought of Draco on my mind all the time. We continued our journey on foot. We were set up by a lake down in the valley of mountians. It was beautiful and quiet. 

Hermione cut Harry's hair. His hair grew so fast it was ridiculous. Ron was laying down listening to the radio as he normally did. He was just holding out hope that he wouldn't hear any of his families names. I sat reading a book, or at least I was trying. My mind was stuck on Draco. I was worried about him as I knew he was worried about me. "Oh, my god," Hermione said. "What?" Harry asked, checking the back of his head. Hermione walked off to the table we had set up with a bunch of different books spread out across it. "I'll tell you in a minute," she said. "Maybe you could tell me now," Harry told her. She was looking through one of the books. "The sword of Gryffindor, it's goblin made," she said. "Brilliant," Harry said, having no clue what she meant. 

"No you don't understand," she said. "Dirt and rust have no effect on the blade.It only takes in what makes it stronger," She explained. Harry just looked at her. "Harry,  you've  already destroyed one Horcrux, right? Tom Riddle's diary in the Chamber of Secrets," I said. I understood what Hermione was getting at. If we found the sword we could destroy the locket. "With a Basilisk can't. If you tell me you've got one of those... in that bloody bag of yours," Harry said. "Harry, don't you see what she's saying?" I asked. " and the Chamber of Secrets, you stand the basilisk with the Sword of Gryffindor. It's blade is impregnated with Basilisk venom," Hermione told him. "It only takes in which makes it stronger," Harry said. "Yes! So that means if we get that sword we could destroy the Horcrux's," I said. "That's why Dumbledore left it to you in his will," Hermione told Harry.

Protective Charms Used:

Protego totalum: 
(proh-TAY-goh TOH-tuh-luhm)
The incantation of a protective  enchantment used to shield a certain area or dwelling for an extended period of time. It is a variation of the Shield Charm, and is used to stop and repel any intruder and/or spell from the protected area, except the most powerful curses, including the Unforgivable Curses.

Salvio Hexia:
(SAL-vee-oh HEK-see-uh)
Specific effect is not given, but the Latin derivation seems to suggest that this affects and possibly augments the other spells being cast.

Muggle-Repelling Charm:
Repello Muggletum
(ruh-PEL-oh MUH-guhl-tuhm)
Is a charm that prevents
Muggles from seeing or entering an area. Any non-magic person that would get close to the vicinity of the enchantment would remember something urgent to do and leave.

Muffliato Charm:
Is a charm used to fill the ears of any person in the vicinity of the caster with an unidentifiable buzzing sound so as to allow for conversation without being overheard.

Cave inimicum:
(CAH-vay uh-NIM-i-kuhm)
Is the incantation of a protective charm that produced a boundary that kept the caster hidden from view. Those who were on the other side of the shield were not be able to see, hear or if the spell was well cast, smell them.

Disillusionment Charm:
Is a charm that disguised a target as its surroundings, not by making it invisible, but by making it take on the exact colour and texture of its environment, effectively turning it into a chameleon.

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