Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: outfit at the top. Minus the bag. And add the necklace from Jaxzon and the Bracelet from Draco instead of the watch and bracelet in the picture. If you do not like the outfit imagine something else but please don't comment something rude. Please vote, comment, share it really helps keep me motivated to write this, or else I'll just stop writing. Thanks for reading
The next day was Buckbeak's execution so I was going to meet Hermione and the boys to go and tall to Hagrid. I changed, put my jacket on headed to meet The Golden Trio. I was walking through the courtyard when Draco, Crabbe, and some other kid ran past me. Draco was holding his hand to his mouth as blood dripped from his bottom lip.

I stopped and looked towards the way they had come and then back the way they went. I groaned at my curiosity wanting to know what happened so I walked after them.

I walked into the common room and looked around Crabbe and the other kid sat on one of the couches talking and chuckling. "Where's Draco?" I asked. They looked up and pointed towards the boy's dorm. "Well, can you get up and let me in so I can talk to him?" I asked.

"Why?" The kid I could never remember the name if asked.

"Just let me into the bloody dorm!" I growled at him and gave an angry look. He sighed and walked towards the boy's dorm. He whispered the spell to me in and I walked to the end of the hall. Once in front of Draco's door, I knocked. "Go away, Parkinson!" He yelled.

"Parkinson?" I whispered to myself and scrunched my face up then knocked again. "Bloody hell!" I heard him yell. "Go away!"

I rolled my eyes and whispers *alohomora* unlocking the door and walking in. The room was darkly lit but Draco wasn't anywhere in view. "Draco?" I called.

His blond head popped out of the bathroom door and looked at me in surprise. "What're you want?" He hissed and looked back into the bathroom.

I walked over and leaned against the door frame. "Well, when I saw you running past me with a bloody lip I wanted to see what happened," I asked.

"What happened? What happened?!" He yelled. "You filthy Mudblood friend punched me!"

"What did you do to make her so mad that she punched you?" I asked.

"I didn't do anything! Your little friends are being dramatic over that bloody chicken that tried to kill me!" He hissed at me.

"Buckbeak didn't try to kill you! You're the one that went up to him acting all big and tough. You were not paying attention to Hagrid's instructions. You were fueled by jealousy!" I hissed back.

"I've told you I'm not jealous of Potter!" He yelled.

"You clearly are. You're still pissy because he didn't want to be friends with you in the first year," I laughed.

He bit his lip forgetting he had a cut and it started bleeding again. "Bloody hell!" He groaned. I walked closer and took the wet washcloth and gently wiped the blood from his lip. I took out my wand and pointed it at his lip "Episkey," I whispered and the cut cleared up.

"You're welcome," I said and walked out of his bathroom and into the bedroom. I skimmed the books on his shelves until I stopped on one
Occlumency  I looked at him and continued looking at his books. Charms, potions, transformation. Draco was a very intelligent person. He was one of the top students besides me and Hermione. "You know for being so smart your pretty stupid," I said flipping through the pages of a book.

"Can I borrow this?" I asked holding up the ***Advanced Occlumency** book. He just stared at me and I raised my eyebrow at him. "Hello! Draco, may I borrow this?" I said to save the book. "Yeah," he said, still looking at me but walked over to stand beside me.

There was a knock on the door and then someone walked in "Dracy!" A shrill voice. I rolled my eyes and sighed. Now I have to deal with Parkinson's. As soon her eyes landed on us her face got red. "What are you doing here?! Get out!" She yelled, stomping her foot.

"For your information, I was helping him with something and wanted to borrow a book! Not that it's any of your business,"  I told her.

"He's my boyfriend!" She screeched. "It is my business!"

"Right," I sighed, putting the book back and walking out the door and out of the boy's dorm then out of the common room. She wasn't wrong, he is her boyfriend now.

I was walking around the corridors when I saw Harry and Hermione helping Ron. "Hey, guys!" I yelled and ran up to them. "What happened?" I asked as we walked into the hospital and they sat Ron on one of the beds. "Scabbers is Peter Pettigrew!" Ron said.

"What is he talking about?" I asked, looking at Hermione and Harry.

"Sirius Black is a black dog and Lupin is a werewolf. His rat is Peter Pettigrew," Harry said. "It's a long story we'll explain later," he told me as Dumbledore walked in and talked to them about going back in time, and if they did not do it right they could save more than one life.

Hermione pulled something out of her shirt. "Merlin! Is that a time-turner?" I asked, looking at her. She nodded and smiled at me. Harry just had a confused look.on his face.

She put the necklace around Harry's neck and pulled me towards them and put it over mine as well. Once they figured out the exact time they needed to return she spun the middle of it and we ended up at the stone wall that leads from the courtyard.

We peaked around the wall to see her and the boys in front of Draco and his two idiots. They were looking down at Hagrids behind the large stones that stood up. Malfoy called her a Mudblood and then said something I count catch. Hermione turned back around and held her wand to his neck threatening to hex him. The boys were able to convince her not to and she lowered the wand. But then Draco said something and she turned back punching him and he and his friends ran off.

"Wow!" I whispered, smiling at her. Ron was impressed by and eventually, they walked down to Hagrids. We followed him in the forest nearby. Buckbeak laying in the garden. Hermione got impatient when she saw they weren't leaving and threw stones at them. Then she grabbed the ferrets and had Buckbeak follow her and we went back into the forest.

We went on to watch as Ron was dragged under the whomping willow and then Lupin turned into a werewolf. He was about to Attack them as Snape stood in front of them. Hermione started howling to draw Lupin away then we ran into the forest again and hid behind a tree. Dementors came and Harry ran and did the *Patronus charm*. They save Buckbeak and Sirius Black. Then we were back in the hospital with a confused Ron. Even if it was an hour or so for us it was seconded for him.

After saying good-bye to the three I went back to the Slytherin common room. I walked in to see Lucas sitting on one of the sofas looking at the fire. I just kept walking towards the girl's dorm when he called after me. "y/n!" I stopped but didn't turn around.

"I'm sorry. I don't want us going home fighting," he said and I just nodded my head and walked into the girl's dorm and to my bedroom. I walked into the bathroom and showered then changed and went to bed.

The next morning I got up and changed into my robes and walked out to the common room. Melina was standing there waiting for me and we walked to the great hall. As we walked in, Harry and some other Gryffiidors were standing around the table. I walked over and saw a firebolt on the table. "A firebolt! Where did you get that?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

He picked it up and they all ran to go out to the courtyard so me and Melina ran after them. We stopped outside the doors. Draco and his friends were standing there and he moved closer to me "what's going on?" He asked.

"Someone sent Harry a firebolt," I told him and  he scuffed.

Harry got on the broom and it took off making him yell in surprise but then it turned into an excited yelling. He took off into the sky and disappeared.

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