Chapter Thirty

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Today was the first task for the Triwizard Tournament. I was in my room finishing up getting ready when someone knocked on my door. "It's open!" I called out. The door opened and then shut "Are you ready?" I heard Draco yell from my room. "Almost," I said as I tucked my shirt into my skirt. I walked out into my room and opened my wardrobe so I could look at myself in the full-length mirror. "Hey, could you grab my wand please, it's on my desk," I asked Draco. I shut the door to my wardrobe and turned around to see Draco looking at my wand.

I walked over and went to grab it but he pulled it away out of my reach. "Come on Draco, we don't have time for this, we'll be late," I said, trying to reach for it. "I never noticed how similar your wand is to mine," he said. "What? What are you talking about?" I asked. He reached into his pocket inside his jacket and pulled his wand out and held the two wands together. They were pretty similar. "Hmm. That's weird, what kind of wand is yours?" I asked. "Hawthorn and unicorn hair," he said and I raised my eyebrows. "Mine too," I said slowly. He handed me my wand and finally looked at me.

"What? Do I look bad? I know I don't wear shirts a lot, well besides school. Should I change?" I asked, panicking and running to my wardrobe. I felt Draco's snake around my waist and stopped me. "You look fine. Let's go before we're late," he said and pulled me out of my room and out of the common room. As we were walking up the stairs Draco laces his fingers with mine and I look up at him. We continued to walk outside where I saw Hermione and Ron. They both looked at me in shock and disgust. I put my head down and just let Draco pull me along to the stadium for the Triwizard Tournament.

We walked up the steps to and stood between Crabbe and Goyle. I stood up shortly after and looked around to see if I could find Melina and Stella. "What are you doing?" Draco asked with an eyebrow raised. "Looking for Melina and Stella," I answered.

I felt a hand on my wrap around my waist and I looked down "relax I was only joking," Draco said as he leaned in to whisper in my ear "Come here," he said and I moved closer to him. I linked my arms around his and laid my head on his shoulder while the warmth of his hand still laid on my side. Draco then jumped when someone clapped their hands on his shoulders. We turned around to see Lucas and Aurora sitting behind us. "Hands to yourself Malfoy," Lucas said as he leaned forward and Draco gulped taking his arm from. my waist. I rolled my eyes and linked my fingers with his and glared at Lucas. "Stop it," I mouthed and he just chuckled.

We stood and waited for the first event to start. A canon went off and Cedric came out. I looked down to see a dragon and looked around and finally spotted Melina and Stella not too far away. Stella looked worried. His task was to get a golden egg from the dragon. After he got the egg Krum and Fleur got their eggs from their dragons. "Three of our champions have faced their dragons, and so each one of them will proceed to the next task. And now our fourth and final contestant," Dumbledore said.

People started chanting his name as he slowly emerged out into the middle of the stadium. The golden egg was sitting on the rocks just ahead. And he went to walk towards the Hungarian Horntail dragon and slammed his tail down, almost crushing him. I jumped and looked in horror as I watched. He shot fire out of its mouth and Harry quickly darted away. He tried climbing the rocks. But the dragonfly over him and slammed his tail down. "Oh, my god!" I exclaimed and dug my face into Draco's shoulder.

When I looked back Harry went flying and landed on the ground hard. As he got up and ran, the dragon shot fire at him again. We stood there and watched on when all of a sudden Harry's firebolt came flying in. The dragon shot fire at the rock he was hiding behind and once it was safe he jumped on his broom and took off while the dragon continued spitting fire at him. Harry went for the egg but the dragon again shot fire just missing him. "Ooh," Draco said, leaning back a little. I let out a squeak and he pulled me into his arms. Harry flew higher and the dragon pulled on the chain and broke free. I gasped and I felt Draco right his arms around me.

Harry flew towards the tent where the professors and the other school sat and the dragon followed him. They were out of view for a while. We looked around when we finally saw Harry flying on as he grabbed the egg. After the event was over we went back to the castle and to our common rooms. Draco had his arm around me as we walked and I looked up to see Harry looking at us. I wanted to go over to talk to him but Melina and Stella came up to us. "That was crazy! Don't you think? I mean dragons!" Melina said and I laughed. "Yeah. How's Cedric?" I asked Stella. "He's doing okay. Just some scratches," she said and I nodded my head.

Once in the dungeons, Melina stopped with Stella and I pulled Draco along to the Slytherin common room. We walked in and Pansy walked up to me "Hey, Thronheart!," She said. "What do you want?" I asked. I was not in the mood to deal with her shit. "Jaxzon wanted me to give this to you," she said, holding out a box. Draco snatched it from her hand and pulled me up to his dorm room. "Draco! What the hell?" I asked. He opened his door and we walked in as he closed the door behind us. He opened the box and there were little chocolates inside.

He sniffed them and then took them over to the fireplace he had in his room. He threw the box in the fire that had been going and watched them burn. "Care to explain why you just throw that in the fire? It wasn't your Draco!" I said angrily. He spun around and glared at me. "He laced them with a love potion! I could smell it! So I think instead of yelling at me you should be thanking me!" He hissed. I looked at him in shock "what? How do you even know what a love potion is? Or even smells like?" I asked. "Because I'm good at potions!" That was all he said.

He walked closer to me "don't you see? He's trying everything he can to have you to himself. But I'm not going to let that happen," he said, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. I swear this boy has so many mood swings I can't keep up. I just nodded and kissed his cheek then wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his neck. Who knew Draco Malfoy had a soft spot deep down.

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