Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Draco eventually let go of my hand once we were out of sight and in the dungeons. He started to walk away from me. "Draco?" I asked and stopped walking. We were the only ones in the cold dark corridor. He just kept walking so I spoke louder "Draco?" He stopped but didn't turn around. "What?" He practically hissed. I took a deep breath. "What the hell is your problem? I'm so confused. You run off after what happened... what happened in the bathroom. But then you help me back there in the Great Hall and until we are out of sight from Jaxzon. Now you're being cold towards me again. I don't get it," I said.

"Maybe you should go find your boyfriend and see why and how he put his name in the Goblet of Fire," he hissed and started walking off again. "Oh, for Merlin's sake! Jealous much Malfoy!" I yelled after him. He stopped and spun around quickly walking back towards me. He was so close to my face I could feel his breath on my face. The smell of his mint toothpaste. The smell. of his expensive cologne and a hint of green apples. The smell was intoxicating to me but I wasn't going to admit that.

"I'm not jealous of Potter! I could care less. He can have you, blood traitor," he hissed. He hasn't called me that in a while and I put my head down. "I don't like Harry like that, Draco," I said slowly. He scoffed at that and turned away. "I tan to you didn't I?" I asked and he stopped to look at me. "What?" He asked. "I said I ran to you. When you called my name, I ran to you, Draco. I felt safer with you. I wanted to be near you, not Harry," I whispered and slowly looked up at him.

What was I doing? I was setting myself up to get rejected and hurt. That's what I was doing. He's probably just going to laugh at me and walk away. Then he'll spread it around the school.

It was silent in the cold, dark corridor of the dungeons. I took a deep breath and shook my head. "I'm sorry. Just forget what I just said," I told Draco as tears lined my eyes. I walked past him and towards the common room. how stupid am I? I just practically admitted I had some kind of feelings for Draco Malfoy. I should just pitch myself off the astronomy tower now, it would probably be a lot less painful than what will be waiting for me tomorrow.

I stood in front of the stone wall and mumbled the password. Once the entrance was opened I walked into the common room and ignored the people that were sitting on the couches. I walked straight to the girl's dorm and to my room. I closed my door and pulled my robe off. "How could I have been so stupid?" I asked out loud. I just decided to get changed and go to bed. 

The next morning I was pulling my robe on when someone knocked on my door. "It's open!" I yelled thinking it was Melina. I was putting my books in my bag when unheard the door open. I started talking without even looking to check that it was her. "I know Mel, I'm running late. But I couldn't sleep last night. I did something very stupid. I may have kinda admitted to Malfoy unlike him," I ranted as I rushed around my room. I was reaching for my potions book on my bookcase but it was too high for me to reach.

I sighed "bloody hell!" I said frustrated. "Melina, are you just going to stand there in since or are you going to..." I stopped when I saw a pale hand reach over my head and grab the book. My whole body stiffened. I was suddenly very aware of the body pressed against my back. Well, that is definitely not Lucas. He would have just barged in. I thought to myself. They handed me the book and I took it slowly, turning around and looking up. Draco was standing very close to me as he looked down with that stupid smirk.

"T-Thank you," I stuttered out as I felt my cheeks heat up. I went to move past him but he blocked me. "Malfoy, move," I said. "Told you not to call me Malfoy," he said walking closer to me if that was possible. My back hit the bookcase and I felt a small amount of panic rush through me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying to keep myself from panicking. Draco would never do a thing like that. Would he? I thought to myself.

I jumped a little when I felt a hand on my cheek. "I'm not going to hurt you, y/n," he whispered. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. "Please let me go," I said looking into his grayish-blue eyes. He just looked at me for a minute and then back up and I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. "Thank you. Now, what are you doing here?" I asked walking past him to put my book in my bag. "Melina told me to come get you. She went with that Hufflepuff of hers to see Diggory," he said. "Okay, well, then let's go," I said and walked to my door. He quickly stepped in front of me.

"Not so fast, Thornheart," he said. there's that stupid smirk again. "what?" I asked not to look at him. "So, you like me?" He said. I could just tell he had a cocky smirk on his face. "No! Why would you think that?" I asked as I panicked. He just chuckled "because you said so when I walked in the door. When you assumed  I was Melina," he said. "Well, I don't so..." I said I felt my face get hot.

He got closer to me and put a finger under my chin making me look up at him. "Well, if you don't then you'll stop me from what I'm about to do," he said and I looked at him confused. He leaned in slowly... Oh, my Merlin, is he going to kiss me? his soft lips connected to mine yup, he is kissing me. Kiss back you Prat! I kissed him back and he smirked into it. It was a long kiss just short and simple. He pulled back and smirked and laughed a little before walking to the door. I stood there like an idiot confused. "What is so funny?" I asked.

"You like me," he said, opening the door and walking out into the hall. I scoffed and hurried to follow him, closing my door on the way. I had to run a little through the common room to catch up to him. "I do not!" I protested from behind him. He stopped and turned to look at me there's that stupid smirk again. "y/n, Darling, you like me or you wouldn't have kissed me back," he winked before turning to walk down the hall. He called me darling. Oh, my Merlin! Draco Malfoy called me darling! Not the time!

"That means nothing!" I yelled running up to him so I could walk beside him. "He means you like me," he said, still smirking. "You're so full of yourself. Besides you're the one that kissed me, so that means you like me," I said with my own smirk. His smirk dropped and he looked over at me "me? Like you? No way would I..." He started and I stopped in my tracks. "What, Draco? A blood traitor? Is that what you're going to call me?" I said getting mad but at the same time, I was hurt. always letting your feelings take over. his eyes softened and he sighed. "I'm sorry," he said. Did he just apologize?  "maybe... maybe I like you a little bit," he said so softly I almost didn't catch it.

"Sorry, say that again?" I said, smirking. "Did Draco Malfoy just apologize and admit he likes me?" I asked. It was my turn to be cocky. He rolled his eyes and huffed "shut up. Now come on, I'm hungry," he said as a pink tint took over his cheeks. I laughed as my smile grew bigger. I grabbed his hand and pulled me along to the Great Hall. who would have thought me, y/n Thronheart would be friends? Maybe more with Draco Malfoy, the guy who bullied me for three years.

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