Chapter Twenty

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It was time to go home for summer. I was closing up my trunk when someone knocked on my door and walked in. "Hey," I turned around to see Melina. "Hey," I said and locked my trunk pulling it off my bed. "You ready?" I asked.

"Yes, I can't wait for summer. Maybe you can come over or I can come to yours," she said as we walked out into the hall. "Yes of course!" I told her and locked my door. We walked out into the common room and then out into the corridor. Once we got outside we let out things be packed and we got into one of the carriages. We were in the last one when someone jumped up and sat across from us. "Hello," a girl said, smiling. I recognized her as Stella Diggory. "Hi," Melina said blushing. She had told me all about the meet-up at Hogsmeade.

"Hi, I'm y/n, y/n Thronheart," I greeted her. "Hello, it's nice to meet you," she said smiling.

"Hold up!" I called and jumped up into the carriage sitting across from me. "Malfoy, what are you doing? Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?" Melina hissed.

"She's not my girlfriend!" He growled. "Tell her that," she said glaring at him. He just sighed and looked next to him. "Who are you?" He asked, crunching up his face.

"Stella, Stella Diggory," Stella said softly, looking down as she played with her fingers.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with your little Hufflepuff friends or your pathetic brother," he snarled at her. She shifted in her seat and I kicked Draco's leg. He hissed and looked over at me "leave her alone, she's with Melina," I said.

"Just move Malfoy," Melina said and stood up. I scooted over and Draco sat where I had just been and Melina sat beside Stella. Once we were seated the carriages started moving towards the front gates.

Melina and Stella talked and giggled together.  "Are they together?" Draco whispered, leaning towards me. "Um... I'm not sure. Does it matter? Why aren't you with Pansy?" I asked.

"She's driving me crazy. Always clinging to me," he said.

"That's nothing new. She's always clung to you,"

"Yeah, well, I don't want to be with her. I only said it so I could get to you," he said. "By the way, here," he handed me the Occlumency book. "You didn't take it with you so I figured I'd give it to you for the summer," he told me.

"Thanks," I smiled and took the book.

"So, you're going to help me get on the train with Pansy seeing me right?" He asked with a begging look in his eyes. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Fine. You owe me!" I warned him and he nodded.

The carriages came to a stop outside the gates and we jumped out. Melina and Stella walked in front of me and Draco. "Hey, Melina!" I whispered. She turned around and looked at me "yeah?"

"Keep an eye out for Parkinson. Gotta sneak Malfoy on the train. He's too much of a wuss to tell her he doesn't like her," I said and he pushed me. "Am not!" He grumbled. Melina and Stella laughed but nodded their heads.

"Come on, Draco. I'll keep you safe from pug-face," I said and grabbed his wrist as we started walking towards the train. Melina put her hand up and we stopped. I walked closer and looked around her to see Pansy waiting by one of the doors at the front of the train. She was looking around. We were the only ones that needed to get on the train yet.

I saw her stomp her foot and get on the train closing the door. "Run!" I said and grabbed Draco's hand and we ran as fast as we could to the still-open door at the back of the train. We got on the train and found the first compartment sitting down and closing the door. I slid the blinds closed and sat next to Draco. We all laughed as the train pulled out of the station to head back to Kings Cross in London.

"You owe me big time Malfoy. Hiding you from your girlfriend," I said.

"She's not my girlfriend!" He hissed.

"Keep telling yourself that," Melina told him and he glared at her. Stella just sat there playing with her fingers. "You okay Stella?" I asked.

"Oh, yes. I'm fine. Pansy just scares me. She's always mean to me," she said, not making eye contact. "Well, no need to worry about that. Me and Melina won't let her near you. You're one of us now," I said smiling at her. Melina smiled at me and grabbed Stella's hand making her look over at her.

"Y/N Right, we won't let her near you again," Melina told her and Stella smiled as a blush appeared on her face. I looked over to Draco and his face was scrunched up. "What's your problem? Feelings disgust you or something?" I asked.

He looked over at me and rolled his eyes. "Slytherin and Hufflepuff do not belong together," he said, making Stella's face drop. I could see her eyes get glossy and I punched Draco in the arm. "Ow!" He half yelled. "What was that For?!"

"For being a git! They make each other happy, that's all that matters! Say sorry!" I hissed.


I punched him again "say sorry!" I growled. "Alright! Bloody hell! Sorry!" He said glaring at me.

Melina laughed and his head snapped over to look at her. "What's so funny?" He snarled. "She has you whipped," she said. "Does not!" He said and she laughed harder which only made him huff and cross his arms over his chest. "Guess his father will hear about this," Melina said and I snorted and slapped my hand over my mouth.

Draco glared and made a mocking laughing face. "Piss off!" He said looking out the window. "Oh, come on, Draco, we're only playing. No need to get your knickers in a bunch," I told him and he just rolled his eyes but I could see a hint of a smile on his lips.

We talked and joked the rest of the way until we reached Kings Cross. Once there we got off and got out things. I said goodbye to Stella and Melina promising to owl them both. Now it was just Draco and me. "Are you going to write to me or just pop up in my room?" I asked.

He is always appearing in my room. Even though we weren't supposed to use magic outside of Hogwarts. But of course, his father took care of everything. Draco was a very smart wizard and learned very quickly so it didn't surprise me that he could apparate.

"Well, seeing as when I do write you my stupid owl never comes back so I'll probably just pop in," he said and I rolled my eyes. Yes well, Metis likes him which is unusual but it's cute," I told him. We walked down platform 9 3/4 towards my brother and we stopped. Draco's father and mine were standing there talking. Once we approached them we said goodbye and we all apparated to our own Manors. Summer was going to be long and boring as usual.

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