Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: I would have had this put sooner but I ended up in the hospital because I was having pain over my old kidney transplant and it turned out to be a pocket of fluid so yeah I've been dealing with thst. But here it is.

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As soon as the platform came into view I stood up and went to walk past Draco, of course, my bad luck had to continue and the train unexpectedly lurched as it was coming to a stop and I once again fell into his lap. "Bloody hell!" I groaned. Draco's grip on my waist tight. 

As soon as the train was at a complete stop I stood up as fast as possible and grabbed Metis' cage. I quickly pushed my way through the flood of students and off the train onto the platform. "y/n!" I heard a deep voice calling for me. I turned around to see Lucas rushing over to me. "What happened? I went to your room to get you and you were already gone? Where did you go?" He asked. He sounded angry but worried at the same time. "I went to the platform and waited," I told him.

"Why didn't you just wait for me and Aurora?" He asked sternly.

"Why? I'm not a child anymore Lucas, I can do things by myself. And it's not like you guys care! You didn't even notice me leave!" I yelled and turned away from him.

I got to the carriages and set Metis down before climbing up and taking a set. I had my focus on my shoes as the carriage shook back and forth a little and someone sat beside me. Assuming it was Lucas, he snapped "go away, Lucas!"

"Not Lucas," the voice said and I turned my head to the right to see Harry. "Oh, sorry Harry," I said and gave him a small smile.

"Is everything all right?" He asked.

"Oh, umm. Yeah, just the big brother being too overprotective" I said letting out a forced laugh. I looked up to see Ron and Hermione get up and take a seat across from us. We greeted each other and the carriage moved forward. We talked about our holiday on the short ride to the castle. Once there we got out and headed inside to the Great Hall. Our things would be taken to our dorms for us while at dinner.

I separated from the trio and went to the Slytherin table. I sat down in an empty spot where no one was yet. I knew eventually the whole table would be full, so I wouldn't get the luxury of being by myself.

As the Great Hall filled up with students the calm and quiet atmosphere turned loud and slightly chaotic. I looked across from me to see Theo Nott and Blaise Zabini sit down. They were looking at me with smirks on their faces. "May I help you?" I asked, annoyed. 

"You're y/n, right?" Theo asked.

"Yes," I simply said with a sigh.

"You're the girl Malfoy wouldn't shut up about. I see why," Nott said, looking me up and down.

"Piss off, Nott!" A voice came from behind me. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was. Draco sat down beside me and his fat lumps sat on the other side of him. I saw Lucas and Aurora walk by. Lucas glaring at the blond sitting beside me.

"No, please go on. Why do you see why he wouldn't stop talking about me? I'm invested now. Is it because he thinks I'm a blood traitor? Or perhaps because he hates me that much? Or because he thinks I'm the ugliest girl at Hogwarts? Oh no, I wonder how my whole family Despises me?" I spoke as I tilted my head and looked at them with a blank look on my face.

"What? No. He's always talking about how amazing you are. And how beautiful you are. He's not wrong, you are beautiful," Theo said.

"Right. Mock me more. I'm guessing this was your plan Malfoy. I think the girl you want is Pansy. She's over there," I pointed to the black-haired girl as she walked into the great hall. She of course spotted Draco right away and then saw me and glared.

I started to stand up so I could move and she sat where I was. I didn't have time for their stupid mind games. Pansy had a smut smirk on her face as she walked over and stood behind me waiting for me to get up. "Look who finally got a brain for Christmas," she snickered.

Before I could swing my leg out around the bench a hand was on my wrist pulling me down again. "Leave Parkinson," Draco hissed at her as he gave her a nasty look. His mouth was moving but no sound came out. "Let go of me," I told him. Of course, he didn't, why would he? Pansy just huffed and walked away. Draco finally let go of me but moved me closer by my waist. "Don't be so stupid, Thronheart," he whispered in my ear as Dumbledore started his Welcome back speech.

After dinner was over he quickly stood up and walked out of the great hall. It was awkward the whole time during dinner. Theo wouldn't stop making comments, Lucas wouldn't stop glaring at Malfoy, Parkinson wouldn't stop glaring at me, Malfoy kept his arm around my waist even when I tried pushing him away he just put his arm right back where it was.

"y/n!" I heard a voice call my name. I turned around to see Hermione and the boys rushing to catch up to me. So I stopped and waited for them. "Hey guys," I said, giving them a small smile. We started walking again with Hermione and Ron on one side of me and Harry on the other side. "What was with the awkwardness at the Slytherin table?" Ron blurted out.

"Oh, I don't know. I got in a fight with Lucas, Malfoy Is being Malfoy and Pansy is being her usual obsessed over Malfoy self," I told them. I felt a hand brush up against my left hand as we walked. I knew it was Harry but I acted like it didn't happen. "Why were you even sitting with Malfoy?" Ron asked.

"Ronald," Hermione warned. "She can sit with who she wants.

"It's okay Hermione. It wasn't my choice. He just sat beside me and his little friends did too. And I tried getting up just so he pulled me back down, not letting me move. He's been acting weird," I said.

"Well, how was your Christmas?" Harry asked me.

"Oh, it was like always. Got books. I saw an old friend. Well, my parents invited an old friend of theirs and their son over,"

"Does he go to Hogwarts?" Harry asked. 

"No. He goes to Durmstrang like his father did his mother was a Slytherin though," I told him. "And of course the Malfoy's were there too. Jaxzon and Draco just kept having a go at each other. And Jaxzon showed up in my room that night asking if Draco was my boyfriend. Draco showed up Christmas night and got mad when he saw that Jaxzon gave me a necklace," I started ranting.

"A necklace?" Hermione said as we stopped in the corridor.  "Yes, a necklace he said was a family heirloom. And Draco got me a bracelet that his mother made him give to me," I told them. 

"Malfoy did what?" Ron practically yelled.

"Shut up Ronald," Hermione hissed at him. "We're going to talk about this more when we can be alone. But for now, we better get to our common rooms," she said and hugged me before walking up the stairs with Ron behind her. Harry looked at me with a blush and a small smile. "I'll see you tomorrow," he said before hurrying to catch up to the other two.

I walked down to the dungeons and said the password to the stone wall in front of me. I walked into the common room only seeing free people sitting around so I just headed straight to my dorm.

Unfortunately for me, it wasn't empty. Draco Malfoy had done it again and was sitting on my bed with his back against the headboard reading a book. 'How did he get here before me?' 'Did I not see him walk by in the hall?'

"About time you show up," he said looking at me over the book he had in his hands.

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