Chapter Thirty-Seven

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A/N: There is sexual content in this chapter its kinda long so if you dont feel comfortable i suggest skipping this chapter and just head to the next chapter. Also i know its not Wednesday but I can't wait for Wednesday so bonus chapter! Enjoy!
Draco and I sat in the sitting area of my room just reading. He kept looking over at me. "What?" I finally asked him looking up from my book. "Nothing," he said, smirking. "It's not nothing. Why do you keep looking at me?" I asked. "Just like seeing you in nothing but my jersey," he said. I felt my face heat up and looked away from him and I stood. "Where are you going?" He said and quickly stood up to stop me by blocking my way. "Going to change," I told him not to look up at him. "Hmm... no. I don't think so," he said and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. "Draco!" I squealed.


My back hit the mattress and I bounced a little. Draco quickly climbed into the bed so he was hovering over me. "You're so beautiful," he whispered and leaned down, connecting our lips. I flipped us over so I was the one on top then sat up straddling him. Draco sat up fully on the edge of the bed with me still on his lap. He put his hands on my hips and leaned forward to kiss me. "I don't know if this is the best idea," he said, pulling away to look at me. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You sitting on my lap like this," he said. "Why?" I asked, acting clueless. I heard him let out a little growl.

Draco and I had found ourselves in an awkward position the other day when we were fighting. It ended in us making out and me on top of him grinding down on him. The awkwardness had quickly turned into sexual desire. We didn't have sex just ground on each other until we both had an orgasm. It wasn't my first. I mean I had experimented a little once or twice when I was alone and I'm sure Draco had too, but this was the first one the both of us had because of someone else.

I felt Draco's hands squeeze my hips harder "You know exactly why," he growled out. I chuckled and ground down on him a little. He let out a groan and pulled me closer to his body then started rocking my hips hard against him. "Fuck," he whispered. I moaned and tilted my head back "Draco," I whimpered and felt him leave wet kissing down my neck. This time the feeling was more intense since I only had panties and his Jersey on and he only had a pair of joggers on. He lifted me and flipped me over so my back was on the mattress.

"Do you trust me?" He whispered in my ear as he kissed my neck then looked at me. I looked into his blue-ish gray eyes and nodded. "Good. I want to do something but if at any point you don't feel comfortable saying something, okay?" He asked and I nodded my head. "Words. I need you to use your words," he said, still looking at me. "Yes," I breathed out. He leaned down and kissed me and seconds later I felt his hand running up my leg slowly. He pulled away to look at me and moved his hand up pushing the shirt up a little before moving it back down to the side of my panties and played with them. "You sure you're alright?" He asked. "Yes, Draco, I trust you," I said looking him in the eyes.

My breath hitched in my throat when I felt his fingers pull my panties to the side and then run through my wet folds. "Draco," I whimpered, lifting my hips a little to push against his hand. He took his free hand and pushed my hips down. Draco ran his fingers up and started to rub small light circles on my clit making me moan out "please," I whispered. A smirk spread across his face as he pulled away "move up on the bed, Darling," he said in a gruff voice and I did as he asked, laying my head on the pillows. He climbed in between my legs and slid his fingers into the waistband of my panties pulling them down and off, throwing them on the floor before laying flat on his stomach.

He wrapped his arms around my legs pulling me down a little closer to his face. "One last time, you're sure?" He asked. "Yes, Draco," I said, getting fidgety. He smiled and laid kisses on the inside of my thigh all the way up to my wet pussy. I gasped as his tongue made contact, licking a strip up to my clit. "Draco!" I cried out. He started to suck on my clit and brought one arm around slipping a finger inside me. I threw my head back moaning at the feeling as he sucked and twirled his tongue around my clit and pumped his middle finger inside of me before adding his ring finger. "Fuck! Draco, don't stop, please!" I cried out. The feeling was so intense and I could feel a knot tightening inside of me as he sucked harder and pumped his fingers hard and faster.

"Draco, I'm... I'm going to..." I started to warn him but the tight band inside of me snapped and I came hard around his fingers as he continued pumping and sucking making sure to lay his free hand on my lower stomach to keep me from pushing my hips up. Once I came down from the high of my orgasm he pulled his fingers out of me and licked a strip up my pussy making me jolt before he sat up licking his lips.


"Fuck," I breathed out. I looked up at him and he had a cocky smile on his face. He opened his mouth to say something but there was a pounding on my door. "Y/N!" I heard Lucas yell from outside the door. "Shit!" I said looking at Draco. His eyes were wide "fuck!" He hissed out and jumped off the bed leaning down picking my panties up off the floor and throwing them at me. "Why's the door locked?! You have 5 seconds to open it before I do!" Lucas yelled. "Fuck!" I said and stood up off the bed. I ran around my bed and towards the bathroom "go to act like you're reading or something! And put a shirt on!" I said to Draco. "What about this?!" He asked, pointing to his joggers. I looked down to see the bulge in his pants. "I don't know! Use a pillow to cover it!" I said and ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

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