Chapter Thirty-Two

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It was Christmas Eve the night of the Yule Ball. I was in my room getting ready. I had my makeup and hair done. A knock on my door made me walk out into my room from the bathroom and I saw Melina walk in with a long silk black dress on with thin straps. "Hey, you ready?" She asked. "Just need to put my dress on, can you help me?" I asked and she nodded her head. I stepped into the dress and pulled it up over my shoulders and Melina zipped it up. I handed her my necklace and she clasped it and helped me clasp my bracelet as well. "Draco has some good taste," she said and I smiled. I slipped my heels on and we walked out of the dorm and common room. Stella met up with us before we walked up the stairs.

They headed to go down the stairs and I stayed back. Stella stopped and looked at me "are you all right?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah," I said smiling. We walked down the stairs that lead outside the Great Hall. I looked down to see Draco standing there talking to Lucas who nudged him and then walked away. He looked up and his jaw dropped open a little as he watched me walk down the last couple of steps. He held his hand out for me and I took it. "You look stunning," he whispered in my ear, making me smile as a blush crept up on my cheeks. "You don't look too bad yourself," I said.

He linked my arm with him as he led us into the great hall. "Wow!" I said. The great hall looked amazing. We walked over to Stella, Melina, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, and Theo along with the boy's dates. "Damn, you look good y/n," Theo said, smirking. "Back off Knott," Draco growled. We stood around talking for a while until they announced the Triwizard Contestants and their dates. Then everyone started to dance. We had the traditional dance that we learned and again Draco lifted me like it was nothing but then again I did help by having my hands on his shoulders.

After that, we were allowed to just dance. Draco and I went to the table with our friends and had some punch just talking. "Hey, come on dance with me," Draco said as a slower song came on. I took his hand and we walked out into the dance area. He put his hands on my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. He pulled me closer and we danced. I noticed Jaxzon and Pansy dancing close by us. I looked away and up at Draco. He looked down and smiled and to be honest I don't think I've ever seen him smile unless he was bullying some poor kid. He leaned down and kissed me and pulled away. I smiled and laid my head on his chest as the song finished off.

"I'm going to get some punch, do want any?" He asked and I nodded "yeah, thank you," I said and watched him walk away. I waited for what seemed like forever until he came back over. "Where're our drinks?" I asked. "What?" He asked. "You were going to get us to punch," I said. "Yeah, can I talk to you alone?" He asked and walked towards the door. I scrunched my face up and walked after him. I just caught a glimpse of him walk around the corner so I walked as fast as I could in my heels.

I walked around the corner and didn't see him "Draco?" I called out and walked down the corridor to see the door to the astronomy tower open. I walked over and looked up the steps. I closed the door on my way up and when I got to the top I let go of my dress. I shivered as the cold night air hit my exposed arms and shoulders. Draco was leaning on the railing looking out into the night. "Draco?" I said and slowly walked towards him.

"We can't be together," he said. I stopped walking and stood there in shock. "What? What are you talking about? Where is this coming from?" I asked. "After tonight I want nothing to do with you," he told me. "Draco. Where is this coming from?" I asked as tears started to flood my eyes. "Go back to Jaxzon. That's who you really want. Pansy told me she heard you talking to him. About how you're only playing me," he hissed. "Pansy? Really! You're going to believe Pansy!" I yelled. "I don't want anything to do with Jaxzon Draco!"

"Then why'd you kiss him? Huh?!" He yelled as he turned around. "Yeah, he told me everything. Told me how after school was over yesterday you two came up here and snogged!" He hissed. "And you believe him and Pansy?! Are you mental?" I asked. "People saw you two. Theo, Blaise, Daphne! Explain that!" He yelled. "It wasn't me! Draco, you have to believe me, Please!" I begged him. He shook his head "Why would I believe a blood traitor? Huh? I only started being nice to you because my father asked me to," he growled slowly and he stepped closer to me. "Did you really think I'd ever like a blood traitor like you? How pathetic," he laughed out.

I felt the tears in my eyes fall and I turned around and ran down the steps and out into the corridor only to feel Draco's hand wrap around my wrist. "Let go!" I half yelled. "We're going to act like none of this happened and you're going to clean yourself up and we'll walkabout to the ball and continue the night. I looked into his eyes expecting to see hate but I saw hurt instead. "Draco, it wasn't me. I swear!" I told him and she shook his head "shut up!" He growled.

"Draco! Man, there you are!" We heard someone call out and he turned around. I could see it was one of the guys on the Quidditch team. He was a beater so I hid behind Draco. "Lucian?" Draco asked. "Man, I saw y/n. She was snogging one of the Durmstrang guys!" He said. I stepped out from behind Draco "that's interesting since I'm right here," I said and he looked at me in confusion. "How... how'd you get here so fast?" He asked. "I've been with Draco this whole time, your prat!" I yelled. "Where were they?" Draco asked. "Umm... by the bathrooms near the great hall," he said. "Thanks for getting lost!" He said and Lucas ran off.

Draco turned around and looked at me. "I told you so," I said and walked past him. "Y/n! Wait!" He said, stepping in front of me. "I'm... I'm sorry," he said. "You think saying sorry is going to fix things?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "Is it?" He asked, smirking. "No! Now come on!" I said as we walked back towards the great hall and to the bathrooms. Sure enough, there was Jaxzon and me kissing. "You just won't stop will you?" I asked. The person who looked like me pulled away. And to say it was creepy is an understatement.

Jaxzon smirked, "told you, you're mine," he said. "No, I'm not!" I said. That pissed him off but Draco walked up behind me "she's mine La Croix, so back off!" He growled and pulled me behind him. "We'll see about that," Jaxzon said smiling as the person changed back to themselves. Of course, it was Pansy.

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