Chapter Forty-Two

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Everyone gathered outside while Professor Trelawney stood there out front of the castle. Filch was bringing her trunks and suitcase out. Umbridge believed that Trelawney was an old fraud. Draco had his arm around my shoulders, Melina and Stella stood to my left while Draco's friends stood behind us. Trelawney walked closer to Umbridge as she walked outside. "Six... 16 years I've-- I've lived and taught here," Trelawney cried. "Hogwarts is my home. Y-You... you can't do this," she said. Sure the class was boring at times but Professor Trelawney was a sweet woman, strange but sweet. I found that my eyes started to water a little just watching her beg for Umbridge not to kick her out.

"Actually, I can," Umbridge said, smiling and holding a piece of paper in her hand. Professor McGonagall rushed out and towards Trelawney. "Minerva," Trelawney cried and it broke my heart. "Oh, oh, dear," she said and hugged her tight. "Is there something you'd like to say, dear?" Umbridge asked. "Oh, there are several things I would like to say," McGonagall said to her as she comforted Trelawney. The doors then opened and Professor Dumbledore walked outside. He walked towards Umbridge.  "Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?" He said. She did and Trelawney thanked him as he walked past him.

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of Education Decree Number 23 as an act by the Minister," Umbridge started but he cut her off. "You have the right to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the Headmaster," he said. "For now," She told him. "Don't you all have studying to do?!" He yelled as he walked back inside. Everyone turned around and started walking back inside and went on about their day.

That night Draco and I sat in my room on the bed. "We're not being taught how to defend ourselves or how to pass our OWLs. Her rules are ridiculous. She's taking over the school!" I complained. "Maybe that's what needs to happen," Draco said. "You can't be serious!" I said and glared at him. We had completely different views on this situation and I blamed his father for putting nonsense into his head. But then again my father was the same way as his and was probably on board with everything.


A couple of days later Hermione approached me while in the library. "Hey, y/n," she said and sat down across from me. I looked up and smiled, "Hey, Mione," I greeted. "How have you been?" She asked. "I've been good. How about you?" I said. "Good. So, Harry, Ron and I have decided to put together a group of people. A secret gathering of sorts," she said. "Okay, what's for?" I asked. "Well, to learn how to defend ourselves. Since we're being taught how we decided we would put together like a secret club," she said. "Is this against Umbridge?" I asked her. "Yes. She is taking over the school!" She said getting angry. "I agree. So when is this secret meeting?" I asked. She smiled and told me where and when to meet her and the boys.

It had snowed and was cold out. I was walking out of the common room to meet the three friends I had almost abandoned. "Where are you going?" A voice asked, making me jump. I turned around to see Melina. "Melina! Hey!" I said. "Where are you going?" She asked. She was bundled in her coat, hat, gloves, and scarf as well.  "I'm meeting Hermione and the boys. We're going to Hogsmeade," I told her. "What about you?" I asked. "Meeting Stella and going to Hogsmeade," she said. It was silent between us for a little as we walked out of the common room. "Are you going to the meeting?" She finally whispered as she looked around. "What? You know?" I asked. "Yeah, Stella told me. And I am so on board with it. That bitch needs to be taken down," she said. I laughed and let out a sigh of relief. Stella met up with her and we went to meet the other three.

The six of us headed into Hogsmeade. "This is mad. Who would want to be taught by me? I'm a nutter, remember?" Harry said as we walked to the HogsHead. "Look on the bright side. You can't be any worse than an old toad face," Ron said and I chuckled. "Don't worry Harry, I'll be glad to help you," I said.  We walked in and meet everyone else. After a while, Hermione stood up. "Um... Hi. So... you all know why we're here. We need a teacher. A proper teacher. One who's had real experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts," she said.

"Why?" Some kid asked. "Why? Cause You-Know-Who's back, you tosspot," Ron told him. "So he says," the kid said. 'So Dumbledore says," Hermione said. "So Dumbledore says because he says. The point is, where's the proof?" The kid said. "If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed..." another kid said. I looked over at Stella who was cradled in Melina's arms. Harry looked at her and then stood up. "I'm not going to talk about Cedric. So if that's why you're here, you might as well clear out now," he said. "Come on Hermione, let's go, they're just here cause they think I'm some sort of freak," Harry whispered.

"It is true you can produce a Patronus Charm?" Luna asked. "Yes," me and Hermione both said. "I've seen it," Hermione told her. "Blimey, Harry, I didn't know you could do that," Dean said. "Uh-uh, and he killed a Basilisk with a sword in Dumbledore's office," Neville said. "It's true, it was in second year," I said. "In third year, he fought off about 100 Dementors at once," Ron said.  "And last year he really did fight off You-Know-Who in the flesh," Hermione said.  "Wait. Look... it all sounds great when you say it like that, but the truth is most of that was just luck. I didn't know what I was doing half the time. I nearly always had help," Harry told everyone.

Harry has done all those things and yes he had some help from like me and Hermione, Lupin and Dumbledore. But he did all the hard work in the end and won. The Basilisk in second year was in the Chamber of Secrets. Hermione and a few others had been petrified by the thing. Ginny had been the one to open the chambers after finding Tom Riddle's diary. Harry saved her and killed the Basilisk. Lockhart was there but he of course screwed up a spell and erased his memory, not sure what happened to him.

"He's just being modest," Hermione said. "No, Hermione, I'm not. Facing this stuff in real life is not like school. In school, if you make a mistake you can just try again tomorrow but out there when you're seconds away from being murdered or watching a friend die right before your eyes... you don't know what that's like," Harry said and everyone was silent.

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