Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Draco and I lay in bed. My head was on his chest as he had his arms wrapped around me, holding me to him. My eyes were closed as I let his heartbeat slowly lure me to sleep. "Do you want children?" My eyes snapped open and I stiffened a little. "What?" I asked. I wasn't sure if I heard him right or if maybe I was just hearing things. "Do you want children?" Draco asked. I pulled away so I could look up at him. "Um. I--I don't know. Do you? Where is this coming from?" I asked. He shrugged and stayed silent for a few seconds. "I don't know. I mean-- I wouldn't mind having a little you and me running around," he said. 

I laid my head back down and thought about it for a minute. I could hear his heartbeat quicken juat a slight bit, probably from nerves. "I mean, I wouldn't mind that either. But why are you asking? We're sixteen," I said. "I know. But, I also know that I'm going to marry you one day," he said. I sat up and looked at him. He wouldn't look at me, he just kept his eyes shut. "Draco," I said. He just hummed as a response. "Draco, look at me," I told him. He sighed and scooted up so his back was against the headboard. "Yes?" He asked. "What has gotten into you? All this talk about marriage and children. You almost talk about it as if -- I don't know -- like it might bot happen or something," I said.

 "I'm just curious. That's it. You know I would die before I let anything happen to you. Once this is all over-- I plan to run away with you start a new life of our own. Get married, have a few kids, grow old together," Draco said. He had a slight smile on his face. "Wait," I said. He looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. "How many kids do you want exactly?" I asked. That sinister smirk of his pulled at his lips. He grabbed a hold of me and pulled me down as he leaned over me. "However many as I put inside of you," he whispered in my ear. I shivered at the dominance. "Is that so?" I asked, looking up into his pretty gray-blue eyes. "It is. You do whatever daddy tells you," he said. I laughed and pushed him off of me. "Make me," I said. I climbed on top of him, straddling him. His hands flew to my hips flipping us back over making me squeal. 

The next morning I woke up feeling cold. I rolled over to see Draco wasn't there. I got up and got ready for classes. I went to breakfast and sat beside Melina. "Hey, have you seen Draco?" I asked. "No, why? Is everything alright?" She asked. "Yeah, everything is fine," I said. I buttered toast and took a bite. "Y/n?" Melina whispered and nudged me. "Hmm?" I asked. I looked at her and she nodded towards the end of the table. "Why is Astoria Greengrass scowling at you?" She asked. I looked where she was looking to see Astoria glaring at me. I let out a sight. "Because she wants Draco," I said. "Who wants me?" I looked up to see Draco standing behind us. 

He leaned down and gave me a gentle kiss before sitting down beside me. "Astoria," Melina said. I kept my eyes on his face. He seemed to be growing paler and paler. Dark circles under his eyes. "Blood traitor. That whole family are nothing but blood traitors," he said. His arm draped over my should. "Did you sleep at all last night? You look horrible," I said. "Thanks. I love you, too, darling," he scoffed. 

After the first few periods I walked to the Great Hall for lunch with Melina and Stella. "Hey, I'll be right there," I told them. I walked over to the table Hermione, Ron, and Harry were sitting at. "Hey, Ron, how are you feeling?" I asked. "Better," he said. I looked up to see snow falling down. I looked at Hermione with a raised eyebrow. "Stop it, Ron. You're making it snow," she said. "Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again," Ron said. Hermione looked at me and Harry before speaking. "Um, well... She came to visit you in the hospital. And you talked," she said. She paused for a second. "I dont believe it was a particularly long conversation," she told him. I looked at her with a slight smirk and a raised eyebrow. 

"Don't get me wrong, I'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her. It's just she seems a bit put out," Ron said. We all looked back to where Lavender was sitting. She was sitting there, spoon in hand. Her grip on the spoons tight as she glared over at the table. "Yes, she does, doesn't She," Hermione said. "You say you don't remember anything from that night? Anything at all?" She asked. "There is something,"Ron said. Hermione had a small amount of faith on her face. "But it can't be. I was completely boggled, wasn't I?" He asked. "Right. Boggled," Hermione said, defeated. "I'm going to go eat. I'll talk to you later, Hermione," I said and walked off. 

I sat down with Melina and Stella. I was ratting the soul and chatting when I saw Katie Bell walk in then Harry walk after her. "Here comes Draco," Stella said. I looked up to see Draco walking towards me but she stopped when he saw Harry talking to Katie. He Instantly turned around and made his way to the Great Hall. "What was that about?" Melina asked. "I don't know," I said. I knew, of course I knew. Harry walked quickly after him. "I'll see you guys later," I said. I got up and made my way out of the Hall and after the both of them. I was barely able to keep up. Draco had long legs and was quick. Harry was practically jogging after him. 

I had lost them when I got to the sixth floor. I walked down the corridor quietly trying to as if I could hear anything. Then I heard commotion coming from the boys bathroom. I ran down the corridors and into the bathroom just in time to hear Harry cast a spell. "Sectumsempra!" I saw Draco fly backwards and hit the ground. The bathroom floor was flooded with water. "No! No! What have you done!" I yelled. I pushed Harry out of the way and ran to Draco. Draco was laying there on the flooded floor. Gasping in pain, crying and bleeding everywhere. Blood mixed with water. 

"Draco!" I cried. I fell to my knees and hoovered my hands ocer his body. "Draco," I put my hands on his face. "Hey, hey, I'm here," I said. Tears ran down my face. Draco gasped for air as blood oozed from holes all over his body. I turned to look at Harry. "What did you do! What did you do!" I screamed. He just stood there staring in shock. "Draco. Draco, stay with me, please. Look at me," I cried. I was sobbing as I cradled his head in my lap. Snape was quickly there beside us. He looked at Harry and Harry turned around and quickly walked off. "Help him. Please, Professor," I cried. He knelt down and started to say a counter curse. "Vulnera Sanentur. Vulnera Sanentur," the blood started to draw back towards Draco's body. His once blood stained shirt becomes white again. 

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