Chapter Thirty-Three

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It was the day of the second task. I walked down to the Black Lake with Draco, Melina, and Stella to the boats that would take us to where the task would be held. Draco gave me his hand and helped me onto the boat before getting in himself.

We were taken to three stands that were in the middle of the lake and got out. We stood around with the other students and just talked about what this task might be. Draco and I had a long talk in his dorm after the ball about what had happened. We both apologize even though Draco's apology was more of a *"Yeah, me too,"*

We heard Dumbledore's voice over a speaker. "Welcome to the second task. Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake. In order to win, each champion needs only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough except for this: they will have but one hour to do so, and one hour only. After that, they'll be on their own. No magic will save them. You may begin at the sound of the cannon," he spoke.

The cannon went off and the four champions dived into the lake. "Was that Potter?" Melina asked. "Um... Yeah," I said.  He had jumped out of the water and scream *"yeah!"* before going back under.

Dumbledore came back over the speaker as we all stood and stared out onto the lake waiting. "The Beauxbatons champion, Miss. Delacour, unfortunately, has been forced to retire, so she will take no further part in this task," he said as Fleur came out of the water. Cedric came out of the water with Chi then Victor with Hermione. "Oh, my god, Hermione!" I said. Harry still wasn't back yet and time was running out. I ran down to the dock and helped Hermione get out of the water.

"Hermione, are you all right?" I asked and she nodded her head as she took the blanket from me. I then saw Ron and another girl surface. Fleur went over helping the girl who I was assuming was her sister. "Harry they flew out of the water and onto the deck. We wrapped a blanket around him right away. Fleur came over to him and knelt in front of him. "You saved her even though she wasn't yours to save. My little sister. Thank you!" She said and hugged him kissing each of his cheeks. I chuckled at his surprise.

She then went over to Ron.  And you, you help," she said. "Well, yeah a bit," Ron said, getting flustered. I stood up and walked over to him with a blanket. Fleur kissed his cheeks and he blushed. "Harry!" Hermione said come over and grab him.  "Hermione! Ow!" He said. "Are you all right? You must be freezing," She asked.

"Here Ron," I said and wrapped a couple of blankets around him. I looked back to see Hermione putting another blanket around Harry. "Personally, I think you behaved admirably," she said. "I came in last, Hermione," he told her. "Are you kidding? Harry, you saved Ron and Fleur's little sister when you didn't have to," I said. Hermione and I both kissed the top of his head and he yelled in pain and surprise. "Next to last. Fleur never got past ze Grindylows," Hermione said.

"Attention!" Dumbledore yelled and everyone shut up. "The winner is... Mr. Diggory!" He said and I heard Stella cheering and I clapped for him. "Who showed innate command of the bubble head charm! However, seeing as Mr. Potter would have finished first, had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mr. Weasley but the others as well, we've agreed to award him second place. For outstanding moral fiber !" Dumbledore announced. "Yeah!" We all cheered and I hugged him. "Second place, Harry!" I said and he hugged me back.

I looked up when I heard someone scream yes. Only to see Draco hit the kid over the head. He looked back down at me and I gave him a look shaking my head to which he only shrugged making me laugh a little. "I'll see you guys later. Congratulations Harry," I said. I walked away and met up with Draco. Melina and Stella were in front of him and ran past me to Cedric. Crabbe and Goyle were behind Draco. "Well, that was interesting," I said. 

Draco just looked at me and rolled his eyes "Oh, now what?" I asked. "Kissing Potter now are we?" He spat. "Merlin, Draco!" I sighed in the announcement. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck but he didn't move so I huffed.  "Well, Malfoy, I'm not your girlfriend. So I can kiss whoever I want," I said in his ear and went to pull away only for him to stop me by wrapping his arms around my waist. "Who said you weren't?" He whispered in my ear, making my eyebrows shoot up. "Well, I don't remember you asking," I remarked. "I don't need to ask. It's pretty clear you're mine," he growled and I rolled my eyes. "If you say so," I said and kissed him before pulling him to the boats.

We got in a boat and headed back. Once back to the dock Draco helped me out and we walked back through the forest to the castle. It was getting colder bow that dusk had fallen upon us. I  moved closer to Draco as he wrapped his arms around me tighter. "Careful where those hands go, Malfoy," we heard and turned to Lucas and Aurora. "Shut it, Lucas," I said. He laughed and walked past us.

Once back at the castle we had dinner then went back to the common room. Draco and I went up to his dorm room and hung out. He had the fire going and we sat on his bed and he explained more to me about Occlumency. He was trying to teach me to block out my thoughts so no one could see into my head. Eventually, as he read the book I ended up falling asleep cuddled up beside him with my head on his shoulder and face shoved into the crook of his neck.

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