Chapter Fifty-Four

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-Sexual Content
- Daddy Kink
-Praise Kink
-slight bondage
-Oral (female reviving)
-Rough Sex
-Slight degrading
-Kind public? But not really. People can hear what is going on
-unprotected (wrap it before you slap it)

"I'm just going to --" I said and went to walk past them to go to my dorm. Draco's hand clasped around my wrist and he pulled me back to his side. He pushed Astoria out of the way and headed to his room. I looked back at her to see her glaring at me. Draco pushed me inside then shut and locked the door. He pulled his wand out and was about to say something but decided against it. "Strip," he said, his back still facing me. "What?" I asked, confused. "I said --'' he paused for a few seconds before turning around. "Strip," he growled out the last word. His eyes dark, features stone cold, the look he was giving me sent shivers down my spine.

"Don't make me tell you again, Darling," he said. I snapped out of the confusion and started to lift my shirt off my head. Draco stood In front of me watching as I obeyed his orders. I reached behind me and unzipped my skirt letting it pool around my feet. I was happy I wore the matching dark green lingerie that was left in my bed by Melina before she left. She wrote that she thought Draco might like it because Stella liked her yellow set. She was right, Draco likes it. His eyes were blown wide with lust as he looked me up and down. Be got closer to me, wrapping one hand around my throat loosely. "These are new," he said. "Um -- yeah. Melina got them for me," I said.

I could feel the wetness, pool in my panties. If there was one thing Draco never failed at it was the way he could make me feel. He could make me cum just by looking at me. He was intoxicating. "Hmmm," he said. He leaned down attaching his lips to my jaw and kissed down my neck stopping at the spot just behind my ear. A small whimper left my lips, my eyes closing at the feeling. His free hand slid down my stomach and into my panties. He hummed at the feeling of me already being wet. His long, slender, cold, fingers sliding through my folds pulling another whimper from me. The last time he touched me was a few weeks ago after Harry had told me about his suspicions. "I never got to give you your present," he said. His thumb rubbed tight circles on the small bundle of nerves as he pushed two fingers inside of me. His hand had left my throat to wrap around my waist to keep me pressed against him.

He pumped his fingers in and out slowly continuing to rub circles on my clit. "But I think I need to punish you first for thinking I could ever want anyone else," he growled beside my ear. His tongue tracing the shell of my ear and then biting my earlobe. A loud moan escaped my throat as his movements got fast. "Dra-- Draco, the door," I barely managed to say. "It's locked," he said. "No. The silencing -- " another moan left my lips as he curled his fingers hitting that perfect spot inside me.

"I want them to hear. I want them to know you're mine. She has to hear that this will never be her," he growled and curled his fingers again as he thrust them up inside of me. I felt my knees get weak, the coil in my belly tighten. My hand flew up to grab his arms to help ground me while the overwhelming feeling of pleasure surged through me. A loud moan from deep inside me left my throat, my walls tightened around his fingers, white spots filled my vision and I closed them, then it was all gone within a second. My eyes snapped open as Draco pulled his fingers out of me and sucked them clean. "What the hell, Draco!" I asked. Just as I was about to cum he stopped and pulled away. "Not yet," was all he said.

He shed his jacket and kicked off his shoes. "Bed. Go. Now," he said, walking forward to push me back towards the bed. He fingers skillfully unbuttoned his shirt in seconds and he dropped it to the floor. He unbuckled and pulled his belt from his slacks. His hands came to my waist, sliding up and unhooking my bra. He pulled it down my arms and threw it behind him. He turned me around, pushing my front half onto the soft duvet covered bed. Pulling my arms behind my back he held my hands with one hand. I felt the leather of his belt wrap around my wrist and my eyes widened. "What're you doing?" I asked, panicked. Sure he's restrained my hands before but never with a belt or his tie. Just his own hands. "Shut up," he said, bringing a hand down on my arse.  Don't move," he said.

