Chapter Thirty-Six

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Draco had landed his broom down in a grassy field. "Come on," he said, grabbing my hand and leading me through a small wooded area. We came out the other side to a lake where there was a picnic set up on the wooden dock. "Wow," I whispered. He had a blanket laid out and a couple of cushions sitting around a small old wooden crate that had a cloth over it. We walked over and sat down. "Accio basket," Draco said using his wand and a picnic basket floated out of the small rowboat beside the dock.

We ate and talked about anything and everything as the sun started to set. "So, do you like your bracelet?" Draco asked as he used his wand to light the candles he had sat around the dock. "It's beautiful. Is this your way of asking me something?" I asked him, smiling. His cheeks turned a slight pink as he looked down with a small smile on his face. "Is that a yes?" He asked. My smile grew bigger and I crawled over to him, settling myself in his lap. "Yes," I whispered against his lips before kissing him.

He moved me so I was straddling his lap and kissed down my jaw to my neck and up to my ear. "Good, because either way you're mine," he whispered, making a shiver run down my back. He brought his lips back to mine and moved us so he was over top of me. We made out for a good while before he pulled away and stood up. He held a hand out and pulled me up and into his chest. "How about we go out on the water?" He said and guided me to the boat. He got into the boat then helped me in before pushing off the dock. He changed a simple spell and the boat rowed by itself.

Draco had laid a blanket in the bottom of the boat and a few pillows so we could lay down and look up at the stars. I laid my head on his shoulder as he put his arm around mine. "This was a perfect birthday. Thank you, Draco," I said looking up at him. "Anything for you," he whispered, kissing me softly. "Is Draco Malfoy going soft?" I asked, smirking. "Tell anyone and we'll have problems," he playfully glared at me. I just hummed at him and looked up to the black sky littered with shining bright stars.

An hour later we docked the boat and Draco helped me out.  The time we had gotten back the picnic was all cleaned up. "House-elves," Draco said, taking my hand. "Lumos," he said and light illuminated from the tip of his wand to light the path through the trees up. We got back to his broom and he mounted it and helped me on. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his back as he kicked off and flew over the field that was surrounded by a forest.

Once we got back to Thornheart Manor he gently glided his broom down to my balcony and we got off. He leaned his broom against the wall. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "We're going back to Hogwarts in a few days," he said looking down at me. "Yeah, and to be honest I can't wait to go back. Get Out of this house and Lucas won't be there so we won't have to worry about him," I said smiling at him. He smirked and leaned down, capturing his lips with mine.

I opened the door and walked into the sitting room. Draco stood outside "I'll see you soon," he said. "Well, you can stay... you know if you want to," I told him. "Maybe even until we go back to school," I looked up at him and he had a small smile. "Will your parents mind?" He asked. "I'm sure they will be fine with it. They like you and they're friends with you. Go home and get your stuff and come back," I told him and he nodded, leaning forward and kissing me quickly before mounting his broom and taking off.

I shut my door and walked into my bedroom and out the door to go downstairs. I made my way to the sitting area to see my mother reading a book. "Mother?" I said and she looked up at me.  Y/N, dear, how was the picnic?" She asked. "It was lovely," I told her. "Umm. I was wondering, is it alright if Draco stays with us until we go back to school?" I asked. "Of course, dear!" She said getting up from the armchair she was sitting in. "But, Let's go to your father's study and ask him too," she said and headed towards my father's study.

She knocked and we heard a faint come in. My mother opened the door and we saw him sitting at his desk. "Liam, Darling, Y/N has a question she would like to ask," my mother said, walking over beside him behind his desk. He looked up at me "What is it?" He asked. I cleared my throat and cast my eyes down to look at the floor. "I was just wondering if it was all right with you and mother if Draco stays with us until we go back to Hogwarts," I said nervously and looked up at him. He hummed and looked up at my mother with a small smile before looking back at me. "Of course Draco can stay," he said and I smiled. "Thank you, father, mother," I said and hurried out of the study and upstairs to my room.

I walked into my room and shut the door "did your parents say it was all right?" I heard a voice and jumped spinning around. "Merlin, Draco!" I said, holding my hand over my heart. "You scared me. But, yes. They are fine with it," I said. "Good. So, where am I sleeping? In a guest bedroom or on here with you?" He asked and started walking towards me. "I'd prefer..." He started as he pulled me closer to him by my waist. "In here with you," he whispered in my ear and a shiver ran down my spine. "You can stay in here," I said, feeling my face heat up. "Good. Because I've got to admit the time you fell asleep in my room... I'd liked it, having you so close," he said and tilted my head up to look at him before he kissed me.

"Me too," I said as we pulled away. I looked at the clock and it read 11:30 pm. "I'm going to change and then we can get into bed. I'm tired," I told him peaking his lips before walking over to my wardrobe and getting a pair of sleep shorts out. "Hey!" He said and I turned around. He throws a short at me and I held it up to see it was his Quidditch jersey. "Keep it, I have another one," he said smiling at me. I made my way to the bathroom and changed. When I came back out he was laying in my bed with just a pair of joggers on. I took a sharp breath in before climbing into bed beside him. His jersey came to about mid-thigh.

I laid down and cuddled up close to him. He put his arm around me and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight," he whispered. I looked up and kissed him on the lips "goodnight," I said and laid my head on his chest drifting off to sleep.

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