Chapter Sixty-Six

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A/N: Smut at the end. Unprotected sex. Wrap it before you tap it!

I looked around, landing on Harry who was holding Dobby. He had been pierced with the knife Bellatrix threw as we teleported out of the manor. He said his final words to Harry and then we buried him. I was mad that Ron had grabbed me and pulled me away from Draco. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be with Draco. We ended up going to see Ollivander. Harry handed him a wand and he described it as Bellatrix's wand. Then he pulled another wand, handing it to him. "What about this one?" He asked. My eyes widened and I felt the anger boil over. "That one?! You want to know about that, Potter? I'll tell you about that!" I yelled. 

"Hawthorn, unicorn hair core, exactly ten inches long, reasonably pliant!" I said. Anger took over me. "Want to know how I know that?" I asked. Harry just looked at me in surprise. "I know that because it's Draco's wand! I have the exact same wand only half inch longer!" I yelled at the end. Ollivander nodded his head. "She's right. Just like your wand, Harry. Yours is the twin of you-know-who. The feather came from the same Phoenix. That is the case here with Miss. Thronheart's and Mr. Malfoy's wands. They're the same. The hair came from the same unicorn. That unicorn didn't give up any more than that. It came from the same tree as well. 

"It's quite rare you see, to have two wands that are twins. That does not happen often. These wands with the unicorn hair, are the hardest to turn to Dark magic, and while a powerful wizard may be able to do it, it is far more likely that a witch or wizard with a unicorn hair wand would struggle to perform Dark spells or Forbidden curses. They're powerful wands but only as powerful as the witch or wizard who possess it. But in the case of Mr. Malfoy and Miss. Thronheart, they're much stronger together. Almost indefinable, even if dark magic can't be performed," he said. Instead of handing Harry the wand he handed it to me. 

After that we went back outside. They were making plans on getting the Hufflepuff Cup. It was the next Horcrux. The only problem was it was in Bellatrix La Strange's vault at Gringotts. "I'm going back to Draco," I said, walking away. "What? Why the bloody hell would you do that?" Ron asked. I turned around and pointed a finger at him. "Because, Weasley! I did not want to come here with you! I love you all I do but I want to be with Draco! You had no right to pull me away from him!" I yelled, tears falling down my cheeks. "You can't be serious! It's Malfoy! He's evil, y/n!" Ron yelled back. "No. He really isn't. Sure he can be a complete arse. But I know a side you don't," I said. 

"So, What? You're just going to go back there and help him?" Harry asked. "Help him with What? Huh? He didn't do anything! He knew it was you but said nothing! He could have revealed your identity but he didn't," I whispered. "You seriously can't be happy with him," Harry said, in disbelief. "Leave her be! Is it really not clear to you two? They're in love! She's happy! And as her friends we should be happy for her. It's very obvious that he's different with her. Just let her go," Hermione said. I looked at her and nodded. "Go! Go be with Draco!" She said. I rushed over to her and hugged her. "Please be careful," I whispered. She hugged me back before pushing me away. "Go," she whispered. I walked away from them and then a apparited to Draco's room in the manor. 

The fireplace was going but no one was in the room. The bed is neatly made. I finally let the breath I had been holding for months now, go. I wanted to be there with my friends, helping them. But it was hard being away from Draco. Harder than I thought it would be. I walked into the bathroom and stripped out of my dirty clothes. I didn't even want to look in the mirror. I turned the shower on and stepped in when the bathroom started to fill with steam. The hot water felt amazing on my tensed muscles. Relaxing at the feeling. I watched the dirt run down the drain. I looked at the red and raised letters on my forearm. It would be a forever scare. Something that will always remind me of what happened. 

After scrubbing myself clean I got out and wrapped a fluffy, dark green towel around myself. I went to the sink and brushed my teeth and brushed my wet hair out. I finally looked up into the mirror, using my hand to wipe the steam off of it. I had dark circles under my eyes. I was absolutely exhausted. I heard the bedroom door open and shut. My heart pounded against my rib cage. I made my way out into the room, holding the towel to my body so it wouldn't fall. Draco sat on the edge of his bed, head in his hands. I heard a sniffle and quickly went over to him. Reaching out my hand and lacing my fingers into his best, soft, platinum locks. He froze under my touch, slowly looking up. Within seconds his arms were wrapped around my waist, face pressed into my stomach as he sobbed. "I'm here. I'm here. I'm not leaving again," I whispered. 

He lifted his head, pulling me towards him. I straddled his lap and looked at him. His hand tangled into my wet hair and pulled me down to his lips. The kiss was desperate and rough. His other hand moved to pull the towel away from my body leaving me naked. Goosebumps erupted all over my body and a shiver raked through me. Draco flipped us over and started kissing down my jaw to my neck. "Hands and knees now!" He growled. His hands roughly flipping me onto my stomach. A harsh slap landed on my arse. I did as told, getting on my hands and knees. I heard the familiar sound of his belt and zipper. 

Warmth spread through me and I could feel the wetness gathering in my core. I jolted forward as two of his fingers ran through my folds, a desperate moan leaving me. "Draco." Without a word he pushed himself into me. His hand sliding up my back, to the back of my neck, pushing my top half to the bed. His pace set fast, hard, and desperate. "You think it's okay to just leave in the middle of the night like that?" He growled. One hand gripped my hip tightly while the other delivered a hard slap onto my arse. A loud, deep moan bubbled up out of my throat. My walls clutching around him, desperate for my release. "Answer me!" He yelled. "N-- no!" I cried. "Leaving me for months. Having me worried if you were dead or alive!" His thrust got harder. 

He pulled me up. My back against his chest, his hand wrapped around my throat. "Running off to Potter! Did he fuck you? Huh? Did you let him fuck you like the little whore you are?" He growled in my ear. "No! Dra-" I was cut off by him tightening his grip on my throat. "What was that? What did you call me?" He hissed. He loosened his grip for me to answer. "Daddy. I said daddy!" I cried. The coil inside of me  wound tight, my walls squeezing his cock. "Fuck! Who do you belong to? Huh? Tell me!" He said. "You. I belong to you!" I cried. His other hand coming around and rubbing fast, harsh circles on my clit making me scream out as I came undone around him. A few more thrust later he released inside of me. 

Both of us fall onto the bed, breath uneven. Draco got up fixing his pants, grabbing the towel and gently cleaning me up. He walked to his wardrobe and pulled out a shirt. I slipped over onto my back and he helped me sit up. Unbuttoning the shirt and helping me into to before buttoning up. His hand cupped my cheek, thumb rubbing back and forth.  Did I hurt you?" He whispered. I shook my head no. He positioned us so we were laying down, my head on his chest, and his arms wrapped around me. He through the blanket over us and kissed the top of my head. "I love you. Please don't ever leave me again, he whispered. "I love you, too."

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