Chapter Eighteen

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After dinner, we went to the common room. Melina and I went to my dorm and talked about what she should wear when she goes to meet Stella in Hogsmeade. She decided on a simple white sundress and a black lacy cardigan and then left back to her dorm room to go to sleep.

I had just gotten out of the shower, changed, and brushed my teeth before walking into my room. I let out a small scream when I saw Malfoy on my bed with his hands behind his head. "Get out!" I yelled pointing to the door. "I'm comfortable, so, I think I'll stay here," he said closing his eyes with that stupid smirk.

"Get out!" I said walking over and grabbing a pillow. I started hitting him with it and he threw up his hands shielding himself. "Get out! Get out! Get out!" I repeated. Then he grabbed the pillow pulling on it and brought me down with it. "Malfoy!" I yelped.

"What do I tell you about calling me that!" He growled but hit me with the pillow. It wasn't hard, it was softer than when I was hitting him. "Okay, Okay!" I laughed. We laid on my bed looking up at the ceiling. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I saw you with Potter,"

"Merlin, Malfoy,  he's my friend nothing more. And I don't see why you care so much," I groaned.

"I don't!" He quickly said.

"Right, okay, if you say so," I sighed. 

It was silent for a while, not an awkward silence, but just silence. As you looked at the ceiling. The sound of the Black Lake lapping against the windows and casting a greenish glow over the slightly dimmed lit room. I felt a cold hand grab mine and intertwine our fingers. "The bracelet looks great on you," Draco softly says.

"Thanks," I whispered as a light blushed formed on my cheeks. "Draco?" I asked.


"Why did you kiss me?" I asked, looking straight at the high stoned ceiling. "I wanted to," he said and I just let a small smile form on my lips.

We stayed there just talking about anything and everything until it was midnight and Draco went back to his dorm. I'll have to remember to ask him one day how he gets past the charm to the girl's dorms.

The next day I woke up and put my robes on, brushed my teeth and my hair, and grabbed my bag before heading to the common room. I saw Melina standing by the one couch. She had one hip leaning against the side of the black leather. Her face scrunched up. "Mel!" I said and she looked at me eye wide. She quickly ran over to me and pulled me out of the common room.

"Wow. Hey, what the hell!" I said laughing.

"Sorry, just hungry," Melina said smiling as we walked to the Great Hall. We found a spot and sat down. Food appeared and we started eating in silence. Melina looked nervous as she kept glancing back at the entranceway. "Are you waiting for someone?" I asked.

"What? No!" She said quickly.

"What is up with you?" I asked. She just gave me a sad look and sighed. "Well, I'd rather you hear it from me than find out another way," she said and I looked confused. "Find out what?" I asked.

"I know Draco was in your dorm last night," She said. "Okay, yeah. He's always showing up and I don't know-how. But we just sat and talked, it was nice for once," I told her, smiling.

"y/n, he gets in because Pansy lets him in. He promised if she did he would be hers. She brags about it all the time. She let him in last night, she said she only would if he promised to keep away from you," she told me.

"Okay, and? Why should I care?" I asked and looked down. I knew if I kept looking at her I would break down. It was stupid to think that maybe just maybe he actually liked me and we could become friends. I mean he kissed me! I guess it was just so he had something to use against me.

"I know you like him," Melina said. My head shot up and I looked at her. "I do not," I said. "You do, y/n! I can't tell. You won't admit it but you do," she said sternly.

I just looked down. "It doesn't matter if I do or don't, now does it? Besides Jaxzon La Croix is way better. He's older and more experienced. Plus he's hot like really hot," I said with confidence. "He gave me this," I pulled the locket out of my shirt. "He has the key. He said next time he sees me he'll unlock it. It's a family heirloom," I told her.

"He must really like you," she said looking at the necklace. "Yeah, so why do I care about..." I started until I saw Malfoy walk into the Great Hall with his arm around Parkinson's shoulders. She had the smuggest look on her pug like face.

Pansy pulled him over to the table and purposely sat down across from Melina and made Draco sit beside her in front of me. "Addington. Thronheart," she said.

"Parkinson," I said looking at her before I moved my eyes to Draco. "Malfoy," I said. His jaw clenched as he glared at me. Pansy had wrapped herself around him moving his arm over her shoulders. I could see him visibly stiff. Why was he even agreeing with any of this? Draco Malfoy never lets someone tell him how things are going to be.

"So, exciting news! Me and Draco are together!" Pansy squeals.

"Oh, really?" I said, raising an eyebrow.  Melina just looked at them in disgust. "Wow. I am so sorry, Malfoy. I feel bad for you," I said with a sad sarcastic look.

"I mean having to deal with a clingy, loud, psychotic, bimbo all the time. And not to mention her face. Not the most appealing thing to look at," I said. Melina burst out laughing and Pansy's death glared at me. Draco had his hand over his mouth trying not to smile. I winked at her and got up "come on, Melina, we have potions. We don't want to be late," I said and with that, we walked away. The last thing we heard was Pansy saying "Dracy, you're not going to let her talk to me like that are you!" Before we walked out of the Great  Hall.

We sat in the back of the potions room. Everyone was in their own conversation. Someone sat on the other side of me as I was turned to look at Melina. She stopped talking and gave me a look. I looked at her then turned around to see Draco. "Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?" I asked him.

"She's not my girlfriend!" He hissed.

"Maybe you should tell her that. But then again you did promise her you would be together. Now leave me alone," I said. Pansy walked in looking around before her eyes landed on Draco sitting beside me. Before she could protest and walk back to us Snape walked in. "Miss, Parkinson, take your seat!" He said and she quickly sat down beside a Gryffindor boy.

Snape started teaching by talking in his slow monotone voice. "She's not my girlfriend. I told her that only so I could get into the girl's dorm to see you," Draco whispered.

"You could have asked me," I whispered back.

"Would you have let me in?" He asked.

I slowly looked at him with no emotion on my face. "No," I bluntly said and turned back to pay attention to Snape.

"See, that's why I had to use Pansy. I knew she would let me," he hissed.

I saw Pansy turn around and glare at me then look at Draco wiggling her fingers at him with a dumb smile on her pug face. Draco just nodded his head at her and she turned back around. "I wouldn't have kissed you if I wanted to be with Pansy," he whispered.

"No, but you would just humiliate me. Now, if you don't mind I'm trying to pay attention," I hissed and ignored him the rest of the class.

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