Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: please vote, comment on any mistakes and what you would like to see happen. And share. It helps keep me motivated to write this. I know it's not too exciting right now but it will be I just want to build up to it. And this is a slow burn. If you don't like the outfit change but do not bitch about it in the comments.

It was the weekend I got up and changed into jeans and a cream-colored jumper and sneakers. I had also decided to throw on the necklace Jaxzon had for me and even though It took like twenty minutes to decide I also put the bracelet Draco gave me. I kinda felt bad that he thought I didn't like it.

I was going to meet Hermione and the boys to go see Hagrid to ask how things went with the meeting about Buckbeak. Of course, since Draco already told me what was to come I didn't need to be there, I was just going to spend time with them since I haven't in a few days.

I walked out of my dorm and into the common room. "And where are you going?" Melina asked me from one of the couches. "To meet Hermione and the boys. I haven't spent much time with them. Oh, by the way, there's a letter for you in my dorm you can go in and read it in private if you'd like," I told her before walking out of the common room.

I was walking to the Clock Tower Courtyard when someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a classroom. "What the hell!" I yelled and a hand clamped over my mouth. "Will you keep it down?!" A voice hissed.

I pushed the hand away and turned around to see Draco. "Jeez Malfoy, couldn't you have just stopped me instead of pulling me into a classroom," I asked

"I told you not to call me that. And I didn't want people butting in on our conversation," he told me.

"And I've told you that you don't own me and I'll call you what I want. Now if you don't mind I'm going to meet my friends," I said and turned towards the door. I was about to open it when he grabbed my hand and pulled my sleeve up. "You're wearing the bracelet," he whispered.

'Well, yeah, I mean it was a gift. And I told you it was beautiful, I'm not just going to let It collect dust. Well, if it was ugly I would," I said with a faint smile.

He let go of my hand and scoffed "of course it's beautiful, I have great taste," he said. I raised my eyebrow "I thought your mother picked it out?" I asked as a small smirk formed on my face.

His cheeks turned a light pink he opened his mouth to say something before his face fell. He walked closer to me and pulled the chain that was under my jumper out. Anger took over his features as he looked up at me. "Why are you wearing this?" He asked a little to calm down for my liking. I pulled the necklace out of his hand and stepped back. "It was a gift and I like it," I told him.

"You said you weren't with him," he growled slowly, still looking at the necklace. "I'm not!"

"Really?! That can't be open without a key! That means he has the key!" He yelled.

"Merlin Malfoy!" I yelled. "What is your problem? I can wear what I want, talk to who I want, and do what I want!"

"I told you not to call me that! You're pushing it
y/n, do you want your father finding out who you occupy your time with?"

"Go ahead! I don't care anymore!" I told him and turned to the door. I opened the door but before I could walk out he once again grabbed my wrist and turned me around. Before I could even say a word or process what was happening I felt his soft lips against mine. I pulled away from him and looked up at him in disbelief before walking out the door.

'Draco Malfoy just kissed me!' That was the first time a boy has kissed me. I'm so confused right now. He threatens to tell my father about my friends and then kisses me only after I tell him I didn't care. He gets jealous whenever he sees me with any guy, even though it's only been Harry and Jaxzon.

I started to run to the clock tower courtyard. When I got there I saw Hermione and the boys. "y/n!" Harry said as you reached them. "Where have you been? Why's your face all flushed?" Hermione asked.

"What? It's not. I ran here. I'm sorry. I got caught up talking to Melina," unsaid looking down trying to hide the blush I knew was rising on my cheeks.

We were standing in the corridor as the three of them just looked at me with confused faces. "All right, let's go find Hagrid," Hermione said.

We started walking out to the courtyard. "beautiful day," Hermione said. "Gorgeous," Ron agreed. But then he opened his mouth more. "Unless, of course, you've been ripped to pieces," he said to Hermione.  I walked behind them close to Harry. I looked at him and he shrugged.

"Ripped to pieces?" He asked them. "What are you talking about?"

"Ronald has lost his rat," Hermione told him. "I haven't lost anything," Ron argued. I chuckle a little. "Your cat killed him," he said.

We walked by a couple of girls who were looking at Harry making him slow down so I linked my arm with his and pulled him along. "Rubbish," Hermione said, shaking her head.

Ron slowed down and looked at Harry and I. "Harry, you've seen the way that bloodthirsty beast of hers is always lurking about. And Scabbers is gone," He said.

I still had my arm linked with Harry's as I looked around. I caught a head of blond hair behind one of the pillars watching us with a disgusted look on his face and pure.....jealousy? In his eyes. I just ignored him and went back to listening to Ron and Hermione arguing.

"Well, maybe you should take better care of your pets!" Hermione snapped, turning to look at Ron. "Your cat killed him," he told her. "Did not," she argued. They continued like that for a little as we walked to find Hagrid who was standing by the lake skipping rocks.

"We got there and Hermione started asking questions. "How did it go, Hagrid? The hearing?

"Well, first off, the committee members took turns talking about why we were there. And then I got up and did my piece, said how Buckbeak was a good hippogriff, always cleaning his feathers. And then, Lucius Malfoy got up," he told us. I grimaced at the man's name. He was a troubled person. I wasn't surprised Draco was the way he was.

"Well, you can imagine. He said Buckbeak was a deadly and dangerous creature who would kill you as soon as he saw you," he continued.

"And then?" Hermione asked.

"And then he asked for the worst, did ol' Lucius," Hagrid said.

"They're not sacking you," Ron said.

"No, I'm not sacked. Buckbeak's been sentenced to death," Hagrid told us. I put my head down. I already knew that Draco had told me about it. It wasn't right. Buckbeak did nothing wrong, Draco was the one that did the wrong but I wouldn't be afraid to bet he told his father he did nothing and Buckbeak just attacked him. I sat on a large rock with Harry as we all sat in silence.

Eventually, we went back up to the castle and went to dinner. I sat down beside Melina and we talked about our day. She told me she read the letter and Stella had agreed to meet with her in Hogsmeade our next trip. "That's great!" I told her.

My good mood turned sour when I felt someone sit beside me. "Go away Malfoy," I said, not even looking at him.

"I want to talk to you," he whispered in my ear. "About earlier."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I was with my friends earlier, I haven't seen you all day," I said, finally turning to look at him. He clenched his jaw and took a deep breath. He brought his face closer to mine before saying "I know you enjoyed it," then turned around to talk to Zanbini and Nott as they sat down.

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