Chapter Fourteen

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I had started a fire and grabbed the book Draco had borrowed ***Potions, Elixirs & Brews: A Modern Witches' Grimoire of Drinkable Spells by Anais Alexandre** I never got around to reading that so I decided I would start tonight. Ulysses was still here oddly enough. I couldn't figure out why they liked each other so much. He was a Eurasian Eagle Owl while Metis was an Eastern Screech Owl. He was 5 times bigger than she was. She weighs about. Half a pound while he had to weigh at least 5.9 pounds.  It was cute though so I let him stay.

I opened the book and started reading. I wasn't even that far into the book just reading about Love Potions which is at the beginning of the book when I heard a familiar voice come from my bedroom. "Thronheart?"

I closed the look and stood up. Walking into my bedroom I saw a blond-headed boy standing at the end of my bed with his back to me. "Malfoy?" I questioned. He spun around and looked me up and down. "Where's my owl?" He quickly asked.

"With my owl on her perch," I started as he walked into the other room. "They seem to like each other so I just let him stay," I quickly said as I chased after him. He stopped in his tracks and I ended up running into him. He was looking down at the letter and the small open box. "Who gave you that?" He asked, sounding almost... jealous? No that can't be. Right?

"Jax..." I started but again he cut me off. "So what, is he like your boyfriend now?" He mumbled.

What has gotten into him? First Harry, now Jaxzon. Why does he care? He only hangs around me because he's blackmailing me. He has been bullying me since day one. Besides Jaxzon is 15. And I'm only 13. I'm not ready for all that. I'm sure I will be in a couple of years or even maybe next year. I turn 14 on June 7th. Only a few days after Draco's.

"Not that is any of your business, but no he is not," I said crossing my arms. He turned to look at me and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. I don't even care," he grumbled.

"Sounds like you do! You did this with Harry. What is your problem?" I half yelled. I was getting annoyed with him.

"Shut up! Do you want to get caught?!" He whispered.

"Oh please, no one can hear me. I'm the only one in this wing. Everyone else is in the other wing," I said looking down. "Besides you gave me a present too. That doesn't make you my boyfriend,"

"I only have it to you because my mother made me!" He said in disgust. "I can see why no one ever wants to be near you. You're annoying, a Blood traitor, a pathetic excuse of a witch. Now, I'm taking my owl and leaving,"

I'd like to say that what he said doesn't affect me but that you are a bald-faced lie. I felt tears building up in my eyes as I bit my lip to keep them at bay. He walked over to Metis' perch and whistled. Ulysses climbed onto his shoulder and he was gone in a blink of an eye. I looked a Metis as she chirped.  It sounded almost sad. I felt bad for her.

I walked over to her as I let the tears run down my face. "I'm sorry your friend had to go. Malfoy is a git," I told her as I rubbed my fingers over her soft white feathers.


It was finally time to go back to Hogwarts. I boarded the train and found an empty compartment. I had left before Lucas and Aurora were even ready. Like two hours early. I just sat on platform 9 3/4 and waited. As soon as it was quarter after ten I boarded the train letting my trunk be loaded up. I took Metis with me and sat her in the seat beside me. Hopefully, no one else came in to sit beside me.

I watched as the platform filled up with students and their parents. Hugs and kisses were exchanged as they said goodbye. Soon the platform was empty and the train started rolling forward. I stared out the window lost in my thoughts. For the past week, I've been replaying over and over what Malfoy had said to me.

But instead of getting sadder the more, I thought about how I got more irritated and angry with him. Who gave him the right to be that rude? Oh right, I forgot who his father was. If anyone was pathetic it was him. Always running to daddy about any little thing that inconvenienced him.

"Shut up, Crabbe!"

My head snapped to the door when I heard that voice. 'Please don't walk in. Please don't walk in' I whispered to myself. Of course, my luck had to suck. The door swung open and he walked the git himself. Behind him his two idiot friends who were complaining they wanted to get sweets from the trolley.

"Merlin sake! Just go!" He yelled and slammed the door shut. The two stood there for a while before shrugging and walking off. I turned back to the window. I didn't want to draw attention to myself even though I knew he would say something as soon as he turned around.

"Get out of the way, mud..." He started but I turned my head to look at him and he stopped mid-sentence. "Thornheart,"

"Malfoy," I saw his hands clenched into fists as he glared at me. I turned my head back towards the window. I wanted to just act that he didn't exist but of course, he had to sit in front of me and stare.

"What?" I was rather annoyed with him.

"I told," he growled as he enunciated each word.

"I'll call you whatever I want, Malfoy. You.don'!" I hissed back.

His glare pierced through me. His breathing quickened and his face turned a light shade of red. I could tell he was trying not to lash out at me. "What? Did I silence Draco Malfoy?" I asked sarcastically.

"You better watch yourself y/n," he whispered.

"Or what? You're going to run to daddy?" I laughed.

Before he could say anything back the door opened. Crabbe and Goyle came in with every kind of sweet that was on the trolley. They stopped and looked between Draco and me. Draco got up and moved Metis' cage over before sitting down beside me. His idiots sitting across from us. They started to dig into their sweets and I brushed my face up in disgust.

"Do they ever stop eating?" I asked no one in particular. "No, and it's appalling," Draco said with just as much disgust in his voice as he watched the two shovel food into their mouths.

Metis' started chirping and pulling at her cage. I looked over Draco with a confused look. "Metis, stop that. What is your problem?" I said. She just continued chirping and pulling at the cage. 'Was she looking at Draco?'

"I think she wants your attention," I told him. He looked at me then at the cage. "Why on earth would she want me?" He snapped.

"I don't know?! She's obsessed with your damn owl. She was sad when you took him away. I don't know what's gotten into her," I snapped back at him.

"Well, he's fine if that's what you want to know," he said to the owl. I let out a little chuckle not meaning to. But it was quite funny seeing him talk to a bird. I stopped once he turned and glared at me.

It was silent the rest of the way to Hogwarts. Well, besides the sound of Crabbe and Goyle of course which was making both Draco and I even more irritated.

The landscape went by and the sky was getting darker as it faded from the orange hue to black. The stars shone bright in the dark sky and as the moon reflected off the Black Lake. Telling us we would be at Hogwarts soon. The compartment was quiet and full of tension thick enough you could cut it with Godric Gryffindor's Sword. I couldn't wait to get off this train and away from Malfoy and his band of corpulent idiots.

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