Chapter Sixty-Three

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   12:00 a.m. 

Monday, September 1, 1997  

I woke up at midnight and slowly sat up. I looked down to the figure sleeping peacefully beside me. This was the only time he seemed to be at peace, at least when you looked at him. But I knew it wasn't so peaceful in his head. I had made my choice to go help Hermione, Ron, and Harry. I hated leaving Draco but this needed to end. Voldemort needed to be stopped. Hermione had sent me another letter letting me know where they would be. They were going to be sneaking into the Ministry tomorrow. They were going to be going to Sirius Blacks house, the hidden headquarters of The Order of the Phoenix. 

I gently moved Draco's arm from around my waist and stood up. He groaned and caught my wrist stopping me. "What're you doing?" He grumbled, eyes still closed. "I'm just going to the bathroom," I whispered. His hand dropped from my wrist and he snuggled more into the pillows. I took a deep breath and walked to the bathroom. I changed into jeans and Draco's Quidditch jumper. It smelled like him and was comforting. I wrote a letter to him explaining what I was doing and promised to be safe. 

Tears silently ran down my face as I walked over and set the letter beside his wand on the nightstand. I leaned over pushing his hair away from his face and kissed his temple. "I love you," I whispered. I grabbed my bag I had enchanted and my wand before apparited to the location Hermione gave me. I was outside Luchino Caffe in London. 

I walked through the door to see Hermione, Ron and Harry sitting at a table. They were the only ones there besides the girl that worked there. 

Draco's pov 

When I awoke I noticed something wasn't right. The warm body that should be curled up against me wasn't there. I opened my eyes and sat up. Looking around my darkly dimmed room, the only light being the soft glow of the fire place as the coals burned red and orange, I saw nothing. I saw no one. "Darling?" I called out softly. I didn't get an answer and quickly stood up. I walked quickly over to the bathroom only to find it empty as well. I rushed back into the room searching for any sign as to where she might be. "Darling?" I called again. I could feel the panic creep up inside of me. 

As I rushed to the door I noticed something on the bedside table. I quickly walked over and picked the piece of parchment up. My hands were shaking as I opened it. 


   I'm sorry, I had to leave. I'm safe, I'm with Hermione and the boys. We're going to be looking for the Horcruxas and destroy them. Please, don't come looking for me. I promise I'll be back. I love you so much. 

Y/N xx 

I paced back and forth reading the letter over and over. She left to go help Potter. He wouldn't be able to keep her safe. How could she be so stubbron and stupid? She was to be going back to Hogwarts and finishing her last year. A knock on my door straddled me. "Draco?" I heard my mother's soft voice call. I walked over and opened the door. "Good your up. Get dressed. The -- darling, what's wrong?" She always knew when something was wrong. I stepped back from the door and she came in, shutting the door softly behind her. "She gone," I whispered. "What do you mean?" She asked.

 I handed her the letter and she read it then sighed. "Please don't say anything, mother. He can't know," I begged. "Shh. Come here," she said. She opened her arms and walked right in. She was the only person that had ever understood me unlike my father. "She'll be fine. You'll see her again," she whispered. "The Dark Lord will be here soon. I need you to get dressed and come down stairs," she told me. I pulled away from her and nodded my head. She left me and I asked over throughout the letter onto the burning embers. Taking the poker and stoking it so the parchment would burn. Maybe it was better that she wasn't here. 

Y/N pov 

We all sat around the table. Ron and Hermione sat beside each other and I sat beside Harry on the opposite side. "What about all the people at the wedding?" Harry asked. Ron's brother Bill got married earlier that day. "Do you think we should go back?" He asked. "They were after you, mate. We'd put everyone in danger by going back," Ron told him. The waitress walked over to our table. She cleared her throat. "Coffee?" She asked. "A cappuccino, please," Hermione told her. "Same, please," I said. "You?" She asked the boys. "What she said," Ron whispered. "Same," Harry told her.  She nodded her head and walked away. 

"So where do we go from here? Leaky Cauldron?" Ron asked. "It's too dangerous. If Voldemort has taken over the ministry, none of the old places are safe. Everyone from the wedding will have gone underground, into hiding," Hermione said. "My Rick said with all my things, I've left it at the Burrow," Harry said. The door opened and two men walked past us. "Your joking," Ron said. "I have all the essentials packed for days, just in case," Hermione said. "Yeah, so do I," I told them. "By the way, these jeans, not my favorite," Ron told her. "Down!" Harry yelled. We all throw ourselves on the ground and pulled our wands out. 

The two men that had walked in were two death eaters. We were throwing spell after spell at each other. We were able to stun them and then the woman who was in the back came out. Hermione yelled at her to leave and she did. After Hermione and I obliviated them we left. We went to Sirius Blacks house. The house of the order. We stood outside until it revealed itself and then walked in. When inside a dust cloud formed into Dumbledore and came start at us causing both Hermione and I to let out a scream. "What was that all about?" Ron asked. "Probably Mad-Eye's idea, in case Snape decided to come snooping," Hermione said. We walked further in and looked around before we decided to just get some sleep.

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