Chapter Fifty-Three

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A/N: slightly angsty

It was the holidays now. Everyone else went home leaving only a few of us to stay behind. I figured since my family followed Voldemort, I would stay here I stead of going home. Then there was Draco, he was staying to work more on the vanishing cabinet. He was also still trying to find a way to kill Dumbledore without having to physically do it. I didn't want to know what he had in plan is time but at the same time I did want to know. He had left for a little, going into Hogsmeade. When he came back he had a bottle of Meade in his hand.

"What's that for?" I asked him. He jumped a little and spun around. "What?" He asked. "The bottle of Meade. What's it for?" I asked. "Don't worry about it," he said, walking off to his dorm room. He was starting to distance himself from me again. I knew he would apparate back the Malfoy Manor with Snape for meetings. When everyone first left things with Draco were good. He'd let me come with him to the Room Of Requirement while he worked on the cabinet making sure it worked right. But that slowly dissipated.

Right now I sat in the common room, curled up on one of the leather sofas. The fire was warm and toasty as I read a book. Not many Slytherins stayed behind. There was one other person, a boy, who was there. He sat on the other sofa watching the fire. I don't recall ever seeing him before. "You're y/n Thronheart, right?" He asked. I looked up from my book to look at him. "Yes," I answered simply, going back to my book. "Malfoy's ex-girlfriend," he said. That made me pause. I slammed my book closed and looked up at him. "Excuse me?" I asked. "You used to date Malfoy, right?" He asked. "No. I am dating him," I told him, glaring at him.

"Oh," was all he said, looking down. "What do you mean "oh" why would you say that?" I asked. "Nothing. I was just mistaken," he said. "No. Tell me.  Why would you say that?" I asked, harshly. I could feel the anxiety and panic rising inside of me. My pause quickened, my heart felt like someone had reached inside my cheat and grasped it in a death grip. I could feel myself start to shake slightly. "Tell me!" I yelled. He looked up at me and sighed. "I just assumed. I've noticed he has been distant from you and --" he cut himself off. "And what?" I asked. "And I saw him with Astoria Greengrass," the boy told me.

"Who the blood hell is that?" I asked. He scrunched his face up. "She's a 4th year Slytherin," he said. I just looked at him and shook my head. "Daphne's sister," he told me. I stood up and made my way to the door. "Where are you going?" He asked to come after me. "I need -- I need air," I said. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I rushed out of the common room and made my way to the Astronomy Tower. I grabbed a hold of the railing feeling like I was about to pass out. 'Is that what he's been doing? Is that why he has been distant and doesn't let me come with him anymore? Was he -- no that isn't -- he wouldn't, would he?' I had so many questions forming in my head. I felt the panic and anxiety turn into pure anger. New questions started popping up in my head.

'Who was that kid? How did he know so much? Was he even a Slytherin? Did he go to Hogwarts? He had to, right? Why haven't I seen him before? Why would he tell me that? Was he only saying that to get me in hopes I would end it with Draco?' I was so confused. "What're you doing up here?" I jumped and turned around. I put my hand over my heart. Draco was standing there looking at me. "Draco. You scared me," I said. "Why are you up here in the cold?" He asked. "I need air," I said. "Why? What's wrong?" He asked, rushing over to me.

"No," I said. I didn't realize I was stepping backward until Draco stopped a meter away from me. It's not like it was planned or anything. I didn't mean to back away. I was just still  processing the information I was given and if it was true. "Have you been hanging around Astoria?" I asked. "What?" He asked. "What? That's all you have to say? Is that why you've been distant? Have you been --" I asked. I was cut off though by Draco pushing me up against the wall by the railing. "Have I been what?" He asked slowly. His voice coated in annoyance. He grabbed my chin in his pale, cold, slender hand. He forced me to look at him. "Have I what?" He enunciated each word.

"Have you been -- have you been cheating?" I whispered, casting my eyes down. The grip he had on my chin loosened but he didn't let go. "Look at," he said, softly but sternly. I slowly looked up into his gray eyes. "I love you. I don't want anyone but you. Do you understand me?" He asked. Again his words were soft but he was also stern. The dominant side of him was coming out. I could see that hint of dominance in his eyes, like he wanted to show me just how much he meant those words. "What was his name?" He asked. His eyes turned dark and his features turned cold. "Who?" I asked. "The kid's name who told you this," he said. "I don't know. I've never seen him," I told him. "What's he look like?" He asked, getting annoyed.

"He had dark hair and eyes. He looked maybe our age. I don't know, Draco, I wasn't really paying attention to what he looked like," I said, annoyed. He wrapped his cold fingers around my wrist and pulled me to the stairs. "What're you doing?" I asked, trying to pull my arm away from him. He didn't answer and just led me to the common room. Once inside there were a few others sitting around now. "Who was it?" He asked, pointing to the people in the room. I looked around but he wasn't there. "He's not here," I said. He didn't let go of my wrist and just started pulling me towards the boys dorm. He only let go when someone stepped in front of him.

A dark haired girl with brown eyes stood looking up at him. "Hi, Draco," she chirped, smiling at him. Draco just raised his eyebrow at her. She glanced over at me, looking me up and down. "Can we go for a walk and talk alone?" She asked. I didn't like feeling self-conscious. I didn't like the feeling of jealousy and betrayal that was creeping from deep inside. She was pretty and that made me feel a way I've never felt. I had always been confident about my relationship with Draco. But now the way she was looking at him and how he was just staring at her, made me second guess everything.

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