Chapter Eleven

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It was Christmas break already. I was packing my things in my trunk making sure Metis my albino eastern screech owl, was in her cage. She was named after The Greek Goddess METIS the Titan-goddess of good counsel, planning, cunning, and wisdom. Once I was finished I grabbed the cage and my trunk and headed out of my room locking the door on the way out.

When I got outside to the carriages Lucas helped put my stuff on the back as I got up to sit down. Aurora sat in front of me. She was pretty with long brown hair and blue eyes. I didn't talk to her much, just a hello here and there. Lucas for I'm and sat beside her then all of a sudden someone sat on the seat next to me. I looked over to see Draco "thought you were going to wait for me, love," he said with that damn smirk on his face. Lucas was glaring at him hard. I knew Draco had to feel his stare burning into the side of his head.

"I forgot, sorry I didn't want to miss the carriages," I told him. He swung his arm over my shoulder pulling me closer. I tried not to pull away. He was being too cocky for my liking.

"Oh, by the way, Aurora will be staying with us for the Holiday," Lucas said.

"Oh, okay. Hope father and mother..." I started.

"They already know. It was father who suggested she stay," Lucas told me.

"You talked to them?" I asked, trying to feel hurt that they spoke to him but not me.

"Yeah, me and my mother write all the time. y/n please tell me you wrote mother," he said.

"Of course I did. She just-just never-never wrote back," I said looking down and started wringing my hands together.

"Probably got busy. You know how they are," he said and I just nodded. "Yeah," I whispered.

I felt Draco pull me closer and whisper in my ear. "If you want you can come to stay with me anytime you'd like,"

I turned to look at him and gave a small smile. No way in hell would I go stay at Malfoy Manor. Not with his father. His mother was alright, she was nice but his father was insufferable.

The carriage stopped and we got out. As we went to the back Draco pulled my trunk down for me and handed me Metis who was not happy to be taken away from Draco's owl Ulysses. She started squawking and flapping her wings. "That's weird. She never does this," I said. We headed towards the train and got in, letting our stuff be loaded up. As we walked down the hall looking for a compartment I saw Hermione and the boys.

I started walking towards them when an arm wrapped around me. I stopped and turned my head. "Can I go sit with my friends," I asked, getting annoyed.

"Sure, but I'm coming with you," he said, smirking.

"You, Draco Malfoy, are going to sit in the same compartment as Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger?" I asked surprised but doubtful.

"No. Let's go," he said, pushing me into a compartment. I saw Harry's face fall but I saw the jealousy. "What are you looking at in Potter!" Draco growled before walking in and shutting the door.

"You're an arse," I hissed and plopped down on one of the seats. Draco sat across from me with that sinister smirk on his face. "Piss off!" I spat at him.

"That wasn't very nice," he said, chuckling a little.

The train started pulling out of the station and headed back towards Kings Cross. I was not thrilled to be going home. I was still hung up on why my mother responded to Lucas but not to me. They always did favor Lucas, he was the firstborn son. He could carry on the family name.

And Aurora was coming over? Invited by my father. My parents were those kinds of people who like arranged marriages. That way they know we're dating a pure-blood wizard or witch. Another family with the same beliefs as theirs. Maybe I should take Draco's offer of staying with him... No what the hell am I saying that would be torture.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the door opened. I looked up to see my friends standing there not looking all that happy. "What do you want? Get your own compartment!" Draco hissed at them.

"Everywhere is full!" Hermione barked back.

"Draco, just move so they can sit down, please," I said, begging him. He huffed and got up, coming over to sit beside me.

The three of them sat down across from us. Harry in front of me, Hermione than Ron. "Hey, y/n," Harry said, giving me a soft smile.

"Hello, Harry," I returned.

"Say y/n, why are you hanging around a git like Malfoy," Ron asked, making Draco give him a disgusted look. "Watch it, Weasle-Bee," he hissed.

"We're friends," I told him.

"Since when?" Hermione asked.

"Since a couple of days ago," I told her.

"Why? Why all of a sudden? We hate Malfoy," Harry asked.

"Why with the questions? I'm allowed to be friends with other people. Besides, our parents are friends. It's best if we get along," I said, getting frustrated.

"Then why does he keep putting his arm around you?" Harry asked, sounding disappointed l, hurt and jealous all at the same time.

"Jealous, Potter?" Draco sneered.

I just stood up and walked out of the compartment. I needed to get away from all the interrogation. I walked down the hall looking into each compartment hoping to f8nd another one. I finally found an empty one. 'And they said there wasn't any left,' I scuffed. I walked in and sat down.

I was enjoying the piece until the door opened and someone sat across from me. "Stay away from him," a shrieking voice said. I looked up to be met with a black-haired girl. Pansy pug face Parkinson. "Go away, Pansy," I told her. I was not in the mood.

"Draco's mine," she hissed, leaning towards me.

"I don't really care! Now get out!" I hissed at her.

"No! Not until you get it through your head that Draco..." she started until the door opened.

"Dracy!" Her shrill voice squealed.

"Get out," he told her.

"B-But..." she stuttered out.

"Out!" He yelled, making her jump and leave as fast as she could.

Draco took the seat Pansy had been in just a few seconds ago and leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and his fingers locked together. "What did she say?" He asked, looking over at the door.

"What?" I asked, confused seeing as I was caught up in my thoughts. I was always caught up In my thoughts. I really didn't want to deal with Draco and his shit.

"Parkinson, what did she say to you?" He asked, annoyed.

"That you're hers," untold him annoyed now as well. I felt a cold hand gently grab mine and looked down to see Draco playing with my fingers. His hands were cold yet warm at the same time. "Well, I'm not hers just so you know," he said. I was just plain confused. He had so many mood swings it was hard to keep up. I pulled my hand away and looked him in the eye. "I don't really care of you are or aren't, Malfoy,"

"Don't call me that," he said in a low growl.

"What? Don't call you by your name?" I asked.

"It's Draco to you," he said, looking at me with an intense stare.

"Since when have you ever let anyone call you Draco besides your family?" I asked, very confused.

"Just don't call me Malfoy anymore!" He snapped. I was shocked so I just nodded and looked back out the window as the landscape passed by. It was slowly getting dark as the sun was setting, indicating we were almost back in London.

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