update on my dog

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So, it turns out my dog has Evens Syndrom. Evan’s syndrome is a particularly serious and sometimes life-threatening immune-mediated/auto-immune condition in which the immune system attacks and destroys a patient’s red blood cells and platelets, putting the them at risk of spontaneous bleeding and profound anemia.It can come on very quickly and they do not know why it happens.

She was in critical condition. I was able to get her a blood transfusion and she was sent home right after that. With the help from my dad we were able to scrap up the 1600 dollars that cost. She has three medications she has to take, has to stay on a bland diet(like boiled hamburger and rice) and then she has to go back to the doctor for more bloodwork. The transfusion did help being up her red  blood count and platelets a little better than they were but not where they need to be. She is eating now which is good and she's a little more alert and able to walk arpund but gets tored easily which is expected. She is 11 years old, so, it's going to probably take longer for her body to catch up. She hasn't had any other medical problems before now.

She's just relaxing and taking it easy.

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