Chapter Seven

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A/N: Please remember to vote & share with friends. Also please let me know if there are any mistakes I may have missed. I promise it will start to get more interesting between Draco and y/n. I just don't want it to happen too fast. And I don't want to make Draco where he falls easily. I want him to be confused about the feelings and not know what to do at first and make it seem like he hates her but doesn't so he is nice on minute one no one is around and then a dick the next as soon as someone is there. Once we get to Goblet of Fire it will be a lot more fun. Please just give it a shot.

Today was Saturday and the year 3 students' first trip to Hogsmeade. My mother signed my permission form for me to go to Hogsmeade. I had woken up a little later so I had to rush and get ready.  I put on a pair of jeans and a gray jumper with white sneakers. I brushed my hair and grabbed my permission slip before running to the clock tower courtyard.

Professor McGonagall was standing in front of everyone and Filch was beside her collecting slips from everyone going to Hogsmeade. I handed Filch my slip and walked over to stand beside Hermione and Ron. "Now, remember these visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again," she spoke.

Harry came running up to her but she stopped him before he could speak. "No permission form signed, no visiting the village," she told him. "That's the rules, Potter."

"All those with permission, follow me," Filch said. "Those without, stay put."

McGonagall started walking away but Harry stipped in front of her. "But Professor, I thought if you signed it then I could go," he said.

Ron, Hermione, and I all stood by and waited.

"I can't. Only a parent or a guardian can sign. Since I am neither, it would be inappropriate," she told him. She walked past him but stopped and looked at him. "I'm sorry, Potter. That's my final word," she told him, sitting her hand on his shoulder before walking away.

Harry looked at the three of us. "Forget about it guys. See you later," he said. I ran up to him and hugged him "I'm sorry," I whispered and I felt him hug me back. "It's all right. I'll see you when you're back," he told me and I pulled away. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran off with Ron and Hermione to the group.

We walked down the hill and towards the shrieking shack. "So, you and Harry?" Hermione asked, smirking.

"What about me and Harry?" I asked her, confused.

"You two seem to be getting close," she replied.

"We're just friends Mione," I told her.

We got back before dark and had dinner then I went to the Slytherin common room. I sat beside the fire reading after changing into a pair of black joggers and a hoodie when Snape came bursting through the door. He told everyone to go to the Great Hall. Sirius Black was apparently in the castle.

Once reaching the Great Hall I looked for a spot that was open to sleep. They have bed mats, blankets, and pillows all laid out. Each house was separated. I saw Lucas and Aurora and waved.  There wasn't any room near them so I walked closer to the small stage at the front of the room. I found an empty spot and sat down, slipping my shoes off and laying them beside me against the wall. I laid down and pulled the covers over.

Ideas staring up at the enchanted ceiling. They had closed every single door and gate around the castle, locking everything up. The professors, Filch and Hagrid all guard the doors and check the castle. The dementors are still outside guarding the grounds.

"y/n," someone whispered but ignored it. "y/n," they whispered a little louder. I turned to my left to see the one face I didn't, Draco Malfoy. "What? I'm trying to sleep," I whispered back harshly.

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