Chapter Sixty-Eight

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A/N: And that's a wrap on this story. I'm working on the best Draco x Reader called Enchanted Colours. I might make a sequel to this involving Cursed Child but spicy it up because Cursed Child sucks in my opinion.

Two months after the Battle Of Hogwarts. Harry had stopped by giving Draco his wand back. Draco and I were trying to figure out the parenting thing. Being eighteen now and having to take care of another human being was hard. Luckily his mother was kind enough to help us. We are staying at Malfoy manor, at least for now. I had just gotten Grayson to sleep, he had his own room across the hall from Draco's room. I stood over the crib looking down on him.

Arms wrapped around me from the back and a kiss was laid on my temple. "Tomorrow night... I'm taking you out," Draco whispered. I turned around and pushed him backwards out of the door and closed the door partially. "Draco, we can't just go out and do whatever no more, we're eighteen year old parents now,' I said, putting him on the chest and walking into his room, well I guess our room now. "I've already set everything up. My mum said she'd watch him for us she doesn't mind," he said. "Draco, I can't let your mum do that. He's my nephew, my responsibility," I said. "Darling, please. He'll be fine for a few hours. I want to take you somewhere," he said. "Okay, fine."

The next night I got dressed in a green lace dress with heels upon Draco's request to dress formal. When he came into the room he had a black tie in his hand. "I'll need you to put this on." I raised my eyebrow, "what?" I asked. He smirked, walking over to me, "Trust me, darling. It's a surprise," he said. He stood behind me, bringing the tie in front of me and covering my eyes. He made sure not to tie it too tight but tight enough that I wouldn't be able to see. Draco linked my arm with his and apperated us to the location.

"Okay, darling," Draco said, taking the tie off. I had my eyes closed, "can I open my eyes now?" I asked. "Yes," he whispered in my ear. I slowly opened my eyes and gasped at the sight in front of me. We were in a small clearing in the forest near the manor, fairy lights hung above us in the trees, a small table with two chairs sat under it, candles placed all around. "Draco," I breathed out. He took my hand and led me to the table, pulling the chair out for me before settling across from me.

"Draco-- this is-- wow," I couldn't find words. I looked over at him and smiled. "This is beautiful. What's the occasion?" I asked. "No occasion. Just want to do something nice for you. You deserve everything in the world. Especially for putting up with me. You've been stressed a lot lately, and I understand why, it's been a hard couple years. But I promise it'll get better, I'll be better. No more trying to prove myself to my father," he said. I took his hand in mine and looked into those beautiful grey eyes of his, "I wouldn't have changed a thing. Well, maybe the part where you're nicer to my friends," I chucked a little. "I'll do anything for you."

The night went on, soft classical piano music played in the background, we ate and talked about the future. Then Draco cleared his throat and stood up. He dug into his pocket, walked to stand beside me, and then knelt down on one knee. "Draco?" I asked. He had a small, valet box in his hands, "I know we're still young but I have you that promise ring nearly two years ago now. And when I did I made the promise to love you for the rest of my life.

"I never thought I'd find true happiness but then you-- you forced your way into my heart somehow without me knowing and changed everything. I'm not good at showing my emotions but with you it's easy. I can be vulnerable in front of you and bot feel judged. So will you do me the great honour of being my wife?" He asked. I nodded my head, tears in my eyes, "Yes! Yes, Draco!" I said, flinging myself at him. His arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me out of the chair as he stood, and spun me around before putting me on my feet. He slipped the promise ring off my left hand, slipping it on my right. He took the beautiful, tear drop shaped, emerald diamond on my left ring finger.

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