I stayed bent over the edge of his bed. His bed was level with my hips so it wasn't too uncomfortable. It was only a few seconds before I felt his fingers slip into the waistband of my panties and slid them down my legs. I stepped out of them and then felt his fingers slide over my still very soaked pussy. "Look at you. All soaking wet for daddy. What a little slut you are for my cock," Draco said, letting out a dark laugh. That only made me more wet. He pushed his fingers inside of me and pumped a few times before pulling them out. I gasped when I felt his tongue on me, licking a strip up my folds. His hands spread me open after he pushed my legs further apart.  He was sending a shock of vibration through me, pulling a loud moan from me.

His tongue kept up the assault on my pussy, lips wrapping around my clit sucking hard. "Fuck, Draco!' I yelled. A sharp slap landed on my arse leaving a stinging sensation behind. "What was that?" I heard him growl. "Daddy. I'm sorry, daddy!" I said. His mouth returned to my cunt continuing the assault. I could feel that coil tightening again. "I'm going to cum! Daddy, please," I cried. His mouth left me and his fingers slid inside of me. "Come for daddy," he said, pumping and curling his fingers. I clenched around his fingers and came all over them, letting out a play moan. "Such a fucking slut for daddy," he said.  His fingers didn't stop until I climbed down from my orgasm. I jolted forward when I felt him licking me clean.

He stood up, taking his hard cock in his hand, pumping a few times. "Now, be a good girl and take daddy's cock," he purred. He ran the head of his cock through my folds before pushing inside me. No matter how many time we have sex, he always feels too big. His thick cock spread me open leaving a delicious sting behind. "So wet and tight. Such a good slut taking daddy's cock so well," he purred. Once he was all the way in he gripped my hips and pulled out slowly only to slam back into me. I pushed my face into the mattress trying to muffle my moans. Fingers threaded through my hair and I was yanked up. "Let her hear you. Let her know you're the only one who gets fucked by me. Let her know I'm yours," Draco whispered harshly in my ear.

The tip of his cock dragged across the right spot pulling a loud, throaty moan from me. "That's it. Good girl," he praised me. His hips snapping at a fast pace. "Fuck!" He growled. His lips attached themselves to my neck and he sucked on that spot until it was a deep black and purple mark. A mark everyone could and would see. I mark that to tell people I was his. "I should be fixing that cabinet. But here I am having to prove my point to not only you but that little bitch in the common room," Draco hissed. His hand wrapped around my throat from behind, putting slight pressure on it. "Daddy, please!" I whined. "Please what?" He asked. "Please, make me cum," I cried. His free hand wrapped around to my clit, putting pressure on it as he rubbed it in tight, fast circles. His pace picked up more, slamming into me harder.

We were both a moaning mess not caring who heard. The coil in my belly was wound tight, my walls clamped around Draco's cock. I could feel him twitch at the feeling. "Daddy, I'm close," I moaned.  "Me too, Darling. Cum for me," he said. He put more pressure on my throat, his fingers still rubbing my clit, his cock hitting the same spot inside of me over and over. My walls tightened around him more and a loud cry left me as I came, soaking his cock, and both our legs with my arousal. Draco growled in pleasure, thrust into me a few more times before he stilled completely and spotted hot ribbons of cum inside of me, coating my walls. He let go of me and I fell forward onto the bed, breathing heavily. 

He slowly pulled out of my now sensitive cunt and bent down pulling his wand from his trousers. He mumbled something, sending a slight tingle through me before calling down beside me. My hands were still tight behind my back with his belt. I closed my eyes and tried to even my breathing out. I felt him sit up and free my hands. He turned me around and lifted me onto the bed pulling the covers back before walking into his bathroom only to return with a warm damp towel. He cleaned me up then climbed in beside me, pulling the covers over the both of us. I curled up beside him, laying my head on his chest. He brought my wrist up to his lips and left a soft, gentle kiss. "I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked, softly. "No, it was perfect," I said. A yawn escaped me, my eyes closing. "I love you," he whispered, kissing my forehead. "I love you, too," I mumbled, before sleep overtook me.

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