Chapter Thirty-Eight

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A/N: there is sexual content in this chapter. If you are uncomfortable with it please skip over it there is a warning to let you know where it starts and where it ends.
"That's it! I'm coming in! *Alohomora!*" I heard Lucas yell from outside the door. "Y/N!" Lucas yelled but I acted like I didn't hear him and grabbed a washcloth. "Where's my sister? And why the fuck are you shirtless!" I heard Lucas yell as I quickly washed myself up and pulled on the pair of shorts I had left on the floor. "She's in the bathroom and I was hot," I heard Draco say. I sighed and shook my head. *"I told him to put a shirt on,"* I grumbled to myself. I opened the bathroom door and walked over to the couch where Draco sat leaning back, one leg propped up on his other leg and a pillow on top.

"What do you want, Lucas," I asked. He turned to look at me his eyes widening. "Where the hell are your pants and why are you in his Jersey?! What. the. fuck. did. you. do. to. my. sister. Malfoy?!" Lucas yelled and charged towards Draco who had a cocky smile on his face. He jumped up and I quickly stepped in front of him. "Lucas! Lucas, Stop! He didn't do anything to me and I have shorts on!" I said raising my voice. "Why was your door locked then? Huh?" He asked angrily. "Because my nosey brother doesn't know how to knock!" I said annoyed.

"Now, if you don't want anything but to be annoying, get out!" I told him and pointed towards the door. I felt Draco's arms wrap around my waist as he pressed up against me. Lucas growled and pointed at Draco "If I find out you did anything to my sister Malfoy, I'll kill you," Lucas said and then walked out the door slamming it shut. I walked out of Draco's grasp and went over to the door and locked it. "Now that he's gone... how about we continue where he left off?" Draco said in my ear and kissed my neck pressing himself against me.


I turned around in his arms and pushed him away from the door towards the bed while we kissed. Once his knees hit the bed he sat down. I stood in front of him and then knelt on my knees moving in between his legs. I looked up at him as I moved my hands to the waistband of his joggers and started to pull them down just enough to let him free. I silently gasped when I saw how big he was. I could feel that he felt big but seeing it was a different thing. He was at least between 7 and 8 inches. *"will he get bigger as we get older?"* I asked myself.

I wrapped my hand around his hard member, making him hiss and tilt his head back. I pumped him a few times before leaning forward and licking the pre-cum from the tip of his cock before swirling my tongue around the head. *"I hope I'm doing this right,"* I said to myself. I pushed down, taking more of him in my mouth and his hand gripped my hair. "Fuck, y/n," Draco moaned out. I bobbed my head up and down howling my cheeks a little as I did so hearing him hiss put in pleasure. He gathered more of my hair in his fist and pushed my head down more until I felt him hit the back of my throat.

I gagged a little and he pulled me back. I looked up at him as I moved my head up and down with him occasionally lifting his hips to meet my movements. "You're doing so good, darling. Fuck!" He said and cried out as I howled my cheeks again. He held my head still and thrust his hips up and pushed his cock to the back of my throat a couple of times before stealing his movements and holding my head down. I felt hot salty liquid shoot into my mouth, some of it going down my throat. "Swallow. Swallow my cum like a good girl," Draco said. His words surprised me but also turned me on so I did as he asked and swallowed before he pulled my head away.


I stood up and went to head to the bathroom but Draco stopped me by grabbing my wrist. He stood up and wrapped his arms around waist and pulled to him. "Your brother is going to kill me," he said and I let out a laugh. "Not if he doesn't find out. So I suggest for you to stop being so cocky," I said, smiling up at him. I leaned up, peaking his lips and pulled away from him walking to the bathroom. Tomorrow we were going back to Hogwarts and I couldn't wait.

I stripped my clothes off and turned the shower on. Once it was hot enough for the bathroom to fill with steam I stepped inside and under the spray. I sighed out as the hot water ran down over me. I felt arms wrap around me and lips on my shoulder and moving up to my neck. I smiled and turned around looking up at those blue-ish gray eyes. His hair now wet and clinging to his forehead hanging in his eyes. He looked absolutely beautiful like this. He leaned down and kissed me quickly before he switched us around so he was under the water. I just rolled my eyes and continued with my shower. After we were done we got dressed and headed to bed.

The next morning we got up and packed our trunks and made sure we had everything. We then headed to Platform 9 3/4. We ran into Stella, Melina, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and Theo. As we walked to get on the train I saw Hermione and the boys. I gave a small wave and smile but both Ron and Hermione looked away from me. Harry however followed me with his eyes. Draco must have noticed because his arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Harry then turned towards Hermione and Ron. We got on the train and found places to sit. Draco pulled me to his side and kissed my temple.

After the platform was only left with parents and younger siblings and everyone else was on the train started moving, heading for the Highlands of Scotland to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There were younger children who were excited to start their first year and seventh years who couldn't wait to graduate. What none of us knew was the new professor we were about to meet who would turn Hogwarts into a miserable year.

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