Chapter Forty-Nine

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A/N: This chapter is going to have add scene in it but will also still follow the movie. Slughorn will ask a few more people to come up and tell what they smell in the Amortentia. Draco, Harry, and a few random people I make up. I just think draco telling everyone what he smells (that being y/n) would be cute. Also I've kinda made a scent for y/n But if you don't like it you can change it to whatever scent you like.

"Who else would like to come up?" Slughorn asked. Every girl in the room put their hand up. "Mr. Sampson, how about you?" Slughorn called out. Ashton walked up front and smelled the potion. "Fruity and sweet, kind of like strawberries. Smell of rain in the spring," he said and cleared his throat before moving back to his spot. "Very good. Miss. Hale," Slughorn said. Isabella walked up and did the same. "I smell... a woody smell almost like sandalwood, spearmint toothpaste, Quidditch gear?" She said shyly. It was obvious that she and Ashton liked each other but they were too shy to say anything. "Very good. Very good," Slughorn said.

"Let's see who's next? Ah! Harry my boy," he said. Harry looked at him and Hermione gave him a slight push. Harry walked up to the cauldron and carefully smelled it. "treacle tart, the woody scent of broomstick handle, and something flowery," he said and quickly went back to his spot. "Is that my sister? Do you smell my sister?" Ron said horrified. I chuckled at that and shook my head. "Mr. Malfoy, your next," Slughorn called out. Draco handed me his book and walked up like everyone else and wafted the scent to his nose. "light and fresh, floral scent but not overwhelmingly heavy. Kind of like Lavender, a creamy, warm, comforting, yet also slightly exotic scent like vanilla, sweet, creamy and slightly exotic smell like coconut," he said. I smiled at that.  I used lavender vanilla hand cream and Coconut body wash.

He walked back over to me and Slughorn smiled. "All right. That's enough of that," he said and put the lid on the cauldron. The girls were all standing around it trying to see what it smelled like to them. "Sir? You haven't told us what's in that one," one of the girls asked. "Oh, yes. What you see before you, ladies and gentlemen is a curious little potion known as Felix Felicis.  But it is more commonly referred to as.." he said but Hermione cut him before he could finish. "Liquid Luck," she said. "Yes, Miss. Granger. Liquid Luck. Desperately tricky to make, disastrous should you get it wrong. One sip and you will find that all of your endeavors succeed," Slughorn said. Draco looked up at that. "At least until the effects wear off. So this is what I offer each of you today. One tiny vial of Liquid Luck to the student who, in the hour that remains manages to brew an acceptable Draught of Living Death. The recipe for which can be found on page 10 of your books. I should point out, however, only once did a student manage to brew a potion of sufficient quality to claim this prize. Nevertheless, good luck to you all. Let the brewing commence," he said.

Everyone went off to their tables grabbing the ingredients needed and tried to brew the potion. Sopophorous Beans were flying Everywhere as people tried cutting them like the recipe said. Crabbe pulled the ladle out of his cauldron to revel it had melted. Everyone stopped working when Harry told Slughorn he was finished. Draco huffed and his jaw clenched. Slughorn dropped a leaf into Harry's potion and nothing happened. "Marlin's beard! It's perfect. Do perfect I daresay one drop would kill us all," he said. We all moved up front as Harry stood beside Slughorn. "Here we are, then, as promised," Slughorn said and handed the vial to Harry. Some people clapped, well the Gryffindor's did. There were more of them than there was Slytherin's.  The only Slytherin's were me, Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle. 

Later that night I was talking to Melina in my dorm room. We were catching up on everything and talked about our summers. When she left I went to see if one of the boys would let me into the boys dorms so I could see Draco but they told me he had just left. I was confused by that and quickly snuck out of the common room. I walked around the castle for about ten minutes before I caught sight of the head on blond hair turning a corner. I took off my shoes so I wouldn't make any noise.

The stone floor was cold under my feet, I only had my black stockings I had under my skirt covering my feet. I watched as he stopped at a wall. A door appeared and I realized it was the Room Of Requirement. After he walked in I quickly ran towards the door and slipped in before it shut and disappeared. I looked around to see the very large room was packed full of stuff. It was like walking through a maze. I made sure to hide as I followed Draco. I was quiet so he wouldn't know I was here. I was confused as to why he was here himself.

He was tossing a green apple up in the air and catching it as he walked. He stopped and turned his head to look behind him and I quickly ducked down. He walked to a large figure covered by a heavy fabric and pulled it down to reveal some sort of cabinet. He opened it and set the apple inside then closed it. After a few minutes he opened it back-up and pulled the apple back out. I heard him let out a frustrated sigh before closing the cabinet. I waited until he walked past me and then followed him out. After he turned the corner of the corridor I headed another way back to the common room. Only when I got back to my dorm did I realize that the cabinet he was looking at was a vanishing cabinet. But I didn't know why he would be looking for such thing.

It went on like that for a couple months, Draco going to the Room Of Requirement and trying to get the cabinet to work and each time I would follow him. I didn't know if he knew I was following him or not. I was assuming he didn't since he never said anything. He was distant though, too. Wasn't spending a lot of time with me. He was skipping classes, and wasn't sleeping, hardly eating. I was beginning to worry about him.

It was the weekend and snow covered the ground. Draco and I were going into Hogsmeade today. It was the first in a long time that we've spent any time together. We walked hand and hand down the snow covered stone path. Draco was something that was wrapped in what looked like tan cloth wrapping. He had it tucked under his arm. "So what is that?" I asked. "What?" He asked, looking down at me. "The package you have, what is it?" I asked. "It's nothing. Just have to drop it off," he said. Instead of pushing my luck I let it go. "This is nice. We haven't spent a lot of time together lately," I said. "I know, Darling. I've been preoccupied lately," he told me. "Want to talk about it?" I asked. "No. I just want to spend time with you," he said and kissed the side of my head and pulling me closer to his body.

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