Chapter Twenty-Two

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A/N: outfit at the top. Please vote and comment. Thank you for reading!
This chapter is a bit shorter than the rest.
It was the day of the World Cup and I was kind of excited to go with Draco. I told my parents and they were thrilled I was going with him. I was in my closet changing when I heard Draco yelling "Are you ready yet? My father is downstairs!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my coat walking out to my room "you're so impatient,"  Draco didn't say anything, just looked at me up and down. "What? Stop looking at me like that, you're creeping me out!" I said.

He looked up at me and smirked "sorry, just haven't seen you dress up since that dinner last year. I think you're missing a couple of things though," he told me. I looked at him confused as I pulled my coat on. "What?" I asked. He pulled a small box out of the pocket of his jacket. He opened the box to reveal a pin and a ring, the same ones he was currently wearing and has been since last year, along with Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy. I looked at him "did you take those back from Parkinson?" I asked and he laughed. "What? No! I asked father to have them made for you. The ring is engraved," he said.

I raised my eyebrow and reached into the box taking the ring out. I walked over to the left on my bedside table and looked at the inside of the ring. *Slytherin Princess* I turned my head to look at him and tiled it to the side. "Care to explain?" I asked. His cheeks tinted a light pink and he looked away. "Are you going to put them on or not?" He grumbled. I smiled and slipped the ring on my ring finger and stood back up. Draco pulled the pin out, threw the box on my bed and walked closer to me. He carefully put the pin on my coat and stepped back. "There now, let's go before my father comes looking for us," he said and walked towards the door.

Once we were downstairs his father looked at me and smiled. His father smiles? I thought to myself. "Ah... I see my son has given you the pin and ring," he said. I nodded "Yes sir," I said. I saw Lucas smiling and winking at me with a thumbs up and I glared at him. "Well, let's go. We have been invited to sit with the Minister," Lucius said. "Yes, well, be safe and stay warm dear," my mother said, walking over to me and fixing my coat before kissing my forehead.

Draco grabbed my hand and put his hand on his father's shoulder. "Draco," my father said. "Yes sir," Draco asked. "Keep my daughter safe," he told him and Draco nodded "of course, sir," Draco told him. Next thing I knew we were standing outside the Quidditch World Cup. There were tents and wizards spread all over the field outside the Quidditch pitch.

Draco didn't let go of my hand once as we walked through the crowd of people to the pitch. We walked up and down the steps. Then I heard a familiar voice. "Blimey dad, how far up are we?" I looked up to see Mr. Weasley, Ron, Harry, and Hermione. I felt Draco's grip on my hand tighten when he heard Ron and even more when he saw Harry. "Well, put it this way: if it rains... you'll be the first to know," Mr. Malfpy said, walking over to the railing looking up at them.

Draco walked over to stand beside his father. Harry looked down and once he saw me he smiled but that smile disappeared once he saw my hand interlocked with Draco's. Draco of course noticed and pulled me closer to him, letting go of my hand and wrapping his arm around my waist as his other hand wrapped around the railing.

"Father, y/n, and I are in the Minister's box by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself," Draco said as we walked around to get to the next set of steps. Mr. Malfoy stopped him with his cane, making Draco rub his chest a little. "Don't boast, Draco," he said. There's no need with these people,"

"Is Draco's arm wrapped around y/n's waist?" Ron said a little louder than a whisper. "Ronald!" Hermione scolded him. Harry looked at me and sighed, turning Hermione around to walk away but Mr. Malfoy quickly took his cane and trapped the end of Harry's jacket between it and the railing. "Do enjoy yourself, won't you? While you can," He said to Harry. He gave him a sarcastic smile and released him. Harry looked at me one more time. Draco smiled at him and pulled me closer to him. Harry kept eye contact with me for a little longer before turning around and walking up the steps.

We walked to the Ministers' box and took our seats. The Irish came out and fireworks went off creating a dancing leprechaun. Then the  Bulgarians came flying in. People started chanting Krum as he was displayed across the stadium.

"Good evening! As Minister for Magic, it gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup! Let the match... begin!" The Minister said as he said and the match began. 

Afterward, we went to the Minister's tent. We were sitting around when we heard shouting outside. We got up and Lucius whispered something in Draco's ear and left. Draco grabbed my hand and we walked outside to see people running and screaming as smoke filled the air from tents being set on fire. Then I saw a group of Death Eaters.

People were pushing and shoving each other trying to get away. "Come on!" Draco yelled and ran, pulling me along with him and tightening his grip on my hand. We were run by a group of Death Eaters as they assaulted a muggle woman and I gasped. "Don't look! Come on!" Draco said and we ran to the woods. He stopped once we were covered enough by the trees. We watched as people screamed for their lives and tents went ablaze. We didn't move until everything was silent and the fires died out. It was dark and getting colder. I looked up when I saw the Dark Mark in the sky. I turned to shove my face into Draco and wrapped my arms around his neck as he tightened the grip he already had on me.

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