Chapter Twenty-one

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The summer has been going by too fast. There was only a week until we had to go back. To be honest I was kinda looking forward to it. I missed everyone but I mostly just wanted to have an excuse to end things with Jaxzon.

Yes, me and Jaxzon started hanging out more and got to know each other. Things were going great, he would take me on cute little picnics but as the weeks went by he started showing his true self. He started getting jealous of me writing to my friends, mostly Draco. And he became possessive, verbally abusive, always calling me names, and started accusing me of cheating. It was all too much. So I was going to tell him that I think it would be best if we broke it off and stayed friends since we go to different schools.

I sat on the sofa reading when Jaxzon walked in from my bedroom. "Hey, darling," he said as he sat beside me. I was finally finishing the book Draco let me borrow. I had started it but never finished because Jaxzon always wanted to do something. "Hey, what're you doing here?" I asked looking up from the book. "What, I can't visit my girlfriend," he said leaning closer and kissed my lips. "Of course you can just don't think you'd be over today is all," I said and closed the book before setting it on the table in front of me.

"What's wrong?" He asked, looking at me. I took a deep breath and stood up. "I think that with summer ending and we going to different schools that we should just stay friends," I said quickly. Jaxzon stood up and walked slowly over to me as I backed away. "You're breaking up with me?" He growled. "Yes. It's just we won't ever see each other and I think it's best," I told him looking down at the floor. It was quiet for a few minutes then I felt a stinging in my cheek as I fell to the floor. I gasped and my hand flew to my left cheek. *He slapped me*

I slowly looked up at him with fear in my eyes as he stood over me breathing heavily. "You.are.mine!" He growled slowly and slowly knelt in front of me. I felt tears form in my eyes. He might have been verbally abusive towards me when he got mad, but not once did he ever lay a hand on me. He went to put his hand on his right cheek but I flinched away from him "please leave," I whispered, too scared to even look at him as I felt the tears run down my face.

"You're scared of me now?" He asked me and laughed before standing up. "Get up," he hissed but I didn't move. "I said get up!" He yelled, making me jump. I slowly stood up but didn't go anywhere near him. I lifted my watering and scared my eyes to look at him. My hand fell from my cheek as I tried to back away more but he was quick and grabbed my wrist hard and pulled me closer to him making me whimper. "Shh... It's okay," he whispered and brushed a strand of hair out of my face.

He was scaring me. He's never shown this kind of side before. "I love you, y/n. Don't you understand I can't lose you," he said gently. "Please leave," I whispered. His grip on me tightened and my back hit the wall hard. "That's a little ride don't you think? I just told you I love you and you tell me to leave!" He growled as he moved his face closer to mine. I could feel his breath on my cheek. "Be a good girl and say it back," I said in a scary calm voice.

Before I could say anything my bedroom door slammed open and Jaxzon was pulled away from me harshly. I looked up to see Lucas standing in front of him with his wand to his throat. "I suggest you leave and never come back!" He hissed at him. How the bloody hell did he know what was going on?

Jaxzon looked over at me and just smiled. "I love you, just remember that you're mine," he said before apparating out of my room. I slowly sank to the floor bringing my knees to my chest. Lucas came over and knelt in front of me. He gently put his hand on my chin and turned my head to the side looking at my left cheek. "You all right?" He asked.

"How did you know he was here?" I asked, looking up at him. "And how did you know he..." I trailed over. He sighed and pulled a letter from his jacket pocket. "Draco sent this to me. Said you haven't been writing back to him or anyone else. I heard Jaxzon screaming when I was coming up to give it to you and see why you haven't written to your friends. But now I know why," he said and I looked down. 

"How many times?" He asked. I looked up at him and sighed "just this once. He's never hit me before," I said honestly. "Has he hurt you in any way?" He asked me and I nodded. "Why down He hit you?" He questioned. "I told him I wanted to break up with him since summer was ending," I told him and he just nodded. "Are you all right?" He asked me to look at him and I nodded again.

He stood up pulling me with him "write to your friends and Draco. Let them know why you haven't written to them. I'll be in my room," he said and walked towards the door closing it as he walked out. I walked to my bathroom and looked in the mirror. My cheek was red and I had tear stains on my cheeks. I washed my face and looked down at my wrist that was already a deep purple. I sighed and walked back into my room and onto the sitting room.

"Why haven't you responded to my letters?" A voice said, making me yelp and jump back. I looked over towards my bookshelf to see Draco running his fingers over the books not looking at me. He was taller and his hair was slightly shorter but not much. His voice was also a little deeper. Guess I wasn't the only one to mature more over the summer.

I didn't say anything, I just stood there in shock. He turned around and his eyes widened before rushing over to me which caused me to step back.  He stopped and looked at me "did he do that?" He said anger lacing his voice. I looked down and walked past him ignoring the question. "What're you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to see why you haven't written back and I wanted to ask you something else too in person since you've been ignoring my letters," he said, following me and sitting on the sofa beside me. He slowly brought his hand up and cupped my chin and turnin my face to look at him. "He hit you?" He asked not to take his eyes off my left cheek. He only let go when I brought my hand up to move his. He grabbed my arm and looked at my wrist and I heard a low growl come from his throat.

I pulled away and cleared my throat "what did you want to ask?" I questioned. He sighed and took a deep breath before asking "I wanted to know if you wanted to come to the World Cup with me. I know your family is going but I thought maybe we could go together," he said, not looking at me. I smiled a little and let out an airy laugh "sure Draco, I'll go with you," I told him and his eyes snapped up to look at me. "But... no more questions about Jaxzon, Okay! Lucas took care of it and I don't want to talk about it," I told him and he nodded "fine," he said. He wasn't happy about it but he agreed. We sat there for a few hours just catching up on what we have done all summer. It was actually really nice being around someone else for once.

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