Chapter Thirteen

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After dinner, our fathers went into the study for whiskey and Cigars while our Mothers went to the sitting room for cocktails and more gossip. Lucas and Aurora went upstairs to his room leaving me with the boys.

'What do I do? Where do I take them? To my room? No, that's a bad idea. Maybe the library?' There was so much running through my head. "How about we go to the library?" I said.

"Sure love, we can do that," Said Jaxzon.

"This way," I pointed and walked ahead of them. I lead them down a corridor and down a few steps. I pushed open the door and walked to the library. I walked over to the fore place and started a fire before sitting on the couch.

Jaxzon went over to one of the bookshelves scanning the books so Draco took that opportunity to come sit beside me on the couch.

The three of us sat in the library for a while just talking about school. Well, Draco and Jaxzon would start attacking each other verbally. Eventually, everyone went home and I could go up to my room and change out of this dress.

I walked out of my bathroom after showering and changing into my night clothes. As I shut the light off and headed into my room I looked up and admittedly stopped in my tracks. There was a figure standing in front of my window. I slowly walked over to the bedside table and grabbed my wand.

"Who are you?" I asked, pointing my want at their back. It was dark in the room, the only light being the moon. "Draco Malfoy... what a pathetic excuse for a wizard," a deep voice spoke.

"Jaxzon?" I asked and put my wand down. "What are you doing in my room?"

"Wanted time alone with you without Malfoy getting in the way," he said as he turned around. He was now just in his black pants and white button-up with a few buttons undone.

"Okay, well it's kind of creepy that you're just standing in the dark. How long have you been here?" I asked as I inlaid my wand back down.

"For as long as you've been in the shower. Sorry if I scared you,"

"It's fine. And Draco isn't that bad," I said, trying to make it sound true. He was horrible. Always calling me blood traitor, blackmailing me. And yes I know I could just tell him to do what he wants but he would tell my father about my friends and I would be disowned. Maybe one day I'll tell them myself but as for now they don't need to know. I'm sure he'll slip up too and I can't blackmail him back, right?

"He's just like his father. I don't think you should be hanging around him," Jaxzon said, pushing my wet hair out of my face. I stepped back a little feeling uncomfortable with him being so close. "Well, thanks for your concern but I'm fine. Now, if you'll please leave I'd like to go to bed," I told him.

He clenched his jaw but nodded his head. He walked closer kissing my forehead before appreciating out of my room. I sighed and crawled under my covers and fell asleep.

Christmas had come and gone, and as usual, I got more books on potions and the dark arts. Lucas had gotten Aurora a gold locket with a picture of her and him with an engraving of their initials. My parents got her a bracelet with her name engraved on it. No one had paid me Any mind so I just got up, grabbed my books, and walked back up to my room. Aurora was the daughter they always wanted. Sure they have me but I'm not who they want me to be.

As I walked into my room I went to put my books on the shelves when I saw a large black owl outside my window. I pushed the window open and it flew in, landing on the back of the chair. Metis flew into her cage as soon as she saw him. Almost like she was scared of him.

He had a letter and a small black box in his beak so I took them from him and he flew back out the window. I walked around the table and sat on the couch. As I was getting ready to open the letter a familiar owl flew in. It was Draco's, Owl Ulysses. He dropped a letter and a long dark green box beside me before flying over to Metis. She chipped happily as they rubbed their heads together. I smiled and shook my head.

I looked back down at the letter in my hand with my name neatly written on the front in black ink.
I turned it over and saw a dark blue seal. I carefully opened it and read what it said.


This is an old family heirloom that has been passed down through generations. My mother gave it to me to give to a very special girl. I've decided that girl is you. I've kept the key so when I see you again I'll open it. I guess you can say I'll always have the key to your heart.

Always Yours,


'Well that's cheesy' I thought and grabbed the small black box. I opened it to reveal a valet black box. I took that out and opened it to see a heart-shaped locket with a keyhole in the center. It was pretty but I doubted I'd ever wear it. I put it aside and grabbed the letter from Draco. I liked to still see Metis and Ulysses still cuddling together. 'That's weird' I said to myself. Metis wasn't big on other owls. That's why she stayed in my room and the owlery. I opened Draco's letter. It was neatly written in black ink on a piece of parchment that had the Malfoy's family crest at the top in the middle.


Don't think anything of this. My mother said I should give this to you. Said she thought it would look nice on you and that it suited you. I still think you're a blood traitor.


I rolled my eyes and opened the long box to see a beautiful diamond bracelet with an emerald in the center. I smiled thinking about Draco complaining to his mother. Probably whined about not wanting to give me anything. I let out a small laugh before putting it back in the box.

To be honest it made me happy that there were people who cared enough. I didn't get that from my family. I mean Lucas always gave me attention and made sure to get me something for Christmas and my birthday but now he was with Aurora it seems he has completely forgotten. I was also a little disappointed that I haven't gotten any letters from my friends.

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