Chapter Sixty-Five

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A/N: Sorry it's been a couple weeks since I last updated. I procrastinate a lot and get distracted easily.

Christmas had passed. Hermione, Harry, and I ended up in Godric's Hollow and Harry found their grave. Ron had ran off after he and Harry got into a fight, of course Ron had also been wearing the locket. He had started to assume something was going on with Harry and Hermione. He even went off on me talking about how I shouldn't have been there and no one wanted me there. He took the locket off and left. Hermione had a hard time not wanting to leave but we had to go. We went to Godtic's Hollow in hopes of finding Bathilda Bagshot, hoping he had the sword of Gryffindor. 

But when we got there Hermione had opened a comedy to find Bathilda Bagshot has been dead for weeks, which explained the flies and blood handprints Hermione found. Her body had been inhabited by Nagini, Voldemort's snake put there to trap Harry because Voldemort suspected, just as Hermione said, that Harry would return to the town he had been born in. After escaped Hermione took us to the Forest of Dean. Harry had been bitten by Nagini. He had been started be overcome with pain and visions of Voldemort's attack on his parents and himself in 1981.

Hermione used a Severing Charm to remove the locket from Harry and began to heal the snake bite with Dittany. Harry’s wand, which had been broken, was beyond repair, probably as a result of Hermione’s ricocheting Blasting Curse. He ended up sharing Hermione’s wand until Ron returned. He had brought not only spare wands that he had taken from Snatchers but he had the sword of Gryffindor as well. He and Harry were able to destroy the locket with it. 

Now we were running from snatchers. Our protective shields had been taken down after Harry accidentally spoke Voldemort's name. We were racing through the forest trying to keep away from the snatchers until they closed in. Hermione was quick to think of firing a Stinging Jinx directly into Harry's face when we were accosted by Snatchers. The swelling disfigured his face so much that he was unrecognizable. We ended up being taken to Malfoy Manor. One of the snatchers had a tight hold on my arm as they walked up to the gate. Bellatrix was standing there looking through the gate as they pressed Harry up against the bars. She looked at him and then she looked at me smiling. She knew who I was. She knew I was with Draco. "Get Draco," she whispered. 

They took us into the Manor and Bellatrix had Harry on his knees. She had told the snatcher who was holding onto me to make sure Draco didn't see me right away. That couldn't have been anything good. She had her hand in Harry's hair tilting his head back. Draco stood in front of Harry looking down at him. "Well?" She asked. "I can't be sure," Draco told her. Lucius had walked over whispering to him. Draco got closer to Harry,  kneeling in front of him. "Don't be shy, sweetie. Cone over," Bellatrix said. She had gestured for the snatcher who held onto me come forward. "Now, if this isn't who we think it is, Draco, and we call him, he'll kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure," Bellatrix told him. 

I knew even if Draco could tell it was Harry, he wouldn't give him away. Sure at the beginning he had expected the task from Voldemort in hopes of getting his father's approval. But as things went on and the weight of it all started to weigh on him, he didn't want to do it anymore. He wasn't a killer, that's not who Draco was. "What's wrong with his face?" He questioned. "Yes, what is wrong with his face?" Bellatrix asked. "He came to us like that. Something he picked up in the forest," I reckon," one of the snatchers answered. "Or a stinging jinx. Was it you, dearie?" Bellatrix asked Hermione. She walked towards them to take Hermione's wand. 

Narcissa walked over to Draco and tapped him on his shoulder. He stood up and she whispered in his ear. He quickly turned, his eyes widening at the sight of me. "Y/n," he whispered. "Draco," I went to go to him but the snatcher kept a hold of me. "Let her go!" Draco shouted. Bellatrix must have turned around, hearing him yell like that. She started laughing and walked back over to where we stood. "Let her go," she told the snatcher. He let me go but she wrapped her arm around my shoulders from the back, pressing my back against her chest, pressing  her wand up against the bottom side of my jaw. "No. Don't! Let her go," Draco begged. "Bella," Narcissa whispered. "You're no fun, sissy," She pouted. 

She let go of me and pushed me towards Draco. He caught me before I could stumble to the floor. His arms wrapped around me tightly, pulling me against him. He pulled back and looked me over. "Are you hurt?" He asked in a whisper and I shook my head no. 

Bellatrix had Harry and Ron sent to the dungeons after she fought the snatchers for the sword. The next thing she did was horrifying. She had pinned Hermione to the floor and started carving 'mudblood' into her arm. "Hermione!" I screamed as tears ran down my face. Draco held me back, pressing my face into his chest so I couldn't watch what was happening. Hermione's screams made shivers run down my spine. I broke free from Draco and ran over to Hermione. "Get off her!" I yelled and pushed Bellatrix off of Hermione, who laid there crying. A trickle of blood dripped from her arm. I went to pull her up but was knocked down as a body straddled me. 

"How dare you! You filthy little blood traitor!" Bellatrix yelled. I could hear Draco yelling to get off me. His father held him back from coming over to me. Bellatrix took the sharp tip of her wand and started to carve into my arm just how she did to Hermione. A horrific, blood curdling scream left my throat at the pain and burning. Draco was screaming in the background. Once she was done I laid there crying until she got off of me. She had carved 'blood traitor' into my arm. 

I got on my knees and crawled over to Hermione pulling her into me. Then out of nowhere Ron and Harry came running in firing spells. Hermione and I stood up while Draco ran over to me and pulled me towards him. He fired spells back, pushing me behind him. Harry took Bellatrix's wand and then Forcefully took Draco's. Ron was at my side pulling me away from Draco. "No. No. Draco!" I yelled. He went to grab a hold of me but Ron pointed his wand at him. I struggled against him as Bellatrix yelled at Dobby. Before Dobby snapped his fingers I had thrown my wand towards Draco, who caught it. Then in a blink of an eye we were on a beach by the black lake. 

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