Chapter Fifty-One

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A/N: very, very, very long chapter! Enjoy my darling readers. It is recommended 18+ but I can't stop you and I did warn you.

Word Count: 2398

Smut Warning:
• Choking
• hair pulling
• oral (both receiving)
• spanking
• degrading (just a little)
• edging
• unprotected sex (wrap it up!)
• jealous rough sex?
• daddy kink
• praise kink

Anything bothers you above don't read after the sexual content warning that is set before any of it starts.


"No," he said. My eyebrows shot up. "Are you really lying to me right now?" I asked in disbelief. "Y/N, I can't do this right now," he said. "No. We are doing this right now. It all lines up, Draco. Harry, Ron, and Hermione saw you at Knockturn Alley going into cursed Borgin and Burkes. Earlier today you had a package with you but didn't when we came back. Then there's you showing up to the manor while he was there. You've been acting strange. You came up here a few weeks ago, and I followed you. What do you need a vanishing cabinet for, Draco?" I said. "How do you know about Borgin and Burkes?" He asked. "Harry told me. Stop avoiding my questions," I said. I was getting annoyed.

"Yes," he said. "Yes? Yes, to what?" I asked. "Yes, I have the mark. Yes, It's my fault Katie Bell was cursed. The necklace was supposed to go to Dumbledore," Draco said. "Dumbledore? Why?" I asked. "Orders from the Dark Lord. If I don't kill him and fix this cabinet, he'll kill me, my family, and -- and you," he said, putting his head down. "Draco," I whispered and stepped closer to him. "Why didn't you just tell me?" I asked. "You're not supposed to know," he said. "I'm sorry," I whispered. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest.

"Where were you?" He asked. "What?" I asked back. He wrapped his arms around me and held me to him. "Where were you earlier? Melina said you left," he said. "Oh. Um. Harry wanted me to meet him at the astronomy tower," I said quietly. I felt his grip on me get tighter. "You were Potter? What did he want?" He growled. "He -- he told me about seeing you in Knockturn Alley. he said you had the mark. But he doesn't have any real proof," I rushed to the last part. "You went by yourself to meet with Potter. I thought we had an understanding that you-are-mine," he growled in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine. Goosebumps spread all over my body.

"I -- I," I stuttered out. Why does he have to be so intimidating? Not in a bad way. But in a way that made my mind freeze. The hot air of his breath hitting the shell of my ear and neck. It made everything fuzzy. I couldn't put together a coherent sentence. I wanted to scold him for being so bloody jealous. For always thinking he owns me. Thinking he had control over me. But I was kidding myself. He did own me, he did have control over me. He had this power over me when it came to these kinds of positions we were in right now. He knew the effect he had on me. He knew he made me weak. He knew how to make me surrender to him. I felt him kiss my neck right behind my ear. 'Yup. That's the spot' I was his and only his. He could do whatever he wanted to me. He had me In his grasp.

"Tell me, Darling, did he touch you?" He asked, with a low growl behind it. "N--No," I sighed. "But you were all alone with him," he said. "Yes," I answered. "Maybe I should teach you a lesson. Hmm?" He said. "I didn't do anything wrong," I challenged. He let a lowly chuckle out and sighed. "See that's where you're wrong. You left without telling me. You left and met up with him. I had to find out from your best friend that you left," he said, calmly, too calmly. "I left because he asked me to meet him at 9," I said. It probably wasn't smart to challenge him. But if I'm being honest I was curious how far I could push him until he snapped.

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