Chapter Thirty-Four

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A/N: So, I put myself on a schedule hopefully I can stick to it. I'm going to be posting Dominant on Wednesday. It could be just 1 chapter or more than 1 depending on how into it I get. And I don't have a specific time I'll be posting just the day of the week. I'm a procrastinator and get lazy so hopefully, this will get me to post more. Thank you for reading. Please vote and comment but nothing rude and mean only positive comments, please.

~ Cole xx
Draco's pov

I looked down to see y/n fast asleep and smiled. I don't know how she makes me feel the way I do or how we went from acting like we hate each other to her snuggled close to me on my bed as she sleeps. There was a pounding on my door and she stirred but didn't wake up.  I slowly and carefully moved out from under her, laying her head on the pillows and covering her up, then headed over to the door.

The person continued to bang on the outside of the door. "Malfoy!" I heard some yelling. I pulled the door open to see Lucas. "Where's my sister?" He said loudly. "Will you shut up! She's asleep," I hissed. "Why is she sleeping in your bed?" He asked. "We were reading a book and I was explaining it to her, she fell asleep. So, calm the hell down and stop talking so loud," I said firmly. He went to walk past me but I moved because he couldn't. "What're you doing?" He asked angrily. "Waking her up. What's it look like?" He asked glaring at me.

"Just let her be. Stop acting like I'm going to take advantage of her or something. If you haven't noticed I'm not that arsehole ex of hers. Guess you didn't know he gave her chocolates laced with a love potion. Or that I'm the one that stopped her from eating any of them. So, you're welcome. Now leave!" I said and went to close the door but his foot stopped it. "I swear if you try anything..." He started. I growled and looked him in the eye "I would never do that. And I'm offended that you think I would," I said and closed and locked my door.

I walked back over to the bed and pulled the covers back slipping back in beside y/n. As soon as I got comfortable and turned the light off she cuddled right back up to me laying her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head before falling asleep.

y/n pov

I woke up feeling someone's arms around me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked to see I wasn't in my room. Looking up I saw Draco fast asleep and then noticed his arms were wrapped around my body while my head was on his chest. *oh, my Merlin! I fell asleep in his room last!* I screamed in my head. I slowly tried to move out of his grasp only for his arms to tighten around me. "Where are you going?" His raspy morning voice asked. oh, my Merlin, his morning voice is hot!  I felt my face heat up. "I'm so sorry, Draco! I didn't mean to fall... " I started and tried to sit up again.

He peeked his one eye open and looked at the clock on his bedside table. He pulled me closer "shut up, stop moving, and go back to bed it's 2 in the morning," he groaned. "I should get back to my room. If Lucas catches us..." I said. "He was already here. Now, shut up and go back to sleep," he said. My eyes widened "what? He was here?" I shrieked. "Draco..." I was cut off when he grabbed my jaw and pulled my lips up to his. He kissed me and pulled away. "It's fine to go back to sleep," he said and I nodded and cuddled back to him.

I'm cuddling with Draco Malfoy in his room in his bed. He's so warm. I would have thought he would be colder since his hands were usually cold but he's warm and comfy. I cuddled closer to him and felt him kiss my head as I drifted back to sleep.

It was the day of the third and final task. I was sitting beside Draco and Goyle was on his other side.  The champions came out from under the stadium bleachers as the band played. There was a maze made of bushes on the other side. "Sonorus!" Dumbledore yelled. Everyone stopped cheering and the band stopped playing, making everything silent.

"Earlier today, Professor Mossy placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory..." Dumbledore said and students stood up including Melina and Stella and started cheering for him. I smiled at Melina as she looked back at me. "Mr. Potter," Dumbledore said and people stood and cheered for him. I clapped and looked over to see Draco roll his eyes. He stopped me and grabbed my hand only making me laugh at his ridiculous jealousy.

"Tied for the first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, following them Mr. Krum and Miss. Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner," Dumbledore announced and people cheered.  I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands," he finished before turning around. He and the four contestants huddled in a circle as Dumbledore spoke for only them to hear.

They all got into position, the cannon went off and Cedric and Harry went in first then Krum and Fleur followed after. We sat and waited to see who would be the winner of the Triwizard Tournament. Draco pulled me closer to him "so, let me guess you want Potter to win?" He asked. "I don't care who wins. It would be nice if Harry or Cedric won though. Stop being jealous, I didn't spend the night with Harry, I spent the night with you," I said and kissed his cheek. "Of course you did, I'm better than potter!" He said and I rolled my eyes.

We saw Red sparks fly in the air and Fleur came out of the maze. Not too long after, Krum came out after sending red sparks. It had gotten darker as we waited for Harry and Cedric. I moved closer to Draco trying to keep warm and he wrapped his arms around me. That's when Harry and Cedric came back with the cup. Everyone was cheering and the band was playing.

But then the band stopped and I stood straight up seeing Harry slumped over Cedric. Dumbledore tried to pull him away but Harry refused. I looked over to Melina and Stella. Melina had Stella pressed against her.

"He's back! He's back! Voldemort's back. Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back," Harry exclaimed. I heard Stella scream "no!" She cried out as she ran down to the ground Melina right behind her. I covered my hand over my mouth. Cedric and Stella's father ran towards them and the three of them pushed through. I quickly turned and flung my arms around Draco's neck and cried when I heard the heartbreaking cries of the Diggory's. Draco held onto me as I cried.

The next day we were all gathered in the Great Hall. Everyone was silent as we waited for Dumbledore to speak. "Today, we acknowledge a really terrible loss," he said. Stella was clung to Melina as she held her tight. "Cedric Diggory was, as you all know, exceptionally hard-working... infinity fair-minded... And most importantly... a fierce, fierce friend.  Now, I think, therefore, you have the right to know exactly how he died," Dumbledore announced. I grabbed Draco's hand and he squeezed it slightly as we sat there in silence.

"You see... Cedric Diggory was murdered..." Dumbledore said and Stella let out a sob, making Melina pull her closer and try and cover her ears some. "By Lord Voldemort!" Dumbledore said loudly. "The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so would be an insult to his memory. Now, the pain... we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me-- Reminds us. While we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events, the bonds of friendships we've made this year will be more important than ever," said Draco, moving his arm around pulling me close to him.

"Remember that, and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that. And we'll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brave and true right to the very end," Dumbledore finished.

After that, we went outside and everyone was saying goodbye to each other and the other schools. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons both left and after they were gone the rest of us headed for the train to go home for the summer.

